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Packages with section javascript

| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                                             Version                                   Architecture
+++-====================================            -====================================     -====================================                                                        
ii  eslint                                           6.4.0~dfsg+~6.1.9-7                       all          AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript
ii  fonts-glyphicons-halflings                       1.009~3.4.1+dfsg-3                        all          icons made for smaller graphic
ii  handlebars                                       3:4.7.7+~4.1.0-1                          all          build semantic templates effectively with no frustration
ii  javascript-common                                11+nmu1                                   all          Base support for JavaScript library packages
un  jest                                             <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  libjs-angularjs                                  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  libjs-async                                      0.8.0-6                                   all          functions and patterns for asynchronous code - web browsers
ii  libjs-backbone                                   1.4.1~dfsg+~1.4.15-3                      all          some Backbone for JavaScript applications - browser library
ii  libjs-bootstrap                                  3.4.1+dfsg-3                              all          HTML, CSS and JS framework
ii  libjs-bootstrap-tour                             0.12.0+dfsg-5                             all          Build product tours (JavaScript library)
ii  libjs-bootstrap4                                 4.6.1+dfsg1-4                             all          HTML, CSS and JS framework
ii  libjs-bootswatch                                 3.3.7+dfsg2-1.1                           all          themes for Twitter Bootstrap
ii  libjs-codemirror                                 5.65.0+~cs5.83.9-2                        all          JavaScript editor interface for code-like content
ii  libjs-d3                                         3.5.17-4                                  all          JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG
ii  libjs-es5-shim                                   4.6.7-2                                   all          ECMAScript 5 compatibility shims for old JavaScript engines (library)
ii  libjs-es6-promise                                4.2.8-12                                  all          Lightweight async code library for JavaScript
ii  libjs-events                                     3.3.0+~3.0.0-3                            all          Node.js events module for browsers
ii  libjs-highlight.js                               9.18.5+dfsg1-2                            all          JavaScript library for syntax highlighting
ii  libjs-inherits                                   2.0.4-6                                   all          Browser library that exposes inherits function from Node.js environment
ii  libjs-is-typedarray                              1.0.0-4                                   all          JavaScript library checking if object is TypedArray
ii  libjs-jed                                        1.1.1-4                                   all          Gettext Style i18n for Modern JavaScript Apps - JavaScript library
ii  libjs-jquery                                     3.6.1+dfsg+~3.5.14-1                      all          JavaScript library for dynamic web applications
ii  libjs-jquery-datatables                          1.11.5+dfsg-2                             all          jQuery plug-in that makes nice tables from different data sources
ii  libjs-jquery-datatables-extensions               0.0+git20150910.28fd64e+dfsg-5            all          extensions for the jQuery plug-in for tables from different data sources
ii  libjs-jquery-hotkeys                             0~20130707+git2d51e3a9+dfsg-2.1           all          easily add and remove handlers for keyboard events anywhere in your code
un  libjs-jquery-lazyload                            <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  libjs-jquery-selectize.js                        0.12.6+dfsg-1.1                           all          Extensible jQuery-based custom select UI control
ii  libjs-jquery-typeahead                           2.11.0+dfsg1-3                            all          Type-ahead autocompletion plugin for JQuery
ii  libjs-jquery-ui                                  1.13.2+dfsg-1                             all          JavaScript UI library for dynamic web applications
un  libjs-jquery-ui-docs                             <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  libjs-jquery-ui-theme-base                       1.12.1+dfsg-1.1                           all          Base theme for jQuery UI
ii  libjs-json                                       0~20221030+~1.0.8-1                       all          JSON encoders/decoders implemented in JavaScript
un  libjs-katex                                      <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  libjs-leaflet                                    <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  libjs-leaflet.markercluster                      <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  libjs-lodash                                     <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  libjs-marked                                     4.2.3+ds+~4.0.7-2                         all          Full-featured markdown parser and compiler
ii  libjs-mathjax                                    2.7.9+dfsg-1                              all          JavaScript display engine for LaTeX and MathML
un  libjs-mathjax-doc                                <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  libjs-microplugin.js                             0.0.3+dfsg-1.1                            all          Lightweight plugin / dependency system for libraries
ii  libjs-modernizr                                  2.6.2+ds1-5                               all          JavaScript library to detect HTML5 and CSS3 features in the user's browser
ii  libjs-moment                                     2.29.4+ds-1                               all          Work with dates in JavaScript (library)
ii  libjs-mootools                                   1.4.5~debian1-3                           all          compact JavaScript framework
ii  libjs-openlayers                                 2.13.1+ds2-10                             all          JavaScript library for displaying map data in web browsers
ii  libjs-popper.js                                  1.16.1+ds-6                               all          Javascript library to position poppers in web applications
ii  libjs-prettify                                   2015.12.04+dfsg-1.1                       all          syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an html page
ii  libjs-prototype                                  1.7.3-1                                   all          JavaScript Framework for dynamic web applications
ii  libjs-regenerate                                 1.4.2-3                                   all          Unicode-aware regular expression generator (JavaScript library)
ii  libjs-requirejs                                  2.3.6+ds+~2.1.34-2                        all          JavaScript file and module loader
ii  libjs-requirejs-text                             2.0.12-1.1                                all          loader plugin for loading text resources
ii  libjs-scriptaculous                              1.9.0-3                                   all          JavaScript library for dynamic web applications
ii  libjs-sifter.js                                  0.6.0+dfsg-3                              all          Library for textually searching arrays and hashes of objects
ii  libjs-sizzle                                     2.3.6+ds+~2.3.3-2                         all          Pure-JavaScript CSS selector engine
ii  libjs-source-map                                 0.7.0++dfsg2+really.0.6.1-15              all          Mozilla source map generator and consumer - JavaScript library
ii  libjs-sphinxdoc                                  5.3.0-4                                   all          JavaScript support for Sphinx documentation
ii  libjs-sprintf-js                                 1.1.2+ds1+~1.1.2-1                        all          JavaScript sprintf implementation
ii  libjs-text-encoding                              0.7.0-5                                   all          Polyfill for the Encoding Living Standard's API (JavaScript lib)
ii  libjs-three                                      111+dfsg1-3                               all          lightweight 3D graphics library
ii  libjs-twitter-bootstrap-datepicker               1.3.1+dfsg1-4.1                           all          add datepicker picker to field or to any other element
ii  libjs-typedarray-to-buffer                       4.0.0-2                                   all          Nodejs utility converting TypedArray to buffer without copy
ii  libjs-underscore                                 1.13.4~dfsg+~1.11.4-3                     all          JavaScript's functional programming helper library
ii  libjs-util                                       0.12.5+~1.0.10-1                          all          JavaScript util module
ii  libjs-xmlextras                                  20060529-2                                all          creates a common interface to use of the XML objects provided by IE and Mozilla
ii  libjs-xterm                                      3.8.1+~cs0.9.0-1                          all          terminal front-end component for the browser - browser library
ii  node-abbrev                                      1.1.1+~1.1.2-1                            all          Get unique abbreviations for a set of strings - Node.js module
ii  node-acorn                                       8.8.1+ds+~cs25.17.7-2                     all          ECMAScript parser for Node.js
ii  node-agent-base                                  6.0.2+~cs5.4.2-2                          all          Turn a function into an http.Agent instance
ii  node-ajv                                         6.12.6-3                                  all          another JSON Schema Validator
ii  node-ajv-keywords                                3.5.2-2                                   all          Custom JSON-Schema keywords for Ajv validator
ii  node-ampproject-remapping                        2.2.0+~cs5.15.37-1                        all          Nodejs module to remap sequential sourcemaps through transformations
ii  node-ansi                                        0.3.1-2                                   all          Advanced ANSI formatting tool for Node.js
ii  node-ansi-align                                  3.0.1-1                                   all          align-text with ANSI support for CLIs
ii  node-ansi-escapes                                5.0.0+really.4.3.1-1                      all          ANSI escape codes for manipulating the terminal
ii  node-ansi-regex                                  5.0.1-1                                   all          regular expression for matching ANSI escape codes
ii  node-ansi-styles                                 6.2.1-2                                   all          ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal with Node.js
ii  node-anymatch                                    3.1.3+~cs4.6.1-2                          all          Matches strings against configurable strings
ii  node-aproba                                      2.0.0-3                                   all          light-weight argument validator
ii  node-archy                                       1.0.0-6                                   all          Pretty-print nested hierarchies module for Node.js
ii  node-are-we-there-yet                            3.0.1+~1.1.0-1                            all          Keep track of the overall completion of many disparate processes
ii  node-argparse                                    2.0.1-2                                   all          CLI arguments parser for node.js
ii  node-arrify                                      2.0.1-3                                   all          Convert a value to an array
ii  node-assert                                      2.0.0+~cs3.9.8-2                          all          simple assertion library for javascript
ii  node-async                                       0.8.0-6                                   all          functions and patterns for asynchronous code - Node.js
ii  node-async-each                                  1.0.3-3                                   all          async parallel forEach / map function for JavaScript
un  node-autoprefixer                                <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-babel-helper-define-polyfill-provider       0.3.3~0~20220913+ds1-1                    all          node-babel helper for polyfills
un  node-babel-loader                                <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-babel-plugin-add-module-exports             1.0.4+dfsg1~cs5.8.0-4                     all          Babel plugin for default module.exports like babel version 5
ii  node-babel-plugin-lodash                         3.3.4+~cs2.0.1-6                          all          Modular Lodash builds without the hassle
ii  node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs2               0.3.3~0~20220913+ds1-1                    all          node-babel plugin to inject corejs2 polyfill
ii  node-babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3               0.6.0~0~20220913+ds1-1                    all          node-babel plugin to inject corejs3 polyfill
un  node-babel-plugin-polyfill-es-shims              <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-babel-plugin-polyfill-regenerator           0.4.1~0~20220913+ds1-1                    all          node-babel plugin to regenerate polyfills
ii  node-babel7                                      7.20.15+ds1+~cs214.269.168-3+deb12u1      all          Babel compiler for writing next generation JavaScript
un  node-babel7-debug                                <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-babel7-runtime                              7.20.15+ds1+~cs214.269.168-3+deb12u1      all          Babel modular runtime helpers
ii  node-balanced-match                              2.0.0-1                                   all          Match balanced character pairs in Node.js
ii  node-base64-js                                   1.5.1+dfsg+~1.3.0-2                       all          Base64 encoding/decoding in pure JS
ii  node-binary-extensions                           2.2.0-2                                   all          List of binary file extensions
ii  node-bl                                          5.1.0-1                                   all          access multiple buffers with Buffer interface - Node.js module
ii  node-bluebird                                    3.7.2+dfsg1+~3.5.36-1                     all          Fully featured Promises/A+ implementation for Node.js
un  node-bootstrap                                   <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-bootstrap-sass                              3.4.3-2                                   all          Sass-powered version of Bootstrap 3
ii  node-boxen                                       4.2.0+repack-1                            all          Create boxes in the terminal
ii  node-brace-expansion                             2.0.1-2                                   all          Brace expansion as known from sh/bash for Node.js
ii  node-braces                                      3.0.2+~3.0.1-1                            all          Fast, comprehensive, bash-like brace expansion implemented in JS
un  node-browser-resolve                             <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-browserslist                                4.21.4+~cs6.1.17-2                        all          Share browsers list between different front-end tools
ii  node-builtin-modules                             3.3.0-1                                   all          List of the Node.js builtin modules
ii  node-builtins                                    5.0.1-1                                   all          lists nodejs builtin modules
ii  node-busboy                                      1.6.0+~cs2.6.0-2                          all          Node.js module for parsing incoming HTML form data
ii  node-cacache                                     17.0.3+~cs10.3.7-1                        all          fast, fault-tolerant, disk-based, data-agnostic, content-addressable cache
ii  node-call-limit                                  1.1.1-3                                   all          Limit the number of simultaneous calls to an async function
ii  node-camelcase                                   7.0.0-3                                   all          Convert a string to camelCase
un  node-caniuse-api                                 <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-caniuse-lite                                1.0.30001436+dfsg+~1.0.1-1                all          smaller version of caniuse-db, with only the essentials
ii  node-chalk                                       5.2.0-1                                   all          Terminal string styling for Node.js
ii  node-chokidar                                    3.5.3-2                                   all          wrapper around watch / watchFile / fsevents
ii  node-chownr                                      2.0.0-2                                   all          like chown -R
ii  node-chrome-trace-event                          1.0.3-2                                   all          create a trace of your node app per Google's Trace Event format
ii  node-ci-info                                     3.6.1+~cs1.1.0-1                          all          Get details about the current Continuous Integration environment
ii  node-cjs-module-lexer                            1.2.2+dfsg-5                              all          Fast lexer to extract named exports from CommonJS modules
ii  node-cli-boxes                                   2.2.1-2                                   all          Boxes for use in the terminal
ii  node-cli-table                                   0.3.11+~cs0.13.4-3                        all          Pretty unicode tables for the CLI
ii  node-clipboard                                   2.0.11+ds+~cs9.6.11-1                     all          Node.js module to copy to clipboard without flash
ii  node-cliui                                       7.0.4+repack+~cs3.1.0-4                   all          easily create complex multi-column CLIs
ii  node-clone                                       2.1.2-4                                   all          deep cloning of objects and arrays
ii  node-clone-deep                                  4.0.1+~cs7.0.2-1                          all          Recursively (deep) clone JavaScript native types
ii  node-co                                          4.6.0+~4.6.2-2                            all          generator async control flow goodness
ii  node-color-convert                               2.0.1+~cs2.0.0-2                          all          Plain color conversion functions
ii  node-color-name                                  1.1.4+~1.1.1-2                            all          list of color names and its values
ii  node-colors                                      1.4.0-4                                   all          Get color and style in your node.js console
ii  node-columnify                                   1.6.0+~1.5.1-1                            all          Render data in text columns with in-column text-wrap
ii  node-commander                                   9.4.1-1                                   all          Complete solution for Node.js command-line interfaces
ii  node-commondir                                   1.0.1+~1.0.0-1                            all          compute the closest common parent for file paths
un  node-compression-webpack-plugin                  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-concat-map                                  0.0.2+~0.0.1-1                            all          concatenative mapdashery for Node.js
ii  node-concat-stream                               2.0.0+~2.0.0-2                            all          writable stream that concatenates strings
ii  node-config-chain                                1.1.12-3                                  all          Handle Configuration Once And For All
ii  node-configstore                                 6.0.0-2                                   all          load and save config without having to think about where and how
ii  node-console-control-strings                     1.1.0-3                                   all          cross-platform tested terminal/console command strings
ii  node-convert-source-map                          1.9.0+~1.5.2-1                            all          Converts a source-map from/to between formats
ii  node-copy-concurrently                           1.0.5-9                                   all          Copy files, directories and symlinks concurrently
un  node-copy-webpack-plugin                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-core-js                                     3.26.1-3                                  all          Modular standard library for JavaScript
ii  node-core-js-compat                              3.26.1-3                                  all          data about the necessity of core-js
ii  node-core-js-pure                                3.26.1-3                                  all          Modular standard library for JavaScript without global namespace pollution
ii  node-core-util-is                                1.0.3-1                                   all* functions introduced in Node v0.12 for older versions
un  node-cosmiconfig                                 <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  node-cpr                                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-crypto-random-string                        3.3.1-1                                   all          Generate a cryptographically strong random string
ii  node-css-loader                                  6.7.2+~cs14.0.11-1                        all          css loader module for webpack
ii  node-css-selector-tokenizer                      0.8.0+~cs4.8.3-1                          all          Parses and stringifies CSS selectors
ii  node-cyclist                                     1.0.1-4                                   all          efficient cyclic list implementation for Javascript
ii  node-data-uri-to-buffer                          4.0.0-3                                   all          Generate a Buffer instance from a Data URI string
un  node-debbundle-acorn                             <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-debbundle-es-to-primitive                   1.2.1+~cs9.7.25-2                         all          Pure javascript implementation of ToPrimitive algorithm
ii  node-debug                                       4.3.4+~cs4.1.7-1                          all          small debugging utility for Node.js
ii  node-decamelize                                  4.0.0-2                                   all          convert a camelized string into a lowercased one with a custom separator
ii  node-decompress-response                         6.0.0-2                                   all          Decompress a HTTP response if needed
ii  node-deep-equal                                  2.1.0+~cs31.12.80-1                       all          node's assert.deepEqual algorithm
ii  node-deep-extend                                 0.6.0-4                                   all          Recursive object extending
ii  node-deep-is                                     0.1.4-1                                   all          node's assert.deepEqual algorithm except for NaN being equal to NaN
ii  node-defaults                                    1.0.4+~1.0.3-1                            all          merge single level defaults over a config object
ii  node-define-properties                           1.1.4+~1.1.3-1                            all          Define multiple non-enumerable properties at once
ii  node-defined                                     1.0.1+~1.0.0-1                            all          return the first argument that is `!== undefined`
ii  node-del                                         7.0.0-5                                   all          Delete files and folders
ii  node-delegates                                   1.0.0-3                                   all          delegate methods and accessors to another property
ii  node-depd                                        2.0.0-2                                   all          mark a function or property as deprecated - Node.js module
ii  node-detect-indent                               6.1.0-1                                   all          Detect the indentation of code
ii  node-detect-newline                              3.1.0-2                                   all          Detect the dominant newline character of a string
ii  node-diff                                        5.0.0~dfsg+~5.0.1-4                       all          javascript text differencing implementation
ii  node-doctrine                                    3.0.0-4                                   all          JSDoc parser
ii  node-dot-prop                                    7.2.0-3                                   all          updates a property from a nested object
ii  node-duplexer3                                   1.0.0+~0.1.1-2                            all          Like duplexer but using streams3
ii  node-duplexify                                   4.1.2-1                                   all          Turn a writable and readable stream into a streams2 duplex stream
ii  node-editor                                      1.0.0-3                                   all          Launch $EDITOR in your program
ii  node-electron-to-chromium                        1.4.284-1                                 all          Provides a list of electron-to-chromium version mappings
ii  node-encoding                                    0.1.13-2                                  all          Convert encodings, uses iconv by default and fallbacks to iconv-lite if needed
ii  node-end-of-stream                               1.4.4+~1.4.1-1                            all          Invoke a callback when a stream has completed or failed
ii  node-enhanced-resolve                            5.10.0-1                                  all          Offers a async require.resolve function
ii  node-err-code                                    2.0.3+dfsg-3                              all          Create an error with a code
ii  node-errno                                       1.0.0-3                                   all          libuv errno details exposed - Node.js module
ii  node-error-ex                                    1.3.2-4                                   all          easy error subclassing and stack customization
ii  node-es-abstract                                 1.20.4+~cs26.27.47-1                      all          ECMAScript spec abstract operations
ii  node-es-module-lexer                             1.1.0+dfsg-2                              all          Fast lexer to extract named exports from EcmaScript modules
ii  node-es6-error                                   4.1.1-5                                   all          Easily-extendable error for use with ES6 classes
ii  node-es6-promise                                 4.2.8-12                                  all          Lightweight async code library for JavaScript (Node.js module)
ii  node-escape-string-regexp                        4.0.0-2                                   all          Escape RegExp special characters in Node.js
ii  node-escodegen                                   2.0.0+dfsg+~0.0.7-2                       all          ECMAScript code generator
ii  node-eslint-scope                                7.1.1+~3.7.4-1                            all          ECMAScript scope analyzer for ESLint
ii  node-eslint-utils                                3.0.0-3                                   all          utilities for ESLint plugins
ii  node-eslint-visitor-keys                         3.3.0+~1.0.0-1                            all          Constants and utilities about visitor keys to traverse AST
ii  node-espree                                      9.4.1~dfsg-1                              all          Esprima-compatible JavaScript parser built on Acorn
ii  node-esprima                                     4.0.1+ds+~4.0.3-2                         all          ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
un  node-esprima-fb                                  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-esquery                                     1.4.2~ds-1                                all          query library for ECMAScript AST using CSS-like queries
ii  node-esrecurse                                   4.3.0-2                                   all          ECMAScript AST recursive visitor
ii  node-estraverse                                  5.3.0+ds+~5.1.1-1                         all          ECMAScript JS AST traversal functions
ii  node-esutils                                     2.0.3+~2.0.0-1                            all          utility box for ECMAScript language tools
ii  node-events                                      3.3.0+~3.0.0-3                            all          Node.js events module to embed by web packers
ii  node-execa                                       6.1.0+dfsg1+~cs16.0.4-8                   all          better `child_process`
un  node-falafel                                     <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-fancy-log                                   1.3.3+~cs1.3.1-2                          all          Log things, prefixed with a timestamp
ii  node-fast-deep-equal                             3.1.3-3                                   all          Fast Deep Equal
ii  node-fast-levenshtein                            2.0.6+ds-3                                all          efficient implementation of Levenshtein algorithm
ii  node-fetch                                       3.3.0+~cs11.4.11-2                        all          light-weight module that brings window.fetch to node.js
ii  node-file-entry-cache                            6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5       all          Node.js library implementing a simple cache for file metadata
un  node-file-loader                                 <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-fill-range                                  7.0.1+~7.0.0-1                            all          node module to fill in a range of numbers or letters
ii  node-find-cache-dir                              3.3.2+~3.2.1-1                            all          finds the common standard cache directory
ii  node-find-up                                     6.3.0-7                                   all          Find a file by walking up parent directories
un  node-fined                                       <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-flat-cache                                  3.0.4~6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5 all          Node.js library implementing a simple persistent key/value storage
ii  node-flatted                                     3.2.7~ds-1                                all          super light and fast circular JSON parser - Node library
ii  node-flush-write-stream                          2.0.0-6                                   all          Write stream constructor
ii  node-for-in                                      1.0.2-4                                   all          iterate over object
ii  node-for-own                                     1.0.0-3                                   all          Iterate over the own enumerable properties of an object
ii  node-foreground-child                            2.0.0-5                                   all          helper running a child process as a foreground process
ii  node-from2                                       2.3.0+~2.3.1-2                            all          wrapper for ReadableStream
ii  node-fs-readdir-recursive                        1.1.0+~1.1.0-1                            all          Recursively read a directory
ii  node-fs-write-stream-atomic                      1.0.10-6                                  all          Like fs.createWriteStream(...), but atomic
ii  node-fs.realpath                                 1.0.0-3                                   all          Use node's fs.realpath
un  node-fstream                                     <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-function-bind                               1.1.1+repacked+~1.0.3-2                   all          Implementation of Function.prototype.bind
ii  node-functional-red-black-tree                   1.0.1+20181105-7                          all          fully persistent balanced binary search tree - Node.js library
ii  node-gauge                                       4.0.4-1                                   all          terminal based horizontal progress bar
ii  node-genfun                                      5.0.0-2                                   all          fast, prototype-friendly multimethods
ii  node-get-caller-file                             2.0.5+~cs1.1.1-4                          all          inspects the v8 stack trace
ii  node-get-stream                                  6.0.1-1                                   all          Get a stream as a string, buffer, or array
ii  node-glob                                        8.0.3+~cs8.4.15-1                         all          glob functionality for Node.js
ii  node-glob-parent                                 6.0.2+~5.1.1-2                            all          Extract the non-magic parent path from a glob string
ii  node-globals                                     13.18.0-1                                 all          Global identifiers from different JavaScript environments
ii  node-globby                                      13.1.3+~cs16.25.40-1                      all          Extends glob with promise API
ii  node-got                                         11.8.5+~cs58.13.36-3                      all          Simplified HTTP requests
ii  node-graceful-fs                                 4.2.10-1                                  all          drop-in replacement improving the Node.js fs module
un  node-gulp-concat                                 <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-gyp                                         9.3.0-2                                   all          Native addon build tool for Node.js
un  node-har-schema                                  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  node-har-validator                               <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-has-flag                                    4.0.0-3                                   all          check if argv has a specific flag
ii  node-has-symbol-support-x                        1.4.1+dfsg-3                              all          Tests if ES6 Symbol is supported
ii  node-has-to-string-tag-x                         1.4.1+dfsg-3                              all          Tests if ES6 @@toStringTag is supported
ii  node-has-unicode                                 2.0.1-5                                   all          Try to guess if your terminal supports unicode
ii  node-highlight.js                                9.18.5+dfsg1-2                            all          JavaScript library for syntax highlighting - NodeJS
ii  node-hosted-git-info                             6.1.1-2                                   all          Provides metadata from Github, Bitbucket and Gitlab
ii  node-html5shiv                                   3.7.3+dfsg-5                              all          enable use of HTML5 sectioning elements in legacy browser
ii  node-https-proxy-agent                           5.0.1+~cs8.0.0-3                          all          HTTP(s) proxy http.Agent implementation for HTTPS
ii  node-iconv-lite                                  0.6.3-3                                   all          Pure JS character encoding conversion
ii  node-icss-utils                                  5.1.0+~5.1.0-1                            all          ICSS utils for postcss ast
ii  node-ieee754                                     1.2.1-3                                   all          Node.js module to read or write IEEE754 floating point numbers
ii  node-iferr                                       1.0.2+~1.0.2-1                            all          Higher-order functions for easier error handling
ii  node-ignore                                      5.2.1-1                                   all          manager and filter for .gitignore rules - Node.js library
ii  node-import-lazy                                 4.0.0-2                                   all          import a module lazily
ii  node-imurmurhash                                 0.1.4+dfsg+~0.1.1-2                       all          incremental implementation of MurmurHash3 hashing algorithm
ii  node-indent-string                               4.0.0-2                                   all          Indent each line in a string
ii  node-inflight                                    1.0.6-2                                   all          add callbacks to requests in flight to avoid async duplication
ii  node-inherits                                    2.0.4-6                                   all          Node.js module that exposes inherits function
ii  node-ini                                         3.0.1-2                                   all          ini format parser and serializer for Node.js
un  node-inquirer                                    <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-interpret                                   2.2.0-3                                   all          dictionary of file extensions and associated module loaders
ii  node-invert-kv                                   3.0.1-2                                   all          invert the key/value of an object
ii  node-ip                                          2.0.0+~1.1.0-1                            all          IP address utilities for node.js
ii  node-ip-regex                                    4.3.0+~4.1.1-1                            all          Regular expression for matching IP addresses
ii  node-is-arrayish                                 0.3.2-3                                   all          Determines if an object can be used as an array
ii  node-is-binary-path                              2.1.0-5                                   all          check if a filepath is a binary file
ii  node-is-buffer                                   2.0.5-2                                   all          Determine if an object is a Buffer
ii  node-is-builtin-module                           3.2.0-2                                   all          Check if string matches name of a Node.js builtin module
ii  node-is-extendable                               1.0.1-3                                   all          determine if a value can be extended
ii  node-is-extglob                                  2.1.1-5                                   all          Node module to return true if a string is an extglob
ii  node-is-glob                                     4.0.3-2                                   all          Node module to return true if a string is a glob or extglob
ii  node-is-npm                                      5.0.0-2                                   all          Checks if your code is running as an npm script
ii  node-is-number                                   7.0.0-4                                   all          returns true if the value is a number
ii  node-is-obj                                      2.0.0-2                                   all          Check if a JavaScript value is an object
ii  node-is-object                                   1.0.2+~1.0.2-2                            all          Checks whether a value is an object
ii  node-is-path-cwd                                 2.2.0-2                                   all          Check if a path is CWD
ii  node-is-path-inside                              3.0.3-2                                   all          Check if a path is inside another path
ii  node-is-plain-obj                                3.0.0-2                                   all          Check if a value is a plain object
ii  node-is-plain-object                             5.0.0-7                                   all          Returns true if object was created by `Object` constructor
ii  node-is-retry-allowed                            2.2.0-1                                   all          Is retry allowed for Error?
ii  node-is-stream                                   3.0.0-4                                   all          Check if something is a Node.js stream
ii  node-is-typedarray                               1.0.0-4                                   all          Nodejs library checking if object is TypedArray
ii  node-is-windows                                  1.0.2+~cs1.0.0-1                          all          True if the platform is windows
ii  node-isarray                                     2.0.5-4                                   all          JavaScript Array#isArray for older browsers
ii  node-isexe                                       2.0.0+~2.0.1-5                            all          minimal module to check if a file is executable
ii  node-isobject                                    4.0.0-2                                   all          Checks if the value is an object and not an array or null
ii  node-istanbul                                    0.4.5+repack10+~cs97.25.57-3              all          JavaScript code coverage tool
ii  node-isurl                                       4.0.2+~1.0.2-1                            all          Checks whether a value is a WHATWG URL
ii  node-jed                                         1.1.1-4                                   all          Gettext Style i18n for Modern JavaScript Apps - Node.js module
ii  node-jest-debbundle                              29.3.1~ds1+~cs70.48.25-2                  all          various ittle Node.js modules needed by jest
ii  node-jest-worker                                 29.3.1~ds1+~cs70.48.25-2                  all          Nodejs module for executing heavy tasks under forked processes in parallel
ii  node-jquery                                      3.6.1+dfsg+~3.5.14-1                      all          NodeJS wrapper for jQuery
ii  node-jquery-ui                                   1.13.2+dfsg-1                             all          JavaScript UI library for dynamic web applications (NodeJs)
ii  node-js-tokens                                   8.0.0-2                                   all          Regex that tokenizes JavaScript
ii  node-js-yaml                                     4.1.0+dfsg+~4.0.5-7                       all          YAML 1.2 parser and serializer
ii  node-jsesc                                       3.0.2+~3.0.1-1                            all          Escape JavaScript strings, with short output (Node.js module)
ii  node-json-buffer                                 3.0.1+~3.0.0-1                            all          JSON functions that can convert buffers.
ii  node-json-parse-better-errors                    1.0.2+~cs3.3.1-2                          all          JSON.parse() with context information on error
ii  node-json-schema                                 0.4.0+~7.0.11-1                           all          JSON Schema validation and specifications
ii  node-json-schema-traverse                        1.0.0-3                                   all          Json schema traversal package
ii  node-json-stable-stringify                       1.0.2+~cs5.2.34-1                         all          deterministic JSON.stringify()
ii  node-json5                                       2.2.3+dfsg-1                              all          JSON for the ES5 era
ii  node-jsonify                                     0.0.1-1                                   all          JSON without touching any globals
ii  node-jsonparse                                   1.3.1-10                                  all          Pure javascript JSON streaming parser for node.js
ii  node-jsonstream                                  1.3.5-3                                   all          streaming JSON.parse and stringify
un  node-jszip                                       <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-kind-of                                     6.0.3+dfsg-2                              all          Get the native type of a value
un  node-klaw                                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-latest-version                              7.0.0-3                                   all          Get the latest version of an npm package
ii  node-lazy-property                               1.0.0+repack-1                            all          Adds a lazily initialized property to the object
ii  node-lcid                                        3.1.1-3                                   all          map standard locale identifies and lcid
un  node-less                                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-leven                                       4.0.0+~cs1.1.1-2                          all          library to measure the difference between two strings
ii  node-levn                                        0.4.1+dfsg-2                              all          Light ECMAScript (JavaScript) Value Notation
un  node-libs-browser                                <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  node-liftoff                                     <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-loader-runner                               4.3.0-1                                   all          Runs (webpack) loaders
ii  node-locate-path                                 7.1.1-2                                   all          Get the first path that exists on disk of multiple paths
ii  node-lodash                                      4.17.21+dfsg+~cs8.31.198.20210220-9       all          Lo-dash is a Node.js utility library
ii  node-lodash-packages                             4.17.21+dfsg+~cs8.31.198.20210220-9       all          Lo-dash is a Node.js utility library (per method packages)
un  node-loose-envify                                <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-lowercase-keys                              2.0.0-2                                   all          Lowercase the keys of an object
ii  node-lru-cache                                   7.14.1-1                                  all          least-recently-used cache object for Node.js
ii  node-make-dir                                    3.1.0-3                                   all          Make a directory and its parents if needed - Think mkdir -p
ii  node-mem                                         9.0.2+~cs4.2.0-2                          all          Memoize functions
ii  node-memfs                                       3.4.12+~cs1.0.3-1                         all          In-memory filesystem with Node's API
ii  node-memory-fs                                   0.5.0+~0.3.3-2                            all          simple in-memory filesystem
ii  node-merge-stream                                2.0.0+~1.1.2-2                            all          Create a stream that emits events from multiple other streams
ii  node-micromatch                                  4.0.5+~4.0.2-1                            all          Glob matching for javascript/node.js
ii  node-mime                                        3.0.0+dfsg+~cs3.97.1-1                    all          library for mime-type mapping for Node.js
ii  node-mime-types                                  2.1.35-1                                  all          ultimate JavaScript content-type utility - Node.js module
ii  node-mimic-fn                                    4.0.0-5                                   all          Make a function mimic another one
ii  node-mimic-response                              3.1.0-8                                   all          Mimic a Node.js HTTP response stream
un  node-mini-css-extract-plugin                     <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-minimatch                                   5.1.1+~5.1.2-1                            all          Convert glob expressions into RegExp objects for Node.js
ii  node-minimist                                    1.2.7+~cs5.3.2-2                          all          Argument options parsing for Node.js
ii  node-minipass                                    3.3.6+~cs9.4.19-1                         all          Minimal implementation of a PassThrough for Node.js
ii  node-mississippi                                 4.0.0-1                                   all          collection of useful streams
ii  node-mkdirp                                      1.0.4+~1.0.2-4                            all          Recursively create directories - Node.js module
un  node-modern-syslog                               <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-move-concurrently                           1.0.1-5                                   all          Move files and directories concurrently
ii  node-ms                                          2.1.3+~cs0.7.31-3                         all          milliseconds conversion utility - Node.js module
un  node-multiparty                                  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-mute-stream                                 0.0.8+~0.0.1-3                            all          Pass-through stream that can be muted module for Node.js
un  node-mysticatea-eslint-plugin                    <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-n3                                          1.16.3+~1.2.3+~1.10.4-1                   all          fast asynchronous streaming RDF for JavaScript - Node library
ii  node-negotiator                                  0.6.3+~0.6.1-1                            all          HTTP content negotiator for Node.js
ii  node-neo-async                                   2.6.2+~cs3.0.0-2                          all          faster replacement for Async
un  node-node-rest-client                            <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-nopt                                        5.0.0-4                                   all          Command-line option parser for Node.js
ii  node-normalize-package-data                      4.0.1+~2.4.1-1                            all          Normalizes package metadata - Node.js module
ii  node-normalize-path                              3.0.0+~3.0.0-1                            all          Normalize file path slashes to be unix-like forward slashes
ii  node-normalize.css                               8.0.1-5                                   all          Modern alternative to CSS resets
ii  node-npm-bundled                                 2.0.1-2                                   all          Parses info on bundled dependencies
ii  node-npm-package-arg                             10.0.0+~3.0.0-2                           all          Parse the things that can be arguments to npm install
ii  node-npm-run-path                                5.1.0+~4.0.0-8                            all          Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binaries
ii  node-npmlog                                      7.0.1+~4.1.4-1                            all          Logger with custom levels and colored output for Node.js
ii  node-number-is-nan                               2.0.0-3                                   all          ES6 Number.isNaN() ponyfill
ii  node-object-assign                               4.1.1-7                                   all          ES2015 Object.assign() ponyfill
ii  node-object-inspect                              1.12.2+~cs1.8.1-1                         all          string representations of objects in node and the browser
ii  node-once                                        1.4.0-7                                   all          Run a function only once with this module for Node.js
ii  node-opener                                      1.5.2+~1.4.0-1                            all          Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
ii  node-optimist                                    0.6.1+~0.0.30-2                           all          light-weight option parsing library for NodeJS
ii  node-optionator                                  0.9.1+dfsg+~cs1.2.3-1                     all          option parsing and help generation
ii  node-os-locale                                   6.0.2-1                                   all          get the system locale
ii  node-os-tmpdir                                   1.0.2-4                                   all          Node.js os.tmpdir() ponyfill
ii  node-osenv                                       0.1.5+~0.1.1-1                            all          Environment settings lookup module for Node.js
ii  node-p-cancelable                                2.1.1-1                                   all          Create a promise that can be canceled
ii  node-p-finally                                   2.0.1-2                                   all          Invoked when the promise is settled regardless of outcome
ii  node-p-is-promise                                3.0.0-2                                   all          Check if something is a promise
ii  node-p-limit                                     4.0.0+~cs4.0.0-5                          all          run multiple promise-returning & async functions
ii  node-p-locate                                    6.0.0-12                                  all          async version of Array
ii  node-p-map                                       4.0.0+~3.1.0+~3.0.1-1                     all          Map over promises concurrently
ii  node-p-timeout                                   4.1.0-2                                   all          Timeout a promise after a specified amount of time
ii  node-package-json                                8.1.0-5                                   all          Get metadata of a package from the npm registry
ii  node-parallel-transform                          1.2.0+~1.1.1-1                            all          Runs transforms in parallel
ii  node-parse-json                                  5.2.0+~cs5.1.7-1                          all          parse JSON with more helpful errors
ii  node-path-dirname                                1.0.2-2                                   all          Node.js library for function path.dirname ponyfill
ii  node-path-exists                                 5.0.0-8                                   all          Check if a path exists
ii  node-path-is-absolute                            2.0.0-2                                   all          Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill
ii  node-path-is-inside                              1.0.2+~1.0.0-1                            all          Tests whether one path is inside another path
ii  node-path-type                                   4.0.0-3                                   all          check if a path is a file, directory, or symlink
ii  node-picocolors                                  1.0.0-4                                   all          library for terminal output formatting with colors (Node.js module)
ii  node-pify                                        5.0.0+~cs5.0.1-1                          all          promisify a callback-style function
ii  node-pkg-dir                                     5.0.0-2                                   all          find the root directory of a npm package
ii  node-postcss                                     8.4.20+~cs8.0.23-1                        all          Tool for transforming styles with JS plugins
ii  node-postcss-modules-extract-imports             3.0.0-2                                   all          CSS Modules transform to extract local aliases for inline imports
ii  node-postcss-modules-values                      4.0.0+~4.0.0-1                            all          pass arbitrary values between your module files
ii  node-postcss-value-parser                        4.2.0-1                                   all          Transforms css values and at-rule params into the tree
ii  node-prelude-ls                                  1.2.1+dfsg-3                              all          functionally oriented utility library for Livescript
ii  node-prepend-http                                3.0.1-2                                   all          Prepend `http://` to humanized URLs like and localhost
ii  node-prismjs                                     1.29.0+dfsg+~1.26.0-1                     all          Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting
ii  node-process-nextick-args                        2.0.1-3                                   all          process.nextTick but always with args
ii  node-progress                                    2.0.3-2                                   all          Flexible ascii progress bar
ii  node-promise-inflight                            1.0.1+~1.0.0-1                            all          one promise for multiple requests in flight to avoid async duplication
ii  node-promise-retry                               2.0.1-4                                   all          Retries a function that returns a promise
ii  node-promzard                                    0.3.0-2                                   all          Promzard provides a prompting json wizard
ii  node-proto-list                                  1.2.4-4                                   all          utility for managing a prototype chain
ii  node-prr                                         1.0.1-3                                   all          Object.defineProperty() with common defaults - Node.js module
ii  node-pseudomap                                   1.0.2-3                                   all          like ES6 `Map`, but without iterators
ii  node-puka                                        1.0.1+dfsg-3                              all          Safely pass strings through shells - Node.js module
ii  node-pump                                        3.0.0-5                                   all          small node module that pipes streams together
ii  node-pumpify                                     2.0.1-2                                   all          combine streams into a single duplex stream by pump and duplexify
ii  node-punycode                                    2.1.1-6                                   all          Nodejs robust Punycode converter fully RFC compliant
ii  node-quick-lru                                   6.1.1-4                                   all          Simple "Least Recently Used" (LRU) cache
ii  node-qw                                          1.0.1-3                                   all          Quoted word literals
ii  node-randombytes                                 2.1.0+~2.0.0-2                            all          random bytes from browserify stand alone
un  node-raw-loader                                  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-rc                                          1.2.8-2                                   all          find, load, flatten json or ini application configuration
ii  node-read                                        1.0.7-5                                   all          Read user input from stdin module for Node.js
ii  node-read-package-json                           5.0.2+~2.0.0-1                            all          Read package.json for npm module for Node.js
ii  node-read-pkg                                    5.2.0-2                                   all          Read a package.json file
ii  node-readable-stream                             3.6.0+~cs3.0.0-4                          all          stream compatibility library for Node.js and browser
ii  node-readdirp                                    3.6.0-1                                   all          Recursive version of Node.js's fs.readdir
ii  node-rechoir                                     0.8.0+~0.6.1-2                            all          Node module to require any supported file as a node module
ii  node-regenerate                                  1.4.2-3                                   all          Unicode-aware regular expression generator (Node.js module)
ii  node-regenerate-unicode-properties               10.1.0+ds-1                               all          Unicode properties and values as Regenerate sets for Node.js
ii  node-regenerator-runtime                         0.15.1+~0.10.8-1                          all          Nodejs runtime for regenerator-compiled generator and async functions
ii  node-regenerator-transform                       0.15.1+~0.10.8-1                          all          Explode async and generator functions into a state machine
ii  node-regexpp                                     3.2.0-4                                   all          regular expression parser for ECMAScript - Node.js library
ii  node-regexpu-core                                5.2.2-3                                   all          Core functionality for regexpu's functionality in Node.js
ii  node-registry-auth-token                         5.0.1+~cs2.0.5-1                          all          Get the auth token set for an npm registry (if any)
ii  node-registry-url                                6.0.1-1                                   all          Get the set npm registry URL
ii  node-regjsgen                                    0.7.1+ds-1                                all          Regular expression from abstract syntax trees in Node.js
ii  node-regjsparser                                 0.9.1+ds-2                                all          Parser for JavaScript's RegExp for Node.js
ii  node-repeat-string                               1.6.1+repack-1                            all          repeat the given string n times
un  node-request                                     <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-require-directory                           2.1.1+~2.1.2-1                            all          require all files in a directory
ii  node-require-main-filename                       2.0.0-2                                   all          shim for require.main.filename() that works in as many environments as possible
ii  node-resolve                                     1.22.1+~cs5.31.10-1                       all          Synchronous/Asynchronous require.resolve() algorithm
ii  node-resolve-cwd                                 3.0.0-2                                   all          Resolve the path of a module from current directory
ii  node-resolve-from                                5.0.0+~3.1.0+~3.3.0+~2.0.0-1              all          Resolve the path of a module from a given path
ii  node-resumer                                     0.0.0-6                                   all          through stream that starts paused and resumes on the next tick
ii  node-retry                                       0.13.1+~0.12.1-1                          all          Retry strategies for failed operations module for Node.js
ii  node-rimraf                                      3.0.2-2                                   all          Deep deletion (like rm -rf) module for Node.js
un  node-rollup-plugin-terser                        <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-run-queue                                   2.0.0-3                                   all          promise based dynamic priority queue runner
ii  node-safe-buffer                                 5.2.1+~cs2.1.2-3                          all          Safer Node.js Buffer API
ii  node-schema-utils                                3.1.1~ds-2                                all          Webpack Schema Validation Utilities
ii  node-semver                                      7.3.5+~7.3.9-2                            all          Semantic Versioning for Node.js
ii  node-semver-diff                                 3.1.1-3                                   all          get the diff type of two semver versions
ii  node-serialize-javascript                        6.0.0-2                                   all          serialize JavaScript to a superset of JSON
ii  node-set-blocking                                2.0.0-2                                   all          set blocking stdio and stderr
ii  node-set-immediate-shim                          2.0.0-2                                   all          Simple setImmediate shim
un  node-set-value                                   <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-sha                                         3.0.0-3                                   all          Check and get file or stream hashes - module for Node.js
ii  node-shebang-command                             2.0.0-1                                   all          Get the command from a shebang
ii  node-shebang-regex                               3.0.0-2                                   all          Regular expression for matching a shebang line
ii  node-signal-exit                                 3.0.7+~3.0.1-1                            all          Fire an event no matter how a process exits
ii  node-slash                                       4.0.0-3                                   all          Node.js library to convert Windows backslash paths to slash paths
ii  node-slice-ansi                                  5.0.0+~cs9.0.0-5                          all          Slice a string with ANSI escape codes
ii  node-slide                                       1.1.6-4                                   all          Simple chain and asyncMap flow control module for Node.js
ii  node-sorted-object                               2.0.1+~2.0.0-1                            all          Returns a copy of an object with its keys sorted
ii  node-source-list-map                             2.0.1+dfsg-2                              all          Fast line to line SourceMap generator
ii  node-source-map                                  0.7.0++dfsg2+really.0.6.1-15              all          Mozilla source map generator and consumer - Node.js module
ii  node-source-map-support                          0.5.21+ds+~0.5.4-1                        all          Fixes stack traces for files with source maps
ii  node-spdx-correct                                3.1.1-2                                   all          correct invalid SPDX identifiers
ii  node-spdx-exceptions                             2.3.0-2                                   all          list of SPDX standard license exceptions
ii  node-spdx-expression-parse                       3.0.1+~3.0.1-1                            all          parse SPDX license expressions
ii  node-spdx-license-ids                            3.0.12-1                                  all          List of SPDX license identifiers
ii  node-sprintf-js                                  1.1.2+ds1+~1.1.2-1                        all          Node.js Pure JavaScript sprintf implementation
ii  node-ssri                                        9.0.1-2                                   all          Utility for parsing, serializing, generating and verifying  ssri metadata
ii  node-stream-each                                 1.2.3-2                                   all          Iterate all the data in a stream
ii  node-stream-iterate                              1.2.0-6                                   all          Iterate through the values in a stream
ii  node-stream-shift                                1.0.1+~1.0.0-1                            all          returns the next buffer/object in a stream's readable queue
ii  node-strict-uri-encode                           2.0.0+~2.0.0-1                            all          stricter URI encode adhering to RFC 3986
ii  node-string-decoder                              1.3.0-6                                   all          string_decoder module from Node core for browsers
ii  node-string-width                                4.2.3+~cs13.2.3-1                         all          Get the visual width of a string
ii  node-strip-ansi                                  6.0.1-2                                   all          Strip ANSI escape codes
ii  node-strip-bom                                   4.0.0-2                                   all          Strip UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from a string
ii  node-strip-eof                                   3.0.0-5                                   all          strip CR and LF characters from a string/buffer
ii  node-strip-json-comments                         4.0.0-4                                   all          Node.js module to strip comments from JSON
un  node-style-loader                                <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-supports-color                              8.1.1+~8.1.1-1                            all          Detect whether a terminal supports color in Node.js
un  node-tap                                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
un  node-tap-parser                                  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-tapable                                     2.2.1-2                                   all          just a little module for plugins
ii  node-tape                                        5.6.1+~cs8.20.19-1                        all          tap-producing test harness for node and browsers
ii  node-tar                                         6.1.13+~cs7.0.5-1                         all          read and write portable tar archives module for Node.js
ii  node-term-size                                   1.2.0+dfsg-4                              all          Reliably get the terminal window size
ii  node-terser                                      5.16.5-2                                  all          parser/mangler/compressor for ES6+ - Node.js library
ii  node-text-table                                  0.2.0-4                                   all          borderless text tables with alignment
ii  node-through                                     2.3.8+~cs0.0.30-1                         all          simplified stream construction
ii  node-through2                                    4.0.2-2                                   all          Make a stream.Transform out of a function - Node.js module
ii  node-time-stamp                                  2.2.0-2                                   all          get a formatted timestamp
ii  node-timed-out                                   5.0.0-2                                   all          Emit `ETIMEDOUT` or `ESOCKETTIMEDOUT` when ClientRequest is hanged
ii  node-to-fast-properties                          3.0.1-3                                   all          Force V8 to use fast properties for an object
ii  node-to-regex-range                              5.0.1-4                                   all          returns a regex-compatible range from two numbers, min and max
ii  node-tslib                                       2.4.1-1                                   all          Implementation of tslib for javascript
ii  node-type-check                                  0.4.0+dfsg-3                              all          Check the types of JavaScript values at runtime
ii  node-typedarray                                  0.0.7-1                                   all          TypedArray polyfill for old browsers
ii  node-typedarray-to-buffer                        4.0.0-2                                   all          JavaScript utility converting TypedArray to buffer without copy
ii  node-uid-number                                  0.0.6-3                                   all          Convert a username/group name to a uid/gid number
ii  node-undici                                      5.15.0+dfsg1+~cs20.10.9.3-1+deb12u3       all          Node.js HTTP/1.1 client
ii  node-unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript 2.0.0-2                                   all          Unicode property names supported in ES RegExp in Node.js
ii  node-unicode-match-property-ecmascript           2.0.0-2                                   all          Match a Unicode property to its canonical name for Node.js
ii  node-unicode-match-property-value-ecmascript     2.1.0+ds-1                                all          Match a Unicode property value to its canonical version in Node.js
ii  node-unicode-property-aliases-ecmascript         2.1.0+ds-1                                all          Unicode property aliases mapping for property names in Node.js
ii  node-unique-filename                             1.1.1+ds-2                                all          unique filename for use in temporary directories or caches
ii  node-unique-string                               2.0.0-3                                   all          Generate a unique random string
ii  node-unpipe                                      1.0.0-4                                   all          Unpipe a stream from all destinations
ii  node-uri-js                                      4.4.0+dfsg-8                              all          URI/IRI parsing/validating/resolving library
un  node-url-loader                                  <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  node-url-parse-lax                               4.0.0-2                                   all          url.parse() with support for protocol-less URLs & IPs
ii  node-url-to-options                              2.0.0-1                                   all          Convert a WHATWG URL to an http(s).request options object
ii  node-util                                        0.12.5+~1.0.10-1                          all          NodeJS util module
ii  node-util-deprecate                              1.0.2-3                                   all          Node.js's `util.deprecate()` function with browser support
ii  node-uuid                                        8.3.2+~8.3.3-3                            all          simple and fast RFC4122 UUID generation - Node.js module
ii  node-v8-compile-cache                            2.3.0-3                                   all          Leverage v8 compile cache to speedup loading of Node.js modules
ii  node-v8flags                                     3.2.0+~3.1.1-1                            all          Get available V8 JavaScript engine flags
ii  node-validate-npm-package-license                3.0.4-2                                   all          Tells if a string is a valid npm package license string
ii  node-validate-npm-package-name                   5.0.0+~4.0.0-1                            all          Checks if a string is a valid npm package name
ii  node-watchpack                                   2.4.0+~cs2.8.1-1                          all          Wrapper library for directory and file watching
ii  node-wcwidth.js                                  1.0.2-2                                   all          wcwidth.js is a javascript porting of C's wcwidth()
ii  node-webassemblyjs                               1.11.4+dfsg+~cs10.11.17-2                 all          Toolchain for WebAssembly
ii  node-webpack-sources                             3.2.3+~3.2.0-2                            all          Source code handling classes for webpack
ii  node-which                                       2.0.2+~cs1.3.2-3                          all          Cross-platform 'which' module for Node.js
ii  node-which-module                                2.0.0-3                                   all          Find the module object for something that was require()d
ii  node-wide-align                                  1.1.3-4                                   all          Wide-character aware text alignment function
ii  node-widest-line                                 3.1.0-2                                   all          Get the visual width of the widest line in a string -
ii  node-wordwrap                                    1.0.0-4                                   all          word wrapping library for NodeJS
ii  node-wrap-ansi                                   8.0.1+~8.0.1-3                            all          Wordwrap a string with ANSI escape codes
ii  node-wrappy                                      1.0.2-3                                   all          Callback wrapping utility
ii  node-write                                       2.0.0~6.0.0+~3.0.4+~2.0.0+~1.0.0+~2.0.1-5 all          convenience wrapper for Node.js fs methods
ii  node-write-file-atomic                           4.0.2+~4.0.0-1                            all          Write files in an atomic fashion w/configurable ownership
ii  node-xdg-basedir                                 5.1.0-1                                   all          Get XDG Base Directory paths
ii  node-xtend                                       4.0.2-3                                   all          Node.js library to easily extend an object
ii  node-y18n                                        5.0.8+~5.0.0-3                            all          bare-bones internationalization library used by yargs
ii  node-yallist                                     4.0.0+~4.0.1-1                            all          Double linked list implementation for Node.js
ii  node-yargs                                       16.2.0+~16.0.4-7                          all          command line parser for nodejs
ii  node-yargs-parser                                21.1.1+~21.0.0-4                          all          mighty option parser used by yargs
ii  terser                                           5.16.5-2                                  all          parser/mangler/compressor for ES6+ - CLI tool
un  uglifyjs                                         <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)
ii  webpack                                          5.75.0+dfsg+~cs17.16.14-1+deb12u1         all          Packs CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser
un  yarnpkg                                          <none>                                    <none>       (no description available)

535 packages                                         

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