Class AbstractMetadataElement

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, EventListener, ContentHandlerFactory.ObjectBuiltListener
Direct Known Subclasses:
RDFElement, XMPMetaElement

public abstract class AbstractMetadataElement extends FONode implements ContentHandlerFactory.ObjectBuiltListener
Abstract base class for the XMP and RDF root nodes.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractMetadataElement

      public AbstractMetadataElement(FONode parent)
      Main constructor.
      parent - the parent formatting object
  • Method Details

    • getContentHandlerFactory

      public ContentHandlerFactory getContentHandlerFactory()
      This method is overridden by extension elements and allows the extension element to return a ContentHandlerFactory. This factory can create ContentHandler implementations that handle foreign XML content by either building up a specific DOM, a Java object or something else.
      getContentHandlerFactory in class FONode
      the ContentHandlerFactory or null if not applicable
    • getExtensionAttachment

      public ExtensionAttachment getExtensionAttachment()
      This method is overridden by extension elements and allows the extension element to return a pass-through attachment which the parent formatting objects should simply carry with them but otherwise ignore. This mechanism is used to pass non-standard information from the FO tree through to the layout engine and the renderers.
      getExtensionAttachment in class FONode
      the extension attachment if one is created by the extension element, null otherwise.
    • notifyObjectBuilt

      public void notifyObjectBuilt(Object obj)
      Notifies the listener when the object is fully built.
      Specified by:
      notifyObjectBuilt in interface ContentHandlerFactory.ObjectBuiltListener
      obj - the newly built object