Class PageViewport

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Resolvable

public class PageViewport extends AreaTreeObject implements Resolvable
Page viewport that specifies the viewport area and holds the page contents. This is the top level object for a page and remains valid for the life of the document and the area tree. This object may be used as a key to reference a page. This is the level that creates the page. The page (reference area) is then rendered inside the page object
  • Field Details

    • log

      protected static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
      logging instance
  • Constructor Details

    • PageViewport

      public PageViewport(SimplePageMaster spm, int pageNumber, String pageStr, boolean blank, boolean spanAll)
      Create a page viewport.
      spm - SimplePageMaster indicating the page and region dimensions
      pageNumber - the page number
      pageStr - String representation of the page number
      blank - true if this is a blank page
      spanAll - true if the first span area spans all columns
    • PageViewport

      public PageViewport(SimplePageMaster spm, int pageNumber, String pageStr, boolean blank)
      Create a page viewport.
      spm - SimplePageMaster indicating the page and region dimensions
      pageNumber - the page number
      pageStr - String representation of the page number
      blank - true if this is a blank page
    • PageViewport

      public PageViewport(PageViewport original) throws FOPException
      Copy constructor.
      original - the original PageViewport to copy from
      FOPException - when cloning of the page is not supported
    • PageViewport

      public PageViewport(Rectangle viewArea, int pageNumber, String pageStr, String simplePageMasterName, boolean blank)
      Constructor used by the area tree parser.
      viewArea - the view area
      pageNumber - the page number
      pageStr - String representation of the page number
      simplePageMasterName - name of the original simple-page-master that generated this page
      blank - true if this is a blank page
  • Method Details

    • setPageSequence

      public void setPageSequence(PageSequence seq)
      Sets the page sequence this page belongs to
      seq - the page sequence
    • getPageSequence

      public PageSequence getPageSequence()
      the page sequence this page belongs to
    • getViewArea

      public Rectangle getViewArea()
      Get the view area rectangle of this viewport.
      the rectangle for this viewport
    • getPage

      public Page getPage()
      Get the page reference area with the contents.
      the page reference area
    • setPage

      public void setPage(Page page)
      Sets the page object for this PageViewport.
      page - the page
    • getPageNumber

      public int getPageNumber()
      Get the page number of this page.
      the integer value that represents this page
    • getPageNumberString

      public String getPageNumberString()
      Get the page number of this page.
      the string that represents this page
    • setPageIndex

      public void setPageIndex(int index)
      Sets the page index of the page in this rendering run. (This is not the same as the page number!)
      index - the page index (zero-based), -1 if it is undetermined
    • getPageIndex

      public int getPageIndex()
      the overall page index of the page in this rendering run (zero-based, -1 if it is undetermined).
    • setKey

      public void setKey(String key)
      Sets the unique key for this PageViewport that will be used to reference this page.
      key - the unique key.
    • getKey

      public String getKey()
      Get the key for this page viewport. This is used so that a serializable key can be used to lookup the page or some other reference.
      a unique page viewport key for this area tree
    • setFirstWithID

      public void setFirstWithID(String id)
      Add an "ID-first" to this page. This is typically called by the AreaTreeHandler when associating an ID with a PageViewport.
      id - the id to be registered as first appearing on this page
    • isFirstWithID

      public boolean isFirstWithID(String id)
      Check whether a certain id first appears on this page
      id - the id to be checked
      true if this page is the first where the id appears
    • replace

      public void replace(PageViewport oldViewPort)
      Replace the old view port. This copies all ID related fields from the old view port to the current one.
      oldViewPort - old view port
    • addUnresolvedIDRef

      public void addUnresolvedIDRef(String idref, Resolvable res)
      Add an idref to this page. All idrefs found for child areas of this PageViewport are added to unresolvedIDRefs, for subsequent resolution by AreaTreeHandler calls to this object's resolveIDRef().
      idref - the idref
      res - the child element of this page that needs this idref resolved
    • isResolved

      public boolean isResolved()
      Check if this page has been fully resolved.
      Specified by:
      isResolved in interface Resolvable
      true if the page is resolved and can be rendered
    • getIDRefs

      public String[] getIDRefs()
      Get the unresolved idrefs for this page.
      Specified by:
      getIDRefs in interface Resolvable
      String array of idref's that still have not been resolved
    • resolveIDRef

      public void resolveIDRef(String id, List<PageViewport> pages)
      This method allows the Resolvable object to resolve one of its unresolved idrefs with the actual set of PageViewports containing the target ID. The Resolvable object initially identifies to the AreaTreeHandler which idrefs it needs resolved. After the idrefs are resolved, the ATH calls this method to allow the Resolvable object to update itself with the PageViewport information.
      Specified by:
      resolveIDRef in interface Resolvable
      id - an ID matching one of the Resolvable object's unresolved idref's.
      pages - the list of PageViewports with the given ID
    • registerMarkers

      public void registerMarkers(Map<String,Marker> marks, boolean starting, boolean isfirst, boolean islast)
      Register the markers for this page.
      marks - the map of markers to add
      starting - if the area being added is starting or ending
      isfirst - if the area being added has is-first trait
      islast - if the area being added has is-last trait
    • resolveMarker

      public Marker resolveMarker(AbstractRetrieveMarker rm)
      Resolve a marker from this page. This will retrieve a marker with the class name and position.
      rm - the retrieve-marker instance
      Object the marker found or null
    • dumpMarkers

      public void dumpMarkers()
      Dumps the current marker data to the logger.
    • savePage

      public void savePage(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
      Save the page contents to an object stream. The map of unresolved references are set on the page so that the resolvers can be properly serialized and reloaded.
      out - the object output stream to write the contents
      IOException - in case of an I/O error while serializing the page
    • loadPage

      public void loadPage(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
      Load the page contents from an object stream. This loads the page contents from the stream and if there are any unresolved references that were resolved while saved they will be resolved on the page contents.
      in - the object input stream to read the page from
      ClassNotFoundException - if a class was not found while loading the page
      IOException - if an I/O error occurred while loading the page
    • clone

      public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
      clone in class AreaTreeObject
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Clear the page contents to save memory. This object is kept for the life of the area tree since it holds id and marker information and is used as a key.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getSimplePageMasterName

      public String getSimplePageMasterName()
      the name of the simple-page-master that created this page
    • isBlank

      public boolean isBlank()
      True if this is a blank page.
    • getBodyRegion

      public BodyRegion getBodyRegion()
      Convenience method to get BodyRegion of this PageViewport
      BodyRegion object
    • createSpan

      public Span createSpan(boolean spanAll)
      Convenience method to create a new Span for this this PageViewport.
      spanAll - whether this is a single-column span
      Span object created
    • getCurrentSpan

      public Span getCurrentSpan()
      Convenience method to get the span-reference-area currently being processed
      span currently being processed.
    • getCurrentFlow

      public NormalFlow getCurrentFlow()
      Convenience method to get the normal-flow-reference-area currently being processed
      span currently being processed.
    • moveToNextFlow

      public NormalFlow moveToNextFlow()
      Convenience method to increment the Span to the next NormalFlow to be processed, and to return that flow.
      the next NormalFlow in the Span.
    • getRegionReference

      public RegionReference getRegionReference(int id)
      Convenience method to return a given region-reference-area, keyed by the Constants class identifier for the corresponding formatting object (ie. Constants.FO_REGION_BODY, FO_REGION_START, etc.)
      id - the Constants class identifier for the region.
      the corresponding region-reference-area for this page.
    • setWritingModeTraits

      public void setWritingModeTraits(WritingModeTraitsGetter wmtg)
      Sets the writing mode traits for the page associated with this viewport.
      wmtg - a WM traits getter