Class CTM

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CTM extends Object implements Serializable
Describe a PDF or PostScript style coordinate transformation matrix (CTM). The matrix encodes translations, scaling and rotations of the coordinate system used to render pages.
See Also:
  • Constructor Summary

    Create the identity matrix
    CTM(double x, double y)
    Initialize a CTM to the identity matrix with a translation specified by x and y
    CTM(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f)
    Initialize a CTM from the passed arguments.
    Initialize a CTM with the values of an AffineTransform.
    CTM(CTM ctm)
    Initialize a CTM with the values of another CTM.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static CTM
    getCTMandRelDims(int absRefOrient, WritingMode writingMode, Rectangle2D absVPrect, FODimension reldims)
    Construct a coordinate transformation matrix (CTM).
    static CTM
    getWMctm(WritingMode wm, int ipd, int bpd)
    Return a CTM which will transform coordinates for a particular writing-mode into normalized first quandrant coordinates.
    multiply(CTM premult)
    Multiply new passed CTM with this one and generate a new result CTM.
    rotate(double angle)
    Rotate this CTM by "angle" radians and return a new result CTM.
    scale(double x, double y)
    Scale this CTM by the passed x and y values and return a new result CTM.
    Returns this CTM as an AffineTransform object.
    Get an array containing the values of this transform.
    Get string for this transform.
    Transform a rectangle by the CTM to produce a rectangle in the transformed coordinate system.
    translate(double x, double y)
    Translate this CTM by the passed x and y values and return a new result CTM.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • CTM

      public CTM()
      Create the identity matrix
    • CTM

      public CTM(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f)
      Initialize a CTM from the passed arguments.
      a - the x scale
      b - the x shear
      c - the y shear
      d - the y scale
      e - the x shift
      f - the y shift
    • CTM

      public CTM(double x, double y)
      Initialize a CTM to the identity matrix with a translation specified by x and y
      x - the x shift
      y - the y shift.
    • CTM

      protected CTM(CTM ctm)
      Initialize a CTM with the values of another CTM.
      ctm - another CTM
    • CTM

      public CTM(AffineTransform at)
      Initialize a CTM with the values of an AffineTransform.
      at - the transformation matrix
  • Method Details

    • getWMctm

      public static CTM getWMctm(WritingMode wm, int ipd, int bpd)
      Return a CTM which will transform coordinates for a particular writing-mode into normalized first quandrant coordinates.
      wm - A writing mode constant from, ie. one of LR_TB, RL_TB, TB_RL, TB_LR.
      ipd - The inline-progression dimension of the reference area whose CTM is being set..
      bpd - The block-progression dimension of the reference area whose CTM is being set.
      a new CTM with the required transform
    • multiply

      public CTM multiply(CTM premult)
      Multiply new passed CTM with this one and generate a new result CTM.
      premult - The CTM to multiply with this one. The new one will be the first multiplicand.
      CTM The result of multiplying premult * this.
    • rotate

      public CTM rotate(double angle)
      Rotate this CTM by "angle" radians and return a new result CTM. This is used to account for reference-orientation.
      angle - The angle in radians. Positive angles are measured counter- clockwise.
      CTM The result of rotating this CTM.
    • translate

      public CTM translate(double x, double y)
      Translate this CTM by the passed x and y values and return a new result CTM.
      x - The amount to translate along the x axis.
      y - The amount to translate along the y axis.
      CTM The result of translating this CTM.
    • scale

      public CTM scale(double x, double y)
      Scale this CTM by the passed x and y values and return a new result CTM.
      x - The amount to scale along the x axis.
      y - The amount to scale along the y axis.
      CTM The result of scaling this CTM.
    • transform

      public Rectangle2D transform(Rectangle2D inRect)
      Transform a rectangle by the CTM to produce a rectangle in the transformed coordinate system.
      inRect - The rectangle in the original coordinate system
      Rectangle2D The rectangle in the transformed coordinate system.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Get string for this transform.
      toString in class Object
      a string with the transform values
    • toArray

      public double[] toArray()
      Get an array containing the values of this transform. This creates and returns a new transform with the values in it.
      an array containing the transform values
    • toAffineTransform

      public AffineTransform toAffineTransform()
      Returns this CTM as an AffineTransform object.
      the AffineTransform representation
    • getCTMandRelDims

      public static CTM getCTMandRelDims(int absRefOrient, WritingMode writingMode, Rectangle2D absVPrect, FODimension reldims)
      Construct a coordinate transformation matrix (CTM).
      absRefOrient - absolute reference orientation
      writingMode - the writing mode
      absVPrect - absolute viewpoint rectangle
      reldims - relative dimensions
      CTM the coordinate transformation matrix (CTM)