Class AbstractRenderer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Constants, Renderer
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractRenderer extends Object implements Renderer, Constants
Abstract base class for all renderers. The Abstract renderer does all the top level processing of the area tree and adds some abstract methods to handle viewports. This keeps track of the current block and inline position.
  • Field Details

    • log

      protected static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
      logging instance
    • userAgent

      protected FOUserAgent userAgent
      user agent
    • currentBPPosition

      protected int currentBPPosition
      block progression position
    • currentIPPosition

      protected int currentIPPosition
      inline progression position
    • containingBPPosition

      protected int containingBPPosition
      the block progression position of the containing block used for absolutely positioned blocks
    • containingIPPosition

      protected int containingIPPosition
      the inline progression position of the containing block used for absolutely positioned blocks
    • columnStartIPPosition

      protected int columnStartIPPosition
      The "start edge" IP Position of the current column (for change bars)
    • columnEndIPPosition

      protected int columnEndIPPosition
      The "end edge" IP Position of the current column (for change bars)
    • columnLeftIPPosition

      protected int columnLeftIPPosition
      The "left" position of the current column (for change bars)
    • columnRightIPPosition

      protected int columnRightIPPosition
      The "right" position of the current column (for change bars)
    • columnCount

      protected int columnCount
      The number of columns in the span (for change bars)
    • columnIndex

      protected int columnIndex
      The index number of the current column (for change bars)
    • columnWidth

      protected int columnWidth
      The column width (for change bars)
    • columnGap

      protected int columnGap
      The size of column gap (for change bars)
    • blockProgressionDirection

      protected Direction blockProgressionDirection
      The block progression direction (for change bars)
    • inlineProgressionDirection

      protected Direction inlineProgressionDirection
      The inline progression direction (for change bars)
    • bindingOnStartEdge

      protected boolean bindingOnStartEdge
      Is binding on start edge of column?
    • bindingOnEndEdge

      protected boolean bindingOnEndEdge
      Is binding on end edge of column?
    • currentPageViewport

      protected PageViewport currentPageViewport
      the currently active PageViewport
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractRenderer

      public AbstractRenderer(FOUserAgent userAgent)
      userAgent - the user agent that contains configuration details. This cannot be null.
  • Method Details

    • setupFontInfo

      public abstract void setupFontInfo(FontInfo fontInfo) throws FOPException
      Set up the given FontInfo.
      Specified by:
      setupFontInfo in interface Renderer
      fontInfo - The font information
      FOPException - if an error occurs while setting up the font info object
    • getUserAgent

      public FOUserAgent getUserAgent()
      Returns the associated user agent.
      Specified by:
      getUserAgent in interface Renderer
      the user agent
    • startRenderer

      public void startRenderer(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException
      Initiates the rendering phase. This must only be called once for a rendering. If stopRenderer is called then this may be called again for a new document rendering.
      Specified by:
      startRenderer in interface Renderer
      outputStream - The OutputStream to use for output
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs
    • stopRenderer

      public void stopRenderer() throws IOException
      Signals the end of the rendering phase. The renderer should reset to an initial state and dispose of any resources for the completed rendering.
      Specified by:
      stopRenderer in interface Renderer
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs
    • supportsOutOfOrder

      public boolean supportsOutOfOrder()
      Check if this renderer supports out of order rendering. If this renderer supports out of order rendering then it means that the pages that are not ready will be prepared and a future page will be rendered.
      Specified by:
      supportsOutOfOrder in interface Renderer
      True if the renderer supports out of order rendering
    • setDocumentLocale

      public void setDocumentLocale(Locale locale)
      Specified by:
      setDocumentLocale in interface Renderer
      locale - Locale of the language
    • processOffDocumentItem

      public void processOffDocumentItem(OffDocumentItem odi)
      Tells the renderer to process an item not explicitly placed on the document (e.g., PDF bookmarks). Note - not all renderers will process all off-document items.
      Specified by:
      processOffDocumentItem in interface Renderer
      odi - The off-document item to be rendered
    • getGraphics2DAdapter

      public Graphics2DAdapter getGraphics2DAdapter()
      Specified by:
      getGraphics2DAdapter in interface Renderer
      the adapter for painting Java2D images (or null if not supported)
    • getImageAdapter

      public ImageAdapter getImageAdapter()
      Specified by:
      getImageAdapter in interface Renderer
      the adapter for painting RenderedImages (or null if not supported)
    • getCurrentPageViewport

      protected PageViewport getCurrentPageViewport()
      the current PageViewport or null, if none is active
    • preparePage

      public void preparePage(PageViewport page)
      This is called if the renderer supports out of order rendering. The renderer should prepare the page so that a page further on in the set of pages can be rendered. The body of the page should not be rendered. The page will be rendered at a later time by the call to Renderer.renderPage(PageViewport).
      Specified by:
      preparePage in interface Renderer
      page - The page viewport to use
    • convertTitleToString

      protected String convertTitleToString(LineArea title)
      Utility method to convert a page sequence title to a string. Some renderers may only be able to use a string title. A title is a sequence of inline areas that this method attempts to convert to an equivalent string.
      title - The Title to convert
      An expanded string representing the title
    • startPageSequence

      public void startPageSequence(LineArea seqTitle)
      Tells the renderer that a new page sequence starts.
      Specified by:
      startPageSequence in interface Renderer
      seqTitle - The title of the page sequence
    • startPageSequence

      public void startPageSequence(PageSequence pageSequence)
      Tells the renderer that a new page sequence starts.
      Specified by:
      startPageSequence in interface Renderer
      pageSequence - the page sequence
    • renderPage

      public void renderPage(PageViewport page) throws IOException, FOPException
      Tells the renderer to render a particular page. A renderer typically responds by packing up the current page and writing it immediately to the output device.
      Specified by:
      renderPage in interface Renderer
      page - The page to be rendered
      IOException - if an I/O error occurs
      FOPException - if a FOP interal error occurs.
    • renderPageAreas

      protected void renderPageAreas(Page page)
      Renders page areas.
      page - The page whos page areas are to be rendered
    • renderRegionViewport

      protected void renderRegionViewport(RegionViewport port)
      Renders a region viewport.

      The region may clip the area and it establishes a position from where the region is placed.

      port - The region viewport to be rendered
    • startVParea

      protected abstract void startVParea(CTM ctm, Rectangle clippingRect)
      Establishes a new viewport area.
      ctm - the coordinate transformation matrix to use
      clippingRect - the clipping rectangle if the viewport should be clipping, null if no clipping is performed.
    • endVParea

      protected abstract void endVParea()
      Signals exit from a viewport area. Subclasses can restore transformation matrices valid before the viewport area was started.
    • handleRegionTraits

      protected void handleRegionTraits(RegionViewport rv)
      Handle the traits for a region This is used to draw the traits for the given page region. (See Sect. of XSL-FO spec.)
      rv - the RegionViewport whose region is to be drawn
    • renderRegion

      protected void renderRegion(RegionReference region)
      Renders a region reference area.
      region - The region reference area
    • renderBodyRegion

      protected void renderBodyRegion(BodyRegion region)
      Renders a body region area.
      region - The body region
    • renderBeforeFloat

      protected void renderBeforeFloat(BeforeFloat bf)
      Renders a before float area.
      bf - The before float area
    • renderFootnote

      protected void renderFootnote(Footnote footnote)
      Renders a footnote
      footnote - The footnote
    • renderMainReference

      protected void renderMainReference(MainReference mainReference)
      Renders the main reference area.

      The main reference area contains a list of spans that are stacked on the page. The spans contain a list of normal flow reference areas that are positioned into columns.

      mainReference - The main reference area
    • renderFlow

      protected void renderFlow(NormalFlow flow)
      Renders a flow reference area.
      flow - The flow reference area
    • handleBlockTraits

      protected void handleBlockTraits(Block block)
      Handle block traits. This method is called when the correct ip and bp posiiton is set. This should be overridden to draw border and background traits for the block area.
      block - the block area
    • renderBlockViewport

      protected void renderBlockViewport(BlockViewport bv, List children)
      Renders a block viewport.
      bv - The block viewport
      children - The children to render within the block viewport
    • renderReferenceArea

      protected abstract void renderReferenceArea(Block block)
      Renders a block area that represents a reference area. The reference area establishes a new coordinate system.
      block - the block area
    • renderBlocks

      protected void renderBlocks(Block parent, List blocks)
      Renders a list of block areas.
      parent - the parent block if the parent is a block, otherwise a null value.
      blocks - The block areas
    • renderBlock

      protected void renderBlock(Block block)
      Renders a block area.
      block - The block area
    • renderInlineBlock

      protected void renderInlineBlock(InlineBlock inlineBlock)
      Renders an inline block area.
      inlineBlock - The inline block area
    • startLayer

      protected abstract void startLayer(String layer)
      Establish new optional content group layer.
      layer - name of layer
    • endLayer

      protected abstract void endLayer()
      Finish current optional content group layer.
    • maybeStartLayer

      protected boolean maybeStartLayer(Area area)
    • maybeEndLayer

      protected void maybeEndLayer(Area area, boolean inNewLayer)
    • renderLineArea

      protected void renderLineArea(LineArea line)
      Renders a line area.

      A line area may have grouped styling for its children such as underline, background.

      line - The line area
    • renderInlineArea

      protected void renderInlineArea(InlineArea inlineArea)
      Render the given InlineArea.
      inlineArea - inline area text to render
    • renderInlineAreaBackAndBorders

      protected abstract void renderInlineAreaBackAndBorders(InlineArea area)
      Common method to render the background and borders for any inline area. The all borders and padding are drawn outside the specified area.
      area - the inline area for which the background, border and padding is to be rendered
    • renderInlineSpace

      protected void renderInlineSpace(Space space)
      Render the given Space.
      space - the space to render
    • renderLeader

      protected void renderLeader(Leader area)
      Render the given Leader.
      area - the leader to render
    • renderText

      protected void renderText(TextArea text)
      Render the given TextArea.
      text - the text to render
    • renderWord

      protected void renderWord(WordArea word)
      Render the given WordArea.
      word - the word to render
    • renderSpace

      protected void renderSpace(SpaceArea space)
      Render the given SpaceArea.
      space - the space to render
    • renderInlineParent

      protected void renderInlineParent(InlineParent ip)
      Render the given InlineParent.
      ip - the inline parent to render
    • renderInlineBlockParent

      protected void renderInlineBlockParent(InlineBlockParent ibp)
      Render the given InlineBlockParent.
      ibp - the inline block parent to render
    • renderInlineViewport

      protected void renderInlineViewport(InlineViewport viewport)
      Render the given Viewport.
      viewport - the viewport to render
    • renderImage

      public void renderImage(Image image, Rectangle2D pos)
      Renders an image area.
      image - The image
      pos - The target position of the image (todo) Make renderImage() protected
    • renderContainer

      protected void renderContainer(Container cont)
      Tells the renderer to render an inline container.
      cont - The inline container area
    • renderForeignObject

      protected void renderForeignObject(ForeignObject fo, Rectangle2D pos)
      Renders a foreign object area.
      fo - The foreign object area
      pos - The target position of the foreign object (todo) Make renderForeignObject() protected
    • renderXML

      public void renderXML(RendererContext ctx, Document doc, String namespace)
      Render the xml document with the given xml namespace. The Render Context is by the handle to render into the current rendering target.
      ctx - rendering context
      doc - DOM Document containing the source document
      namespace - Namespace URI of the document
    • mptToPt

      protected AffineTransform mptToPt(AffineTransform at)
      Converts a millipoint-based transformation matrix to points.
      at - a millipoint-based transformation matrix
      a point-based transformation matrix
    • ptToMpt

      protected AffineTransform ptToMpt(AffineTransform at)
      Converts a point-based transformation matrix to millipoints.
      at - a point-based transformation matrix
      a millipoint-based transformation matrix
    • drawChangeBars

      protected void drawChangeBars(Area area, List<ChangeBar> changeBarList)
      Draws all change bars associated with an area.
      area - The area to draw change bars for
      changeBarList - The list of change bars affecting the area
    • getBeginOffset

      protected int getBeginOffset()
      Returns the begin offset of the inline begin (changes by reference area transforms).
      the offset from current coordinate system 0 that the IP begin is at
    • setBeginOffset

      protected void setBeginOffset(int offset)
      Sets the begin offset for inline progression begin (changes by reference area tranforms).
      offset - the new offset from IPP 0 that true IP start is at