Version: 3.2.2
wxGridActivationResult Class Reference

#include <wx/grid.h>

Detailed Description

Represents the result of wxGridCellEditor::TryActivate().

Editors overriding wxGridCellEditor::TryActivate() must use one of DoNothing(), DoChange() or DoEdit() methods to return an object of this type corresponding to the desired action.


Static Public Member Functions

static wxGridActivationResult DoNothing ()
 Indicate that nothing should be done and the cell shouldn't be edited at all. More...
static wxGridActivationResult DoChange (const wxString &newval)
 Indicate that activating the cell is possible and would change its value to the given one. More...
static wxGridActivationResult DoEdit ()
 Indicate that the editor control should be shown and the cell should be edited normally. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ DoChange()

static wxGridActivationResult wxGridActivationResult::DoChange ( const wxString newval)

Indicate that activating the cell is possible and would change its value to the given one.

This is the method to call for activatable editors, using it will result in changing the value of the cell to newval without showing the editor control at all.

Note that the change may still be vetoed by wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGING handler.

◆ DoEdit()

static wxGridActivationResult wxGridActivationResult::DoEdit ( )

Indicate that the editor control should be shown and the cell should be edited normally.

This is the default return value of wxGridCellEditor::TryActivate().

◆ DoNothing()

static wxGridActivationResult wxGridActivationResult::DoNothing ( )

Indicate that nothing should be done and the cell shouldn't be edited at all.

Note that this is different from DoEdit() and may be useful when the value of the cell wouldn't change if it were activated anyhow, e.g. because the key or mouse event carried by wxGridActivationSource would leave the cell value unchanged.