Class ActiveEnvironmentGroup

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ActiveEnvironmentGroup extends AbstractEnvironmentGroup
An Active Environment Group (AEG) is associated with each page, and is contained in the page's begin-end envelope in the data stream. The active environment group contains layout and formatting information that defines the measurement units and size of the page, and may contain resource information. Any objects that are required for page presentation and that are to be treated as resource objects must be mapped with a map structured field in the AEG. The scope of an active environment group is the scope of its containing page or overlay.
  • Constructor Details

    • ActiveEnvironmentGroup

      public ActiveEnvironmentGroup(Factory factory, String name, int width, int height, int widthRes, int heightRes)
      Constructor for the ActiveEnvironmentGroup, this takes a name parameter which must be 8 characters long.
      factory - the object factory
      name - the active environment group name
      width - the page width
      height - the page height
      widthRes - the page width resolution
      heightRes - the page height resolution
  • Method Details

    • setObjectAreaPosition

      public void setObjectAreaPosition(int x, int y, int rotation)
      Set the position of the object area
      x - the x offset
      y - the y offset
      rotation - the rotation
    • getPageDescriptor

      public PageDescriptor getPageDescriptor()
      Accessor method to obtain the PageDescriptor object of the active environment group.
      the page descriptor object
    • getPresentationTextDataDescriptor

      public PresentationTextDescriptor getPresentationTextDataDescriptor()
      Accessor method to obtain the PresentationTextDataDescriptor object of the active environment group.
      the presentation text descriptor
    • writeContent

      public void writeContent(OutputStream os) throws IOException
      Helper method to write the contents of the Object.
      writeContent in class AbstractEnvironmentGroup
      os - The stream to write to
      IOException - throws an I/O exception if one occurred
    • writeStart

      protected void writeStart(OutputStream os) throws IOException
      Helper method to write the start of the Object.
      writeStart in class AbstractStructuredObject
      os - The stream to write to
      IOException - throws an I/O exception if one occurred
    • writeEnd

      protected void writeEnd(OutputStream os) throws IOException
      Helper method to write the end of the Object.
      writeEnd in class AbstractStructuredObject
      os - The stream to write to
      IOException - an I/O exception if one occurred
    • createFont

      public void createFont(int fontRef, AFPFont font, int size, int orientation)
      Method to create a map coded font object
      fontRef - the font number used as the resource identifier
      font - the font
      size - the point size of the font
      orientation - the orientation of the font (e.g. 0, 90, 180, 270)
    • setupTruetypeMDR

      public static void setupTruetypeMDR(AbstractTripletStructuredObject mdr, boolean res)
    • addMapPageSegment

      public void addMapPageSegment(String name)
      Add map page segment.
      name - of segment to add