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Package: node-graceful-fs
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: javascript
Installed-Size: 49
Maintainer: Debian Javascript Maintainers <> [Debian Bug Report]
Architecture: all
Multi-Arch: foreign
Version: 4.2.10-1
Provides: node-types-graceful-fs (= 4.1.5)
Description: drop-in replacement improving the Node.js fs module
 node-graceful-fs module normalizes behavior across different platforms
 and environments, and makes filesystem access more resilient to errors:
  * queues up open and readdir calls, and retries them once something
    closes if there is an EMFILE error from too many file descriptors.
  * fixes lchmod for Node versions prior to 0.6.2
  * implements fs.lutimes if possible. Otherwise it becomes a noop.
  * ignores EINVAL and EPERM errors in chown, fchown or lchown if the
    user isn't root.
  * makes lchmod and lchown become noops, if not available.
  * retries reading a file if read results in EAGAIN error.
 Node.js is an event-based server-side javascript engine.

Files owned by package node-graceful-fs:


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