Class XMLObj

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, EventListener, ContentHandlerFactory.ObjectBuiltListener
Direct Known Subclasses:
SVGObj, UnknownXMLObj

public abstract class XMLObj extends FONode implements ContentHandlerFactory.ObjectBuiltListener
Abstract class modelling generic, non-XSL-FO XML objects. Such objects are stored in a DOM.
  • Field Details

    • element

      protected Element element
      DOM element representing this node
    • doc

      protected Document doc
      DOM document containing this node
    • name

      protected String name
      Name of the node
  • Constructor Details

    • XMLObj

      public XMLObj(FONode parent)
      Base constructor
      parent - FONode that is the parent of this object
  • Method Details

    • validateChildNode

      protected void validateChildNode(Locator loc, String nsURI, String localName) throws ValidationException
      Checks to make sure, during SAX processing of input document, that the incoming node is valid for this (parent) node (e.g., checking to see that fo:table is not an immediate child of fo:root) called from FOTreeBuilder.startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) before constructing the child FObj.
      Here, blocks XSL-FO's from having non-FO parents.
      validateChildNode in class FONode
      loc - location in the FO source file
      nsURI - namespace of incoming node
      localName - name of the incoming node (without namespace prefix)
      ValidationException - if incoming node not valid for parent
    • processNode

      public void processNode(String elementName, Locator locator, Attributes attlist, PropertyList propertyList) throws FOPException
      Initialize the node with its name, location information, and attributes The attributes must be used immediately as the sax attributes will be altered for the next element.
      processNode in class FONode
      elementName - element name (e.g., "fo:block")
      locator - Locator object (ignored by default)
      attlist - Collection of attributes passed to us from the parser.
      propertyList - the property list of the parent node
      FOPException - for errors or inconsistencies in the attributes
    • getDOMDocument

      public Document getDOMDocument()
      DOM document representing this foreign XML
    • getDimension

      public Point2D getDimension(Point2D view)
      Returns the dimensions of the generated area in pts.
      view - Point2D instance to receive the dimensions
      the requested dimensions in pts.
    • getIntrinsicAlignmentAdjust

      public Length getIntrinsicAlignmentAdjust()
      Retrieve the intrinsic alignment-adjust of the child element.
      the intrinsic alignment-adjust.
    • getLocalName

      public String getLocalName()
      Returns the local name (i.e. without namespace prefix) of the node
      Specified by:
      getLocalName in class FONode
      the local name of this node
    • addElement

      public void addElement(Document doc, Element parent)
      Add an element to the DOM document
      doc - DOM document to which to add an element
      parent - the parent element of the element that is being added
    • buildTopLevel

      public void buildTopLevel(Document doc, Element svgRoot)
      Add the top-level element to the DOM document
      doc - DOM document
      svgRoot - non-XSL-FO element to be added as the root of this document
    • createBasicDocument

      public Document createBasicDocument()
      Create an empty DOM document
      DOM document
    • addChildNode

      protected void addChildNode(FONode child)
      Adds a node as a child of this node. The default implementation of this method just ignores any child node being added.
      addChildNode in class FONode
      child - child node to be added to the childNodes of this node
    • characters

      protected void characters(char[] data, int start, int length, PropertyList pList, Locator locator) throws FOPException
      Adds characters. Does nothing by default. To be overridden in subclasses that allow #PCDATA content.
      characters in class FONode
      data - array of characters containing text to be added
      start - starting array element to add
      length - number of elements to add
      pList - currently applicable PropertyList
      locator - location in the XSL-FO source file.
      FOPException - if there's a problem during processing
    • notifyObjectBuilt

      public void notifyObjectBuilt(Object obj)
      Notifies the listener when the object is fully built.
      Specified by:
      notifyObjectBuilt in interface ContentHandlerFactory.ObjectBuiltListener
      obj - the newly built object