Class WordArea

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class WordArea extends InlineArea
A string of characters without spaces
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • word

      protected String word
      The text for this word area
    • letterAdjust

      protected int[] letterAdjust
      An array of width for adjusting the individual letters (optional)
    • levels

      protected int[] levels
      An array of resolved bidirectional levels corresponding to each character in word (optional)
    • gposAdjustments

      protected int[][] gposAdjustments
      An array of glyph positioning adjustments to apply to each glyph 'char' in word (optional)
    • reversed

      protected boolean reversed
      A flag indicating whether the content of word is reversed in relation to its original logical order.
  • Constructor Details

    • WordArea

      public WordArea(int blockProgressionOffset, int level, String word, int[] letterAdjust, int[] levels, int[][] gposAdjustments, boolean reversed, boolean nextIsSpace)
      Create a word area
      blockProgressionOffset - the offset for this area
      level - the bidirectional embedding level (or -1 if not defined) for word as a group
      word - the word string
      letterAdjust - the letter adjust array (may be null)
      levels - array of per-character (glyph) bidirectional levels, in case word area is heterogenously leveled
      gposAdjustments - array of general position adjustments or null if none apply
      reversed - true if word is known to be reversed at construction time
    • WordArea

      public WordArea(int blockProgressionOffset, int level, String word, int[] letterAdjust, int[] levels, int[][] gposAdjustments, boolean reversed)
    • WordArea

      public WordArea(int blockProgressionOffset, int level, String word, int[] letterAdjust, int[] levels, int[][] gposAdjustments)
      Create a word area
      blockProgressionOffset - the offset for this area
      level - the bidirectional embedding level (or -1 if not defined) for word as a group
      word - the word string
      letterAdjust - the letter adjust array (may be null)
      levels - array of per-character (glyph) bidirectional levels, in case word area is heterogenously leveled
      gposAdjustments - array of general position adjustments or null if none apply
  • Method Details

    • getWord

      public String getWord()
      Returns the word.
    • getLetterAdjustArray

      public int[] getLetterAdjustArray()
      the array of letter adjust widths
    • getBidiLevels

      public int[] getBidiLevels()
      Obtain per-character (glyph) bidi levels.
      a (possibly empty) array of levels or null (if none resolved)
    • getBidiLevels

      public int[] getBidiLevels(int start, int end)

      Obtain per-character (glyph) bidi levels over a specified subsequence.

      If word has been reversed, then the subsequence is over the reversed word.

      start - starting (inclusive) index of subsequence
      end - ending (exclusive) index of subsequence
      a (possibly null) array of per-character (glyph) levels over the specified sequence
    • bidiLevelAt

      public int bidiLevelAt(int position)

      Obtain per-character (glyph) level at a specified index position.

      If word has been reversed, then the position is relative to the reversed word.

      position - the index of the (possibly reversed) character from which to obtain the level
      a resolved bidirectional level or, if not specified, then -1
    • collectInlineRuns

      public List collectInlineRuns(List runs)
      Description copied from class: InlineArea
      Collection bidi inline runs.
      collectInlineRuns in class InlineArea
      runs - current list of inline runs
      modified list of inline runs, having appended new run
    • getGlyphPositionAdjustments

      public int[][] getGlyphPositionAdjustments()
      Obtain per-character (glyph) position adjustments.
      a (possibly empty) array of adjustments, each having four elements, or null if no adjustments apply
    • glyphPositionAdjustmentsAt

      public int[] glyphPositionAdjustmentsAt(int position)

      Obtain per-character (glyph) position adjustments at a specified index position.

      If word has been reversed, then the position is relative to the reversed word.

      position - the index of the (possibly reversed) character from which to obtain the level
      an array of adjustments or null if none applies
    • reverse

      public void reverse(boolean mirror)

      Reverse characters and corresponding per-character levels and glyph position adjustments.

      mirror - if true, then perform mirroring if mirrorred characters
    • mirror

      public void mirror()

      Perform mirroring on mirrorable characters.

    • isReversed

      public boolean isReversed()

      Determined if word has been reversed (in relation to original logical order).

      If a word is reversed, then both its characters (glyphs) and corresponding per-character levels are in reverse order.

      Note: this information is used in order to process non-spacing marks during rendering as well as provide hints for caret direction.

      true if word is reversed
    • isNextIsSpace

      public boolean isNextIsSpace()