Class UnknownXMLObj

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, EventListener, ContentHandlerFactory.ObjectBuiltListener

public class UnknownXMLObj extends XMLObj
Class for handling generic XML from a namespace not recognized by FOP
  • Constructor Details

    • UnknownXMLObj

      protected UnknownXMLObj(FONode parent, String space)
      Constructs an unknown xml object (called by Maker).
      parent - the parent formatting object
      space - the namespace for this object
  • Method Details

    • getNamespaceURI

      public String getNamespaceURI()
      Returns the namespace URI for this node
      getNamespaceURI in class FONode
      the namespace URI for this node
    • getNormalNamespacePrefix

      public String getNormalNamespacePrefix()
      Returns the normally used namespace prefix for this node
      Specified by:
      getNormalNamespacePrefix in class FONode
      the normally used namespace prefix for this kind of node (ex. "fo" for XSL-FO)
    • addChildNode

      protected void addChildNode(FONode child)
      Adds a node as a child of this node. The default implementation of this method just ignores any child node being added.
      addChildNode in class XMLObj
      child - child node to be added to the childNodes of this node
    • characters

      protected void characters(char[] data, int start, int length, PropertyList pList, Locator locator) throws FOPException
      Adds characters. Does nothing by default. To be overridden in subclasses that allow #PCDATA content.
      characters in class XMLObj
      data - array of characters containing text to be added
      start - starting array element to add
      length - number of elements to add
      pList - currently applicable PropertyList
      locator - location in the XSL-FO source file.
      FOPException - if there's a problem during processing