Version: 3.2.2
wxPaintEvent Class Reference

#include <wx/event.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for wxPaintEvent:

Detailed Description

A paint event is sent when a window's contents needs to be repainted.

The handler of this event must create a wxPaintDC object and use it for painting the window contents. For example:

void MyWindow::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event)
wxPaintDC dc(this);
A wxPaintDC must be constructed if an application wishes to paint on the client area of a window from...
Definition: dcclient.h:30
A paint event is sent when a window's contents needs to be repainted.
Definition: event.h:2244

Notice that you must not create other kinds of wxDC (e.g. wxClientDC or wxWindowDC) in EVT_PAINT handlers and also don't create wxPaintDC outside of this event handlers.

You can optimize painting by retrieving the rectangles that have been damaged and only repainting these. The rectangles are in terms of the client area, and are unscrolled, so you will need to do some calculations using the current view position to obtain logical, scrolled units. Here is an example of using the wxRegionIterator class:

// Called when window needs to be repainted.
void MyWindow::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event)
wxPaintDC dc(this);
// Find Out where the window is scrolled to
int vbX,vbY; // Top left corner of client
int vX,vY,vW,vH; // Dimensions of client area in pixels
wxRegionIterator upd(GetUpdateRegion()); // get the update rect list
while (upd)
vX = upd.GetX();
vY = upd.GetY();
vW = upd.GetW();
vH = upd.GetH();
// Alternatively we can do this:
// wxRect rect(upd.GetRect());
// Repaint this rectangle
...some code...
upd ++ ;
This class is used to iterate through the rectangles in a region, typically when examining the damage...
Definition: region.h:54
Please notice that in general it is impossible to change the drawing of a standard control (such as wxButton) and so you shouldn't attempt to handle paint events for them as even if it might work on some platforms, this is inherently not portable and won't work everywhere.

Events using this class

The following event handler macros redirect the events to member function handlers 'func' with prototypes like:

void handlerFuncName(wxPaintEvent& event)

Event macros:

  • EVT_PAINT(func):
    Process a wxEVT_PAINT event.

Library:  wxCore
Category:  Events
See also
Events and Event Handling

Public Member Functions

 wxPaintEvent (wxWindow *window)
 Constructor for exclusive use of wxWidgets itself. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxEvent
 wxEvent (int id=0, wxEventType eventType=wxEVT_NULL)
 Constructor. More...
virtual wxEventClone () const =0
 Returns a copy of the event. More...
wxObjectGetEventObject () const
 Returns the object (usually a window) associated with the event, if any. More...
wxEventType GetEventType () const
 Returns the identifier of the given event type, such as wxEVT_BUTTON. More...
virtual wxEventCategory GetEventCategory () const
 Returns a generic category for this event. More...
int GetId () const
 Returns the identifier associated with this event, such as a button command id. More...
wxObjectGetEventUserData () const
 Return the user data associated with a dynamically connected event handler. More...
bool GetSkipped () const
 Returns true if the event handler should be skipped, false otherwise. More...
long GetTimestamp () const
 Gets the timestamp for the event. More...
bool IsCommandEvent () const
 Returns true if the event is or is derived from wxCommandEvent else it returns false. More...
void ResumePropagation (int propagationLevel)
 Sets the propagation level to the given value (for example returned from an earlier call to wxEvent::StopPropagation). More...
void SetEventObject (wxObject *object)
 Sets the originating object. More...
void SetEventType (wxEventType type)
 Sets the event type. More...
void SetId (int id)
 Sets the identifier associated with this event, such as a button command id. More...
void SetTimestamp (long timeStamp=0)
 Sets the timestamp for the event. More...
bool ShouldPropagate () const
 Test if this event should be propagated or not, i.e. if the propagation level is currently greater than 0. More...
void Skip (bool skip=true)
 This method can be used inside an event handler to control whether further event handlers bound to this event will be called after the current one returns. More...
int StopPropagation ()
 Stop the event from propagating to its parent window. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxObject
 wxObject ()
 Default ctor; initializes to NULL the internal reference data. More...
 wxObject (const wxObject &other)
 Copy ctor. More...
virtual ~wxObject ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual wxClassInfoGetClassInfo () const
 This virtual function is redefined for every class that requires run-time type information, when using the wxDECLARE_CLASS macro (or similar). More...
wxObjectRefDataGetRefData () const
 Returns the wxObject::m_refData pointer, i.e. the data referenced by this object. More...
bool IsKindOf (const wxClassInfo *info) const
 Determines whether this class is a subclass of (or the same class as) the given class. More...
bool IsSameAs (const wxObject &obj) const
 Returns true if this object has the same data pointer as obj. More...
void Ref (const wxObject &clone)
 Makes this object refer to the data in clone. More...
void SetRefData (wxObjectRefData *data)
 Sets the wxObject::m_refData pointer. More...
void UnRef ()
 Decrements the reference count in the associated data, and if it is zero, deletes the data. More...
void UnShare ()
 This is the same of AllocExclusive() but this method is public. More...
void operator delete (void *buf)
 The delete operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier __WXDEBUG__ is defined. More...
void * operator new (size_t size, const wxString &filename=NULL, int lineNum=0)
 The new operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier __WXDEBUG__ is defined. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from wxObject
void AllocExclusive ()
 Ensure that this object's data is not shared with any other object. More...
virtual wxObjectRefDataCreateRefData () const
 Creates a new instance of the wxObjectRefData-derived class specific to this object and returns it. More...
virtual wxObjectRefDataCloneRefData (const wxObjectRefData *data) const
 Creates a new instance of the wxObjectRefData-derived class specific to this object and initializes it copying data. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from wxEvent
int m_propagationLevel
 Indicates how many levels the event can propagate. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from wxObject
 Pointer to an object which is the object's reference-counted data. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ wxPaintEvent()

wxPaintEvent::wxPaintEvent ( wxWindow window)

Constructor for exclusive use of wxWidgets itself.

Note that the objects of this class can not be created from application code, they're only created by the library itself. If you need a window to be repainted, use wxWindow::Refresh() instead of trying to manually create an event of this class.