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Package: node-schema-utils
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: javascript
Installed-Size: 92
Maintainer: Debian Javascript Maintainers <> [Debian Bug Report]
Architecture: all
Version: 3.1.1~ds-2
Depends: node-ajv (>= 6.1~), node-ajv-keywords (>= 3.1~)
Breaks: node-babel-loader (<< 8.2.1~), node-compression-webpack-plugin (<< 3.0.1-2~), node-css-loader (<< 3.2.1+~), node-extract-text-webpack-plugin (<< 3.0.2-4~), node-file-loader (<< 6.2.0~), node-raw-loader (<< 4.0.2~), node-style-loader (<< 2.0.0~), node-uglifyjs-webpack-plugin (<< 1.3.0-7~), node-url-loader (<< 4.1.1~), webpack (<< 4.43.0-4~)
Description: Webpack Schema Validation Utilities
 This library is a build dependency of webpack. Webpack takes code targeted at
 node.js and makes it run in the browser. Node.js comes with API of its own
 that is not available in the browsers. Webpack exposes this code  to programs
 that are unaware they are running in a browser.
 Node.js is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine.

Files owned by package node-schema-utils:


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