Version: 3.2.2
wxWebSession Class Reference

#include <wx/webrequest.h>

Detailed Description

Session allows creating wxWebRequest objects used for the actual HTTP requests.

It also handles session-wide parameters and data used by wxWebRequest instances.

Usually the default session available via wxWebSession::GetDefault() should be used. Additional instances might be useful if session separation is required. Instances must not be deleted before every active web request has finished.

Every wxWebRequest sharing the same session object will use the same cookies. Additionally, an underlying network connection might be kept alive to achieve faster additional responses.


Library:  wxNet
Category:  Networking
See also

Public Member Functions

wxWebRequest CreateRequest (wxEvtHandler *handler, const wxString &url, int id=wxID_ANY)
 Create a new request for the specified URL. More...
virtual wxVersionInfo GetLibraryVersionInfo ()
 Retrieve the version information about the implementation library used by this session. More...
void AddCommonHeader (const wxString &name, const wxString &value)
 Sets a request header in every wxWebRequest created from this session after is has been set. More...
void SetTempDir (const wxString &dir)
 Override the default temporary directory that may be used by the session implementation, when required. More...
wxString GetTempDir () const
 Returns the current temporary directory. More...
wxWebSessionHandle GetNativeHandle () const
 Return the native handle corresponding to this session object. More...
bool IsOpened () const
 Return true if the session was successfully opened and can be used. More...
void Close ()
 Close the session. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static wxWebSessionGetDefault ()
 Returns the default session. More...
static wxWebSession New (const wxString &backend=wxString())
 Creates a new wxWebSession object. More...
static bool IsBackendAvailable (const wxString &backend)
 Allows to check if the specified backend is available at runtime. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddCommonHeader()

void wxWebSession::AddCommonHeader ( const wxString name,
const wxString value 

Sets a request header in every wxWebRequest created from this session after is has been set.

A good example for a session-wide request header is the User-Agent header.

Calling this function with the same header name again replaces the previously used value.

nameName of the header
valueString value of the header

◆ Close()

void wxWebSession::Close ( )

Close the session.

This frees any resources associated with the session and puts it in an invalid state. Another session object can be assigned to it later to allow using this object again.

◆ CreateRequest()

wxWebRequest wxWebSession::CreateRequest ( wxEvtHandler handler,
const wxString url,
int  id = wxID_ANY 

Create a new request for the specified URL.

The specified objects will be notified via wxWebRequestEvent objects when the request state changes, e.g. when it is completed. It must be specified and its lifetime must be long enough to last until the request is completed. In particular, if the handler is a top-level window, the request must be cancelled before the window can be closed and destroyed.

handlerThe handler object to notify, must be non-NULL.
urlThe URL of the HTTP resource for this request
idOptional id sent with events
The new request object, use wxWebRequest::IsOk() to check if its creation has succeeded.

◆ GetDefault()

static wxWebSession & wxWebSession::GetDefault ( )

Returns the default session.

◆ GetLibraryVersionInfo()

virtual wxVersionInfo wxWebSession::GetLibraryVersionInfo ( )

Retrieve the version information about the implementation library used by this session.

◆ GetNativeHandle()

wxWebSessionHandle wxWebSession::GetNativeHandle ( ) const

Return the native handle corresponding to this session object.

wxWebSessionHandle is an opaque type containing a value of the following type according to the backend being used:

  • For WinHTTP backend, this is HINTERNET session handle.
  • For CURL backend, this is a CURLM struct pointer.
  • For macOS backend, this is NSURLSession object pointer.
See also

◆ GetTempDir()

wxString wxWebSession::GetTempDir ( ) const

Returns the current temporary directory.

See also

◆ IsBackendAvailable()

static bool wxWebSession::IsBackendAvailable ( const wxString backend)

Allows to check if the specified backend is available at runtime.

Usually the default backend should always be available, but e.g. macOS before 10.9 does not have the NSURLSession implementation available.

◆ IsOpened()

bool wxWebSession::IsOpened ( ) const

Return true if the session was successfully opened and can be used.

◆ New()

static wxWebSession wxWebSession::New ( const wxString backend = wxString())

Creates a new wxWebSession object.

backend may be specified explicitly by using of the predefined wxWebSessionBackendWinHTTP, wxWebSessionBackendURLSession or wxWebSessionBackendCURL constants to select the corresponding backend or left empty to select the default backend. The default depends on the current platform: WinHTTP-based implementation is used under MSW, NSURLSession-based one under macOS and libcurl-based otherwise.

Further, if WXWEBREQUEST_BACKEND environment variable is defined, it overrides the default backend selection, allowing to force the use of libcurl-based implementation by default under MSW or macOS platforms, for example.

Use IsOpened() to check if the session creation succeeded.

backendThe backend web session implementation to use or empty to use the default implementation as described above.
The created wxWebSession

◆ SetTempDir()

void wxWebSession::SetTempDir ( const wxString dir)

Override the default temporary directory that may be used by the session implementation, when required.