Package org.apache.fop.afp.modca

package org.apache.fop.afp.modca

Contains a collection of AFP Mixed Object Document Content Architecture (MO:DCA) structured objects.

  • Class
    This is the base class for all data stream objects.
    structured field category codes
    structured field type codes
    Abstract base class used by the ImageObject and GraphicsObject which both have define an ObjectEnvironmentGroup
    Base class for AFP descriptor objects
    A base class that encapsulates common features of ActiveEnvironmentGroup and ResourceEnvironmentGroup
    This is the base class for all named data stream objects.
    Pages contain the data objects that comprise a presentation document.
    An abstract class which encapsulates the common features of Document and PageGroup resource containers
    An abstract container of resource objects
    An abstract class encapsulating an MODCA structured object
    A MODCA structured object base class providing support for Triplets
    An Active Environment Group (AEG) is associated with each page, and is contained in the page's begin-end envelope in the data stream.
    Represents the 4 bytes that specify the axis-area rotation reference coordinate system
    Container data descriptor (to maintain compatibility with pre-year 2000 applications)
    The document is the highest level of the MO:DCA data-stream document component hierarchy.
    GOCA Graphics Data Descriptor
    Top-level GOCA graphics object.
    An IOCA Image Data Object
    An IM image data object specifies the contents of a raster image and its placement on a page, overlay, or page segment.
    Encapsulates an included resource object that is loaded from an external file.
    An Include Object structured field references an object on a page or overlay.
    The Include Page Overlay structured field references an overlay resource definition that is to be positioned on the page.
    The Include Page Segment structured field references a page segment resource object that is to be presented on the page or overlay presentation space.
    MO:DCA Interchange Set
    The Invoke Medium Map structured field identifies the Medium Map that is to become active for the document.
    The Map Coded Font structured field maps a unique coded font resource local ID, which may be embedded one or more times within an object's data and descriptor, to the identifier of a coded font resource object.
    The Map Container Data structured field specifies how a presentation data object that is carried in an Object Container is mapped into its object area.
    The Map Data Resource structured field specifies resources that are required for presentation.
    The Map Image Object (MIO) structured field specifies how an image data object is mapped into its object area.
    The Map Page Overlay structured field maps a Resource Local ID to the name of a Begin Overlay structured field.
    The Map Page Segment structured field identifies page segments that are required to present a page on a physical medium.
    An exception to handle maximum sizes being exceeded.
    The No Operation structured field may be used to carry comments or any other type of unarchitected data.
    The Object Area Descriptor structured field specifies the size and attributes of an object area presentation space.
    The Object Area Position structured field specifies the origin and orientation of the object area, and the origin and orientation of the object content within the object area.
    Object containers are MO:DCA objects that envelop and carry object data.
    An Object Environment Group (OEG) may be associated with an object and is contained within the object's begin-end envelope.
    An overlay is a MO:DCA-P resource object.
    The Page Descriptor structured field specifies the size and attributes of a page or overlay presentation space.
    A page group is used in the data stream to define a named, logical grouping of sequential pages.
    Pages contain the data objects that comprise a presentation document.
    A page segment is a MO:DCA-P resource object.
    The Preprocess Presentation Object structured field specifies presentation parameters for a data object that has been mapped as a resource.
    The Presentation Environment Control structured field specifies parameters that affect the rendering of presentation data and the appearance that is to be assumed by the presentation device.
    Presentation text data contains the graphic characters and the control sequences necessary to position the characters within the object space.
    The Presentation Text Descriptor specifies the units of measure for the Presentation Text object space, the size of the Presentation Text object space, and the initial values for modal parameters, called initial text conditions.
    The Presentation Text object is the data object used in document processing environments for representing text which has been prepared for presentation.
    MOD:CA Registry of object types
    A Resource Environment Group contains a set of resources for a document or for a group of pages in a document.
    A Resource Group contains a set of overlays.
    This resource structured field begins an envelope that is used to carry resource objects in print-file-level (external) resource groups.
    Represents a rotation value
    A print-file resource group
    A Tag Logical Element structured field assigns an attribute name and an attribute value to a page or page group.
    Holds the attribute state of a TLE