Class AbstractPageObject

All Implemented Interfaces:
Completable, Streamable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractPageObject extends AbstractNamedAFPObject implements Completable
Pages contain the data objects that comprise a presentation document. Each page has a set of data objects associated with it. Each page within a document is independent from any other page, and each must establish its own environment parameters.

The page is the level in the document component hierarchy that is used for printing or displaying a document's content. The data objects contained in the page envelope in the data stream are presented when the page is presented. Each data object has layout information associated with it that directs the placement and orientation of the data on the page. In addition, each page contains layout information that specifies the measurement units, page width, and page depth.

A page is initiated by a begin page structured field and terminated by an end page structured field. Structured fields that define objects and active environment groups or that specify attributes of the page may be encountered in page state.

  • Field Details

    • activeEnvironmentGroup

      protected ActiveEnvironmentGroup activeEnvironmentGroup
      The active environment group for the page
    • objects

      protected List objects
      The list of objects within this resource container
    • invokeMediumMaps

      protected List<InvokeMediumMap> invokeMediumMaps
    • rotation

      protected int rotation
      The page rotation
    • complete

      protected boolean complete
      The page state
    • factory

      protected final Factory factory
      the object factory
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractPageObject

      public AbstractPageObject(Factory factory)
      Default constructor
      factory - the object factory
    • AbstractPageObject

      public AbstractPageObject(Factory factory, String name)
      Main constructor
      factory - the object factory
      name - the name of this page object
    • AbstractPageObject

      public AbstractPageObject(Factory factory, String name, int width, int height, int rotation, int widthRes, int heightRes)
      Construct a new page object for the specified name argument, the page name should be an 8 character identifier.
      factory - the object factory.
      name - the name of the page.
      width - the width of the page.
      height - the height of the page.
      rotation - the rotation of the page.
      widthRes - the width resolution of the page.
      heightRes - the height resolution of the page.
  • Method Details

    • createFont

      public void createFont(int fontReference, AFPFont font, int size)
      Helper method to create a map coded font object on the current page, this method delegates the construction of the map coded font object to the active environment group on the page.
      fontReference - the font number used as the resource identifier
      font - the font
      size - the point size of the font
    • createLine

      public void createLine(AFPLineDataInfo lineDataInfo)
      Helper method to create a line on the current page, this method delegates to the presentation text object in order to construct the line.
      lineDataInfo - the line data information.
    • createText

      public void createText(PtocaProducer producer) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
      Helper method to create text on the current page, this method delegates to the presentation text object in order to construct the text.
      producer - the producer
      UnsupportedEncodingException - thrown if character encoding is not supported
    • createInvokeMediumMap

      public void createInvokeMediumMap(String name)
    • endPage

      public void endPage()
      Helper method to mark the end of the page. This should end the control sequence on the current presentation text object.
    • endPresentationObject

      public void endPresentationObject()
      Ends the presentation text object
    • getPresentationTextObject

      public PresentationTextObject getPresentationTextObject()
      Helper method to create a presentation text object on the current page and to return the object.
      the presentation text object
    • getTagLogicalElements

      protected List getTagLogicalElements()
      Returns the list of TagLogicalElements.
      the TLEs
    • createTagLogicalElement

      public void createTagLogicalElement(TagLogicalElement.State state)
      Creates a TagLogicalElement on the page.
      state - the state of the TLE
    • createNoOperation

      public void createNoOperation(String content)
      Creates a NoOperation on the page.
      content - the byte data
    • createIncludePageSegment

      public void createIncludePageSegment(String name, int x, int y, boolean hard)
      Creates an IncludePageSegment on the current page.
      name - the name of the page segment
      x - the x coordinate of the page segment.
      y - the y coordinate of the page segment.
      hard - true if hard page segment possible
    • getActiveEnvironmentGroup

      public ActiveEnvironmentGroup getActiveEnvironmentGroup()
      Returns the ActiveEnvironmentGroup associated with this page.
      the ActiveEnvironmentGroup object
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
      Returns the height of the page
      the height of the page
    • getWidth

      public int getWidth()
      Returns the width of the page
      the width of the page
    • getRotation

      public int getRotation()
      Returns the rotation of the page
      the rotation of the page
    • writeContent

      protected void writeContent(OutputStream os) throws IOException
      Helper method to write the contents of the Object.
      writeContent in class AbstractStructuredObject
      os - The stream to write to
      IOException - throws an I/O exception if one occurred
    • addObject

      public void addObject(Object obj)
      Adds an AFP object reference to this page
      obj - an AFP object
    • setComplete

      public void setComplete(boolean complete)
      Sets whether or not this object is complete or not
      Specified by:
      setComplete in interface Completable
      complete - true if this object is complete
    • isComplete

      public boolean isComplete()
      Returns true if this object is complete
      Specified by:
      isComplete in interface Completable
      true if this object is complete