Class FontInfo


public class FontInfo extends Object
The FontInfo holds font information for the layout and rendering of a fo document. This stores the list of available fonts that are setup by the renderer. The font name can be retrieved for the family style and weight.
Currently font supported font-variant small-caps is not implemented.
  • Field Details

    • log

      protected static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
      logging instance
  • Constructor Details

    • FontInfo

      public FontInfo()
      Main constructor
  • Method Details

    • setEventListener

      public void setEventListener(FontEventListener listener)
      Sets the font event listener that can be used to receive events about particular events in this class.
      listener - the font event listener
    • isSetupValid

      public boolean isSetupValid()
      Checks if the font setup is valid (At least the ultimate fallback font must be registered.)
      True if valid
    • addFontProperties

      public void addFontProperties(String name, String family, String style, int weight)
      Adds a new font triplet.
      name - internal key
      family - font family name
      style - font style (normal, italic, oblique...)
      weight - font weight
    • addFontProperties

      public void addFontProperties(String name, String[] families, String style, int weight)
      Adds a series of new font triplets given an array of font family names.
      name - internal key
      families - an array of font family names
      style - font style (normal, italic, oblique...)
      weight - font weight
    • addFontProperties

      public void addFontProperties(String internalFontKey, FontTriplet triplet)
      Adds a new font triplet.
      internalFontKey - internal font key
      triplet - the font triplet to associate with the internal key
    • addMetrics

      public void addMetrics(String internalFontKey, FontMetrics metrics)
      Adds font metrics for a specific font.
      internalFontKey - internal key
      metrics - metrics to register
    • useFont

      public void useFont(String internalName)
      Tells this class that the font with the given internal name has been used.
      internalName - the internal font name (F1, F2 etc.)
    • getFontInstance

      public Font getFontInstance(FontTriplet triplet, int fontSize)
      Retrieves a (possibly cached) Font instance based on a FontTriplet and a font size.
      triplet - the font triplet designating the requested font
      fontSize - the font size
      the requested Font instance
    • getFontInstanceForAWTFont

      public Font getFontInstanceForAWTFont(Font awtFont)
      Returns a suitable internal font given an AWT Font instance.
      awtFont - the AWT font
      a best matching internal Font
    • fontLookup

      public FontTriplet fontLookup(String family, String style, int weight)
      Lookup a font.
      Locate the font name for a given family, style and weight. The font name can then be used as a key as it is unique for the associated document. This also adds the font to the list of used fonts.
      family - font family
      style - font style
      weight - font weight
      the font triplet of the font chosen
    • fontLookup

      public FontTriplet[] fontLookup(String[] families, String style, int weight)
      Looks up a set of fonts.
      Locate the font name(s) for the given families, style and weight. The font name(s) can then be used as a key as they are unique for the associated document. This also adds the fonts to the list of used fonts.
      families - font families (priority list)
      style - font style
      weight - font weight
      the set of font triplets of all supported and chosen font-families in the specified style and weight.
    • notifyStrokingSVGTextAsShapes

      public void notifyStrokingSVGTextAsShapes(String fontFamily)
      Notify listeners that the SVG text for the given font will be stroked as shapes.
      fontFamily - a SVG font family
    • findAdjustWeight

      public FontTriplet findAdjustWeight(String family, String style, int weight)
      Find a font with a given family and style by trying different font weights according to the spec.
      family - font family
      style - font style
      weight - font weight
      internal key
    • hasFont

      public boolean hasFont(String family, String style, int weight)
      Determines if a particular font is available.
      family - font family
      style - font style
      weight - font weight
      True if available
    • getInternalFontKey

      public String getInternalFontKey(FontTriplet triplet)
      Returns the internal font key (F1, F2, F3 etc.) for a given triplet.
      triplet - the font triplet
      the associated internal key or null, if not found
    • createFontKey

      public static FontTriplet createFontKey(String family, String style, int weight)
      Creates a key from the given strings.
      family - font family
      style - font style
      weight - font weight
      internal key
    • getFonts

      public Map<String,Typeface> getFonts()
      Gets a Map of all registered fonts.
      a read-only Map with font key/FontMetrics pairs
    • getFontTriplets

      public Map<FontTriplet,String> getFontTriplets()
      Gets a Map of all registered font triplets.
      a Map with FontTriplet/font key pairs
    • getUsedFonts

      public Map<String,Typeface> getUsedFonts()
      This is used by the renderers to retrieve all the fonts used in the document. This is for embedded font or creating a list of used fonts.
      a read-only Map with font key/FontMetrics pairs
    • getMetricsFor

      public FontMetrics getMetricsFor(String fontName)
      Returns the FontMetrics for a particular font
      fontName - internal key
      font metrics
    • getTripletsFor

      public List<FontTriplet> getTripletsFor(String fontName)
      Returns all font triplet matching the given font name.
      fontName - The font name we are looking for
      A list of matching font triplets
    • getTripletFor

      public FontTriplet getTripletFor(String fontName)
      Returns the first triplet matching the given font name. As there may be multiple triplets matching the font name the result set is sorted first to guarantee consistent results.
      fontName - The font name we are looking for
      The first triplet for the given font name
    • getFontStyleFor

      public String getFontStyleFor(String fontName)
      Returns the font style for a particular font. There may be multiple font styles matching this font. Only the first found is returned. Searching is done on a sorted list to guarantee consistent results.
      fontName - internal key
      font style
    • getFontWeightFor

      public int getFontWeightFor(String fontName)
      Returns the font weight for a particular font. There may be multiple font weights matching this font. Only the first found is returned. Searching is done on a sorted list to guarantee consistent results.
      fontName - internal key
      font weight
    • dumpAllTripletsToSystemOut

      public void dumpAllTripletsToSystemOut()
      Diagnostic method for logging all registered fonts to System.out.