Version: 3.2.2
wxVariantDataErrorCode Class Reference

#include <wx/msw/ole/oleutils.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for wxVariantDataErrorCode:

Detailed Description

This class represents a thin wrapper for Microsoft Windows SCODE type (which is the same as HRESULT).

It is used for converting between a wxVariant and OLE VARIANT with type set to VT_ERROR. When wxVariant stores wxVariantDataErrorCode, it returns "errorcode" as its type. This class can be used for returning error codes of automation calls or exchanging values with other applications: e.g. Microsoft Excel returns VARIANTs with VT_ERROR type for cell values with errors (one of XlCVError constants, displayed as e.g. "#DIV/0!" or "#REF!" there) etc. See wxVariantDataCurrency for an example of how to exchange values between wxVariant and a native type not directly supported by it.

Availability:  only available for the wxMSW port.

Library:  wxCore
Category:  Data Structures
See also
wxAutomationObject, wxVariant, wxVariantData, wxVariantDataCurrency

Public Member Functions

 wxVariantDataErrorCode (SCODE value=S_OK)
 Constructor initializes the object to value or S_OK if no value was passed. More...
SCODE GetValue () const
 Returns the stored SCODE value. More...
void SetValue (SCODE value)
 Set the stored value to value. More...
virtual bool Eq (wxVariantData &data) const
 Returns true if data is of wxVariantDataErrorCode type and contains the same SCODE value. More...
virtual bool Write (wxString &str) const
 Fills the provided string with the textual representation of this object. More...
wxVariantDataClone () const
 Returns a copy of itself. More...
virtual wxString GetType () const
 Returns "errorcode". More...
virtual bool GetAsAny (wxAny *any) const
 Converts the value of this object to wxAny. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxVariantData
 wxVariantData ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual wxVariantDataClone () const
 This function can be overridden to clone the data. More...
void DecRef ()
 Decreases reference count. More...
virtual bool Eq (wxVariantData &data) const =0
 Returns true if this object is equal to data. More...
virtual bool GetAny (wxAny *any) const
 Converts value to wxAny, if possible. More...
virtual wxString GetType () const =0
 Returns the string type of the data. More...
virtual wxClassInfoGetValueClassInfo ()
 If the data is a wxObject returns a pointer to the objects wxClassInfo structure, if the data isn't a wxObject the method returns NULL. More...
void IncRef ()
 Increases reference count. More...
virtual bool Read (istream &stream)
 Reads the data from stream. More...
virtual bool Read (wxString &string)
 Reads the data from string. More...
virtual bool Write (ostream &stream) const
 Writes the data to stream. More...
virtual bool Write (wxString &string) const
 Writes the data to string. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ wxVariantDataErrorCode()

wxVariantDataErrorCode::wxVariantDataErrorCode ( SCODE  value = S_OK)

Constructor initializes the object to value or S_OK if no value was passed.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Clone()

wxVariantData * wxVariantDataErrorCode::Clone ( ) const

Returns a copy of itself.

Reimplemented from wxVariantData.

◆ Eq()

virtual bool wxVariantDataErrorCode::Eq ( wxVariantData data) const

Returns true if data is of wxVariantDataErrorCode type and contains the same SCODE value.

Implements wxVariantData.

◆ GetAsAny()

virtual bool wxVariantDataErrorCode::GetAsAny ( wxAny any) const

Converts the value of this object to wxAny.

◆ GetType()

virtual wxString wxVariantDataErrorCode::GetType ( ) const

Returns "errorcode".

Implements wxVariantData.

◆ GetValue()

SCODE wxVariantDataErrorCode::GetValue ( ) const

Returns the stored SCODE value.

◆ SetValue()

void wxVariantDataErrorCode::SetValue ( SCODE  value)

Set the stored value to value.

◆ Write()

virtual bool wxVariantDataErrorCode::Write ( wxString str) const

Fills the provided string with the textual representation of this object.

The error code is just a number, so it's output as such.

Reimplemented from wxVariantData.