Class SpinnerValueFactory.IntegerSpinnerValueFactory

Enclosing class:

public static class SpinnerValueFactory.IntegerSpinnerValueFactory extends SpinnerValueFactory<Integer>
A SpinnerValueFactory implementation designed to iterate through integer values.

Note that the default converter is implemented as an IntegerStringConverter instance.

JavaFX 8u40
  • Property Details

  • Constructor Details

    • IntegerSpinnerValueFactory

      public IntegerSpinnerValueFactory(int min, int max)
      Constructs a new IntegerSpinnerValueFactory that sets the initial value to be equal to the min value, and a default amountToStepBy of one.
      min - The minimum allowed integer value for the Spinner.
      max - The maximum allowed integer value for the Spinner.
    • IntegerSpinnerValueFactory

      public IntegerSpinnerValueFactory(int min, int max, int initialValue)
      Constructs a new IntegerSpinnerValueFactory with a default amountToStepBy of one.
      min - The minimum allowed integer value for the Spinner.
      max - The maximum allowed integer value for the Spinner.
      initialValue - The value of the Spinner when first instantiated, must be within the bounds of the min and max arguments, or else the min value will be used.
    • IntegerSpinnerValueFactory

      public IntegerSpinnerValueFactory(int min, int max, int initialValue, int amountToStepBy)
      Constructs a new IntegerSpinnerValueFactory.
      min - The minimum allowed integer value for the Spinner.
      max - The maximum allowed integer value for the Spinner.
      initialValue - The value of the Spinner when first instantiated, must be within the bounds of the min and max arguments, or else the min value will be used.
      amountToStepBy - The amount to increment or decrement by, per step.
  • Method Details

    • setMin

      public final void setMin(int value)
      Sets the value of the property min.
      Property description:
      * Properties * *
    • getMin

      public final int getMin()
      Gets the value of the property min.
      Property description:
      * Properties * *
    • minProperty

      public final IntegerProperty minProperty()
      Sets the minimum allowable value for this value factory
      the minimum allowable value for this value factory
    • setMax

      public final void setMax(int value)
      Sets the value of the property max.
      Property description:
      Sets the maximum allowable value for this value factory
    • getMax

      public final int getMax()
      Gets the value of the property max.
      Property description:
      Sets the maximum allowable value for this value factory
    • maxProperty

      public final IntegerProperty maxProperty()
      Sets the maximum allowable value for this value factory
      See Also:
    • setAmountToStepBy

      public final void setAmountToStepBy(int value)
      Sets the value of the property amountToStepBy.
      Property description:
      Sets the amount to increment or decrement by, per step.
    • getAmountToStepBy

      public final int getAmountToStepBy()
      Gets the value of the property amountToStepBy.
      Property description:
      Sets the amount to increment or decrement by, per step.
    • amountToStepByProperty

      public final IntegerProperty amountToStepByProperty()
      Sets the amount to increment or decrement by, per step.
      See Also:
    • decrement

      public void decrement(int steps)
      Attempts to decrement the value by the given number of steps.
      Specified by:
      decrement in class SpinnerValueFactory<Integer>
      steps - The number of decrements that should be performed on the value.
    • increment

      public void increment(int steps)
      Attempts to omcrement the value by the given number of steps.
      Specified by:
      increment in class SpinnerValueFactory<Integer>
      steps - The number of increments that should be performed on the value.