Class TagLogicalElement

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TagLogicalElement extends AbstractTripletStructuredObject
A Tag Logical Element structured field assigns an attribute name and an attribute value to a page or page group. The Tag Logical Element structured field may be embedded directly in the page or page group, or it may reference the page or page group from a document index. When a Tag Logical Element structured field references a page or is embedded in a page following the active environment group, it is associated with the page. When a Tag Logical Element structured field references a page group or is embedded in a page group following the Begin Named Page Group structured field, it is associated with the page group. When a Tag Logical Element structured field is associated with a page group, the parameters of the Tag Logical Element structured field are inherited by all pages in the page group and by all other page groups that are nested in the page group. The scope of a Tag Logical Element is determined by its position with respect to other TLEs that reference, or are embedded in, the same page or page group. The Tag Logical Element structured field does not provide any presentation specifications and therefore has no effect on the appearance of a document when it is presented.
  • Constructor Details

    • TagLogicalElement

      public TagLogicalElement(TagLogicalElement.State state)
      Construct a tag logical element with the name and value specified.
      state - the state of the tag logical element
  • Method Details

    • setAttributeQualifier

      public void setAttributeQualifier(int seqNumber, int levNumber)
      Sets the attribute qualifier of this structured field
      seqNumber - the attribute sequence number
      levNumber - the attribute level number
    • writeToStream

      public void writeToStream(OutputStream os) throws IOException
      DataStream objects must implement the writeToStream() method to write its data to the given OutputStream
      Specified by:
      writeToStream in interface Streamable
      writeToStream in class AbstractStructuredObject
      os - the outputsteam stream
      IOException - an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.