Class CachedRenderPagesModel

public class CachedRenderPagesModel extends RenderPagesModel
A simple cached render pages model. If the page is prepared for later rendering then this saves the page contents to a file and once the page is resolved the contents are reloaded.
  • Constructor Details

    • CachedRenderPagesModel

      public CachedRenderPagesModel(FOUserAgent userAgent, String outputFormat, FontInfo fontInfo, OutputStream stream) throws FOPException
      Main Constructor
      userAgent - FOUserAgent object for process
      outputFormat - the MIME type of the output format to use (ex. "application/pdf").
      fontInfo - FontInfo object
      stream - OutputStream
      FOPException - if the renderer cannot be properly initialized
  • Method Details

    • checkPreparedPages

      protected boolean checkPreparedPages(PageViewport newpage, boolean renderUnresolved)
      Check prepared pages
      checkPreparedPages in class RenderPagesModel
      newpage - the new page being added
      renderUnresolved - render pages with unresolved idref's (done at end-of-document processing)
      true if the current page should be rendered false if the renderer doesn't support out of order rendering and there are pending pages
    • savePage

      protected void savePage(PageViewport page)
      Save a page. It saves the contents of the page to a file.
      page - the page to prepare
    • endDocument

      public void endDocument() throws SAXException
      End the document. Render any end document OffDocumentItems Signal the end of the document for any processing.
      endDocument in class RenderPagesModel
      SAXException - if a problem was encountered.