Class FONode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractAFPExtensionObject, AbstractMetadataElement, AbstractPDFExtensionElement, AbstractPSExtensionElement, AbstractPSExtensionObject, Destination, FObj, FOText, XMLObj

public abstract class FONode extends Object implements Cloneable
Base class for nodes in the XML tree
  • Field Details

    • FO_URI

      protected static final String FO_URI
      the XSL-FO namespace URI
      See Also:
    • FOX_URI

      protected static final String FOX_URI
      FOP's proprietary extension namespace URI
      See Also:
    • parent

      protected FONode parent
      Parent FO node
    • siblings

      protected FONode[] siblings
      pointer to the sibling nodes
    • nodeChangeBarList

      protected List<ChangeBar> nodeChangeBarList
      The list of active change bars for the given node
    • startOfNodeChangeBarList

      protected List<ChangeBar> startOfNodeChangeBarList
      The list of active change bars for the start of the given node
    • locator

      protected Locator locator
      Marks the location of this object from the input FO
      Call locator.getSystemId(), getLineNumber(), getColumnNumber() for file, line, column information
    • log

      protected static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
      Logger for fo-tree related messages
  • Constructor Details

    • FONode

      protected FONode(FONode parent)
      Base constructor
      parent - parent of this node
  • Method Details

    • clone

      public FONode clone(FONode cloneparent, boolean removeChildren) throws FOPException
      Performs a shallow cloning operation, sets the clone's parent, and optionally cleans the list of child nodes
      cloneparent - the intended parent of the clone
      removeChildren - if true, clean the list of child nodes
      the cloned FO node
      FOPException - if there's a problem while cloning the node
    • clone

      protected Object clone()
      clone in class Object
    • bind

      public void bind(PropertyList propertyList) throws FOPException
      Bind the given PropertyList to this node Does nothing by default. Subclasses should override this method in case they want to use the properties available on the PropertyList.
      propertyList - the PropertyList
      FOPException - if there was an error when processing the PropertyList
    • setLocator

      public void setLocator(Locator locator)
      Set the location information for this element
      locator - the org.xml.sax.Locator object
    • getLocator

      public Locator getLocator()
      Returns the Locator containing the location information for this element, or null if not available
      the location information for this element or null, if not available
    • getFOEventHandler

      public FOEventHandler getFOEventHandler()
      Recursively goes up the FOTree hierarchy until the fo:root is found, which returns the parent FOEventHandler.
      (see also: Root.getFOEventHandler())
      the FOEventHandler object that is the parent of the FO Tree
    • getBuilderContext

      public FOTreeBuilderContext getBuilderContext()
      Returns the context class providing information used during FO tree building.
      the builder context
    • inMarker

      protected boolean inMarker()
      Indicates whether this node is a child of an fo:marker.
      true if this node is a child of an fo:marker
    • isChangeBarElement

      public boolean isChangeBarElement(String namespaceURI, String localName)
      Tests if the given element is a change bar element.
      namespaceURI - The name space of the element
      localName - The local name of the element
      A boolean value true if the given element is a change bar element
    • getUserAgent

      public FOUserAgent getUserAgent()
      Returns the user agent that is associated with the tree's FOEventHandler.
      the user agent
    • getLogger

      public org.apache.commons.logging.Log getLogger()
      Returns the logger for the node.
      the logger
    • processNode

      public void processNode(String elementName, Locator locator, Attributes attlist, PropertyList pList) throws FOPException
      Initialize the node with its name, location information, and attributes The attributes must be used immediately as the sax attributes will be altered for the next element.
      elementName - element name (e.g., "fo:block")
      locator - Locator object (ignored by default)
      attlist - Collection of attributes passed to us from the parser.
      pList - the property list of the parent node
      FOPException - for errors or inconsistencies in the attributes
    • createPropertyList

      protected PropertyList createPropertyList(PropertyList pList, FOEventHandler foEventHandler) throws FOPException
      Create a property list for this node. Return null if the node does not need a property list.
      pList - the closest parent propertylist.
      foEventHandler - The FOEventHandler where the PropertyListMaker instance can be found.
      A new property list.
      FOPException - if there's a problem during processing
    • validateChildNode

      protected void validateChildNode(Locator loc, String namespaceURI, String localName) throws ValidationException
      Checks to make sure, during SAX processing of input document, that the incoming node is valid for this (parent) node (e.g., checking to see that fo:table is not an immediate child of fo:root) called from FOTreeBuilder.startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) before constructing the child FObj.
      loc - location in the FO source file
      namespaceURI - namespace of incoming node
      localName - name of the incoming node (without namespace prefix)
      ValidationException - if incoming node not valid for parent
    • validateChildNode

      protected static void validateChildNode(FONode fo, Locator loc, String namespaceURI, String localName) throws ValidationException
      Static version of validateChildNode(Locator, String, String) that can be used by subclasses that need to validate children against a different node (for example: fo:wrapper needs to check if the incoming node is a valid child to its parent)
      fo - the FONode to validate against
      loc - location in the source file
      namespaceURI - namespace of the incoming node
      localName - name of the incoming node (without namespace prefix)
      ValidationException - if the incoming node is not a valid child for the given FO
    • addCharacters

      protected void addCharacters(char[] data, int start, int end, PropertyList pList, Locator locator) throws FOPException
      Adds characters. Does nothing by default. To be overridden in subclasses that allow #PCDATA content.
      data - array of characters containing text to be added
      start - starting array element to add
      end - ending array element to add
      pList - currently applicable PropertyList
      locator - location in the XSL-FO source file.
      FOPException - if there's a problem during processing
    • characters

      protected void characters(char[] data, int start, int length, PropertyList pList, Locator locator) throws FOPException
      Adds characters. Does nothing by default. To be overridden in subclasses that allow #PCDATA content.
      data - array of characters containing text to be added
      start - starting array element to add
      length - number of elements to add
      pList - currently applicable PropertyList
      locator - location in the XSL-FO source file.
      FOPException - if there's a problem during processing
    • startOfNode

      public void startOfNode() throws FOPException
      Called after processNode() is called. Subclasses can do additional processing.
      FOPException - if there's a problem during processing
    • endOfNode

      public void endOfNode() throws FOPException
      Primarily used for making final content model validation checks and/or informing the FOEventHandler that the end of this FO has been reached. The default implementation simply calls finalizeNode(), without sending any event to the FOEventHandler.

      Note: the recommended way to override this method in subclasses is

      super.endOfNode(); // invoke finalizeNode()

      getFOEventHandler().endXXX(); // send endOfNode() notification

      FOPException - if there's a problem during processing
    • addChildNode

      protected void addChildNode(FONode child) throws FOPException
      Adds a node as a child of this node. The default implementation of this method just ignores any child node being added.
      child - child node to be added to the childNodes of this node
      FOPException - if there's a problem during processing
    • removeChild

      public void removeChild(FONode child)
      Removes a child node. Used by the child nodes to remove themselves, for example table-body if it has no children.
      child - child node to be removed
    • finalizeNode

      public void finalizeNode() throws FOPException
      Finalize this node. This method can be overridden by subclasses to perform finishing tasks (cleanup, validation checks, ...) without triggering endXXX() events in the FOEventHandler. The method is called by the default endOfNode() implementation.
      FOPException - in case there was an error
    • getParent

      public FONode getParent()
      Return the parent node of this node
      the parent node of this node
    • getChildNodes

      public FONode.FONodeIterator getChildNodes()
      Return an iterator over all the child nodes of this node.
      the iterator over the FO's childnodes
    • getChildNodes

      public FONode.FONodeIterator getChildNodes(FONode childNode)
      Return an iterator over the object's child nodes starting at the passed node.
      childNode - First node in the iterator
      the iterator, or null if the given node is not a child of this node.
    • charIterator

      public CharIterator charIterator()
      Return a CharIterator over all characters in this node
      an iterator for the characters in this node
    • getNodePrefix

      public static String getNodePrefix(String namespaceURI)
      Helper function to obtain standard usage prefix for FOP related namespace URIs.
      namespaceURI - URI of node found (e.g., "")
      the prefix or null if none
    • getNodeString

      public static String getNodeString(String namespaceURI, String localName)
      Helper function to standardize the names of all namespace URI - local name pairs in text messages. For readability, using fo:, fox:, svg:, for those namespaces even though that prefix may not have been chosen in the document.
      namespaceURI - URI of node found (e.g., "")
      localName - local name of node, (e.g., "root" for "fo:root")
      the prefix:localname, if fo/fox/svg, or a longer representation with the unabbreviated URI otherwise.
    • getFOValidationEventProducer

      protected FOValidationEventProducer getFOValidationEventProducer()
      Returns an instance of the FOValidationEventProducer.
      an event producer for FO validation
    • tooManyNodesError

      protected void tooManyNodesError(Locator loc, String nsURI, String lName) throws ValidationException
      Helper function to standardize "too many" error exceptions (e.g., two fo:declarations within fo:root)
      loc - org.xml.sax.Locator object of the error (*not* parent node)
      nsURI - namespace URI of incoming invalid node
      lName - local name (i.e., no prefix) of incoming node
      ValidationException - the validation error provoked by the method call
    • tooManyNodesError

      protected void tooManyNodesError(Locator loc, org.apache.xmlgraphics.util.QName offendingNode) throws ValidationException
      Helper function to standardize "too many" error exceptions (e.g., two fo:declarations within fo:root)
      loc - org.xml.sax.Locator object of the error (*not* parent node)
      offendingNode - the qualified name of the offending node
      ValidationException - the validation error provoked by the method call
    • tooManyNodesError

      protected void tooManyNodesError(Locator loc, String offendingNode) throws ValidationException
      Helper function to standardize "too many" error exceptions (e.g., two fo:declarations within fo:root) This overloaded method helps make the caller code better self-documenting
      loc - org.xml.sax.Locator object of the error (*not* parent node)
      offendingNode - incoming node that would cause a duplication.
      ValidationException - the validation error provoked by the method call
    • nodesOutOfOrderError

      protected void nodesOutOfOrderError(Locator loc, String tooLateNode, String tooEarlyNode) throws ValidationException
      Helper function to standardize "out of order" exceptions (e.g., fo:layout-master-set appearing after fo:page-sequence)
      loc - org.xml.sax.Locator object of the error (*not* parent node)
      tooLateNode - string name of node that should be earlier in document
      tooEarlyNode - string name of node that should be later in document
      ValidationException - the validation error provoked by the method call
    • nodesOutOfOrderError

      protected void nodesOutOfOrderError(Locator loc, String tooLateNode, String tooEarlyNode, boolean canRecover) throws ValidationException
      Helper function to standardize "out of order" exceptions (e.g., fo:layout-master-set appearing after fo:page-sequence)
      loc - org.xml.sax.Locator object of the error (*not* parent node)
      tooLateNode - string name of node that should be earlier in document
      tooEarlyNode - string name of node that should be later in document
      canRecover - indicates whether FOP can recover from this problem and continue working
      ValidationException - the validation error provoked by the method call
    • invalidChildError

      protected void invalidChildError(Locator loc, String nsURI, String lName) throws ValidationException
      Helper function to return "invalid child" exceptions (e.g., fo:block appearing immediately under fo:root)
      loc - org.xml.sax.Locator object of the error (*not* parent node)
      nsURI - namespace URI of incoming invalid node
      lName - local name (i.e., no prefix) of incoming node
      ValidationException - the validation error provoked by the method call
    • invalidChildError

      protected void invalidChildError(Locator loc, String parentName, String nsURI, String lName, String ruleViolated) throws ValidationException
      Helper function to return "invalid child" exceptions with more complex validation rules (i.e., needing more explanation of the problem)
      loc - org.xml.sax.Locator object of the error (*not* parent node)
      parentName - the name of the parent element
      nsURI - namespace URI of incoming offending node
      lName - local name (i.e., no prefix) of incoming offending node
      ruleViolated - name of the rule violated (used to lookup a resource in a bundle)
      ValidationException - the validation error provoked by the method call
    • notSupportedChildError

      protected void notSupportedChildError(Locator loc, String nsURI, String lName) throws ValidationException
      Helper function to return "not supported child" exceptions. Note that the child is valid, just not supported yet by FOP.
      loc - org.xml.sax.Locator object of the error (*not* parent node)
      nsURI - namespace URI of incoming invalid node
      lName - local name (i.e., no prefix) of incoming node
      ValidationException - the validation error provoked by the method call
    • missingChildElementError

      protected void missingChildElementError(String contentModel) throws ValidationException
      Helper function to throw an error caused by missing mandatory child elements. (e.g., fo:layout-master-set not having any fo:page-master child element.
      contentModel - The XSL Content Model for the fo: object or a similar description indicating the necessary child elements.
      ValidationException - the validation error provoked by the method call
    • missingChildElementError

      protected void missingChildElementError(String contentModel, boolean canRecover) throws ValidationException
      Helper function to throw an error caused by missing mandatory child elements. E.g., fo:layout-master-set not having any page-master child element.
      contentModel - The XSL Content Model for the fo: object or a similar description indicating the necessary child elements.
      canRecover - indicates whether FOP can recover from this problem and continue working
      ValidationException - the validation error provoked by the method call
    • missingPropertyError

      protected void missingPropertyError(String propertyName) throws ValidationException
      Helper function to throw an error caused by missing mandatory properties
      propertyName - the name of the missing property.
      ValidationException - the validation error provoked by the method call
    • invalidPropertyValueError

      protected void invalidPropertyValueError(String propertyName, String propertyValue, Exception e) throws ValidationException
      Helper function to throw an error caused by an invalid property
      propertyName - the name of the property.
      propertyValue - the value of the property.
      e - optional property parsing exception.
      ValidationException - the validation error provoked by the method call
    • errorText

      protected static String errorText(Locator loc)
      Helper function to return "Error(line#/column#)" string for above exception messages
      loc - org.xml.sax.Locator object
      String opening error text
    • warningText

      protected static String warningText(Locator loc)
      Helper function to return "Warning(line#/column#)" string for warning messages
      loc - org.xml.sax.Locator object
      String opening warning text
    • getLocatorString

      public static String getLocatorString(Locator loc)
      Helper function to format a Locator instance.
      loc - org.xml.sax.Locator object
      String the formatted text
    • decorateWithContextInfo

      public static String decorateWithContextInfo(String text, FONode node)
      Decorates a log or warning message with context information on the given node.
      text - the original message
      node - the context node
      the decorated text
    • getContextInfo

      public String getContextInfo()
      Returns a String containing as much context information as possible about a node. Call this method only in exceptional conditions because this method may perform quite extensive information gathering inside the FO tree.
      a String containing context information
    • getContextInfoAlt

      protected String getContextInfoAlt()
      Returns a String containing as some context information about a node. It does not take the locator into consideration and returns null if no useful context information can be found. Call this method only in exceptional conditions because this method may perform quite extensive information gathering inside the FO tree. All text returned by this method that is not extracted from document content needs to be locale-independent.
      a String containing context information
    • gatherContextInfo

      protected String gatherContextInfo()
      Gathers context information for the getContextInfo() method.
      the collected context information or null, if none is available
    • getRoot

      public Root getRoot()
      Returns the root node of this tree
      the root node
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the fully qualified name of the node
      the fully qualified name of this node
    • getName

      public String getName(String prefix)
      Returns the fully qualified name of the node
      prefix - the namespace prefix to build the name with (may be null)
      the fully qualified name of this node
    • getLocalName

      public abstract String getLocalName()
      Returns the local name (i.e. without namespace prefix) of the node
      the local name of this node
    • getNormalNamespacePrefix

      public abstract String getNormalNamespacePrefix()
      Returns the normally used namespace prefix for this node
      the normally used namespace prefix for this kind of node (ex. "fo" for XSL-FO)
    • getNamespaceURI

      public String getNamespaceURI()
      Returns the namespace URI for this node
      the namespace URI for this node
    • getNameId

      public int getNameId()
      Returns the Constants class integer value of this node
      the integer enumeration of this FO (e.g. Constants.FO_ROOT) if a formatting object, Constants.FO_UNKNOWN_NODE otherwise
    • getExtensionAttachment

      public ExtensionAttachment getExtensionAttachment()
      This method is overridden by extension elements and allows the extension element to return a pass-through attachment which the parent formatting objects should simply carry with them but otherwise ignore. This mechanism is used to pass non-standard information from the FO tree through to the layout engine and the renderers.
      the extension attachment if one is created by the extension element, null otherwise.
    • getContentHandlerFactory

      public ContentHandlerFactory getContentHandlerFactory()
      This method is overridden by extension elements and allows the extension element to return a ContentHandlerFactory. This factory can create ContentHandler implementations that handle foreign XML content by either building up a specific DOM, a Java object or something else.
      the ContentHandlerFactory or null if not applicable
    • canHaveMarkers

      protected boolean canHaveMarkers()
      Returns true if fo:marker is allowed as a child node.
      To be overridden only in extension nodes that need it.
      true if markers are valid children
    • attachSiblings

      protected static void attachSiblings(FONode precedingSibling, FONode followingSibling)
      This method is used when adding child nodes to a FO that already contains at least one child. In this case, the new child becomes a sibling to the previous one
      precedingSibling - the previous child
      followingSibling - the new child
    • isDelimitedTextRangeBoundary

      public boolean isDelimitedTextRangeBoundary(int boundary)
      Determine if node has a delimited text range boundary. N.B. that we report this to be true by default, while specific subclasses override this method to report false.
      boundary - one of {EN_BEFORE, EN_AFTER, or EN_BOTH} enumeration constants
      true if indicated boundary (or boundaries) constitute a delimited text range boundary.
    • collectDelimitedTextRanges

      public Stack<DelimitedTextRange> collectDelimitedTextRanges(Stack<DelimitedTextRange> ranges)
      Collect the sequence of delimited text ranges, where each new range is pushed onto RANGES.
      ranges - a stack of delimited text ranges
      the (possibly) updated stack of delimited text ranges
    • collectDelimitedTextRanges

      protected Stack<DelimitedTextRange> collectDelimitedTextRanges(Stack<DelimitedTextRange> ranges, DelimitedTextRange currentRange)
      Collect the sequence of delimited text ranges, where each new range is pushed onto RANGES, where default implementation collects ranges of child nodes.
      ranges - a stack of delimited text ranges
      currentRange - the current range or null (if none)
      the (possibly) updated stack of delimited text ranges
    • isBidiRangeBlockItem

      public boolean isBidiRangeBlockItem()
      Determine if this node is a new bidi RANGE block item.
      true if this node is a new bidi RANGE block item
    • getChangeBarList

      public List<ChangeBar> getChangeBarList()
      Returns the list of active change bars.
      The list of active change bars
    • setStructureTreeElement

      public void setStructureTreeElement(StructureTreeElement structureTreeElement)
      Sets the structure tree element.
      structureTreeElement - set.
    • getStructureTreeElement

      public StructureTreeElement getStructureTreeElement()
      Returns the structure tree element associated to this object.
      the structure tree element