Class SpinnerValueFactory<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type of the data this value factory deals with, which must coincide with the type of the Spinner that the value factory is set on.
Direct Known Subclasses:
SpinnerValueFactory.DoubleSpinnerValueFactory, SpinnerValueFactory.IntegerSpinnerValueFactory, SpinnerValueFactory.ListSpinnerValueFactory

public abstract class SpinnerValueFactory<T> extends Object
The SpinnerValueFactory is the model behind the JavaFX Spinner control - without a value factory installed a Spinner is unusable. It is the role of the value factory to handle almost all aspects of the Spinner, including:

SpinnerValueFactory classes for some common types are provided with JavaFX, including:

JavaFX 8u40
See Also:
  • Property Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SpinnerValueFactory

      public SpinnerValueFactory()
  • Method Details

    • decrement

      public abstract void decrement(int steps)
      Attempts to decrement the value by the given number of steps.
      steps - The number of decrements that should be performed on the value.
    • increment

      public abstract void increment(int steps)
      Attempts to omcrement the value by the given number of steps.
      steps - The number of increments that should be performed on the value.
    • getValue

      public final T getValue()
      Gets the value of the property value.
      Property description:
      Represents the current value of the SpinnerValueFactory, or null if no value has been set.
    • setValue

      public final void setValue(T newValue)
      Sets the value of the property value.
      Property description:
      Represents the current value of the SpinnerValueFactory, or null if no value has been set.
    • valueProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<T> valueProperty()
      Represents the current value of the SpinnerValueFactory, or null if no value has been set.
      See Also:
    • getConverter

      public final StringConverter<T> getConverter()
      Gets the value of the property converter.
      Property description:
      Converts the user-typed input (when the Spinner is editable) to an object of type T, such that the input may be retrieved via the value property.
    • setConverter

      public final void setConverter(StringConverter<T> newValue)
      Sets the value of the property converter.
      Property description:
      Converts the user-typed input (when the Spinner is editable) to an object of type T, such that the input may be retrieved via the value property.
    • converterProperty

      public final ObjectProperty<StringConverter<T>> converterProperty()
      Converts the user-typed input (when the Spinner is editable) to an object of type T, such that the input may be retrieved via the value property.
      See Also:
    • setWrapAround

      public final void setWrapAround(boolean value)
      Sets the value of the property wrapAround.
      Property description:
      The wrapAround property is used to specify whether the value factory should be circular. For example, should an integer-based value model increment from the maximum value back to the minimum value (and vice versa).
    • isWrapAround

      public final boolean isWrapAround()
      Gets the value of the property wrapAround.
      Property description:
      The wrapAround property is used to specify whether the value factory should be circular. For example, should an integer-based value model increment from the maximum value back to the minimum value (and vice versa).
    • wrapAroundProperty

      public final BooleanProperty wrapAroundProperty()
      The wrapAround property is used to specify whether the value factory should be circular. For example, should an integer-based value model increment from the maximum value back to the minimum value (and vice versa).
      See Also: