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bigintmat Class Reference

Matrices of numbers. More...

#include <coeffs/bigintmat.h>

Public Member Functions

 bigintmat ()
bigintmattranspose ()
void inpTranspose ()
 transpose in place More...
 bigintmat (int r, int c, const coeffs n)
 constructor: the r times c zero-matrix. Beware that the creation of a large zero matrix is expensive in terms of time and memory. More...
 bigintmat (const bigintmat *m)
 copy constructor More...
number & operator[] (int i)
 dubious: 1-dim access to 2-dim array. Entries are read row by row. More...
const number & operator[] (int i) const
void operator*= (int intop)
 UEberladener *=-Operator (fuer int und bigint) Frage hier: *= verwenden oder lieber = und * einzeln? problem: what about non-commuting rings. Is this from left or right? More...
void inpMult (number bintop, const coeffs C=NULL)
 inplace version of skalar mult. CHANGES input. More...
int length ()
int cols () const
int rows () const
coeffs basecoeffs () const
 ~bigintmat ()
 canonical destructor. More...
int index (int r, int c) const
 helper function to map from 2-dim coordinates, starting by 1 to 1-dim coordinate, starting by 0 More...
number get (int i, int j) const
 get a copy of an entry. NOTE: starts at [1,1] More...
number view (int i, int j) const
 view an entry an entry. NOTE: starts at [1,1] More...
number get (int i) const
 get a copy of an entry. NOTE: starts at [0] More...
number view (int i) const
 view an entry. NOTE: starts at [0] More...
void set (int i, int j, number n, const coeffs C=NULL)
 replace an entry with a copy (delete old + copy new!). NOTE: starts at [1,1] More...
void set (int i, number n, const coeffs C=NULL)
 replace an entry with a copy (delete old + copy new!). NOTE: starts at [0] More...
void rawset (int i, number n, const coeffs C=NULL)
 replace an entry with the given number n (only delete old). NOTE: starts at [0]. Should be named set_transfer More...
void rawset (int i, int j, number n, const coeffs C=NULL)
 as above, but the 2-dim version More...
char * String ()
 IO: String returns a singular string containing the matrix, needs freeing afterwards. More...
void Write ()
 IO: writes the matrix into the current internal string buffer which must be started/ allocated before (e.g. StringSetS) More...
void Print ()
 IO: simply prints the matrix to the current output (screen?) More...
char * StringAsPrinted ()
 Returns a string as it would have been printed in the interpreter. More...
void pprint (int maxwid)
int compare (const bigintmat *op) const
int * getwid (int maxwid)
void swap (int i, int j)
 swap columns i and j More...
void swaprow (int i, int j)
 swap rows i and j More...
int findnonzero (int i)
 find index of 1st non-zero entry in row i More...
int findcolnonzero (int j)
 find index of 1st non-zero entry in column j More...
void getcol (int j, bigintmat *a)
 copies the j-th column into the matrix a - which needs to be pre-allocated with the correct size. More...
void getColRange (int j, int no, bigintmat *a)
 copies the no-columns staring by j (so j...j+no-1) into the pre-allocated a More...
void getrow (int i, bigintmat *a)
 Schreibt i-te Zeile in Vektor (Matrix) a. More...
void setcol (int j, bigintmat *m)
 Setzt j-te Spalte gleich übergebenem Vektor (Matrix) m. More...
void setrow (int i, bigintmat *m)
 Setzt i-te Zeile gleich übergebenem Vektor (Matrix) m. More...
void appendCol (bigintmat *a)
 horizontally join the matrices, m <- m|a More...
void extendCols (int i)
 append i zero-columns to the matrix More...
bool add (bigintmat *b)
 Addiert zur Matrix die Matrix b dazu. Return false => an error occurred. More...
bool sub (bigintmat *b)
 Subtrahiert ... More...
bool skalmult (number b, coeffs c)
 Multipliziert zur Matrix den Skalar b hinzu. More...
bool addcol (int i, int j, number a, coeffs c)
 addiert a-faches der j-ten Spalte zur i-ten dazu More...
bool addrow (int i, int j, number a, coeffs c)
 ... Zeile ... More...
void colskalmult (int i, number a, coeffs c)
 Multipliziert zur i-ten Spalte den Skalar a hinzu. More...
void rowskalmult (int i, number a, coeffs c)
 ... Zeile ... More...
void coltransform (int i, int j, number a, number b, number c, number d)
 transforms cols (i,j) using the 2x2 matrix ((a,b)(c,d)) (hopefully) More...
void concatrow (bigintmat *a, bigintmat *b)
 Fügt zwei Matrixen untereinander/nebeneinander in gegebene Matrix ein, bzw spaltet gegebenen Matrix auf. More...
void concatcol (bigintmat *a, bigintmat *b)
void splitrow (bigintmat *a, bigintmat *b)
 Speichert in Matrix a den oberen, in b den unteren Teil der Matrix, vorausgesetzt die Dimensionen stimmen überein. More...
void splitcol (bigintmat *a, bigintmat *b)
 ... linken ... rechten ... More...
void splitcol (bigintmat *a, int i)
 Speichert die ersten i Spalten als Teilmatrix in a. More...
void splitrow (bigintmat *a, int i)
 ... Zeilen ... More...
bool copy (bigintmat *b)
 Kopiert Einträge von b auf Bigintmat. More...
void copySubmatInto (bigintmat *, int sr, int sc, int nr, int nc, int tr, int tc)
 copy the submatrix of b, staring at (a,b) having n rows, m cols into the given matrix at pos. (c,d) needs c+n, d+m <= rows, cols a+n, b+m <= b.rows(), b.cols() More...
void one ()
 Macht Matrix (Falls quadratisch) zu Einheitsmatrix. More...
int isOne ()
 is matrix is identity More...
void zero ()
 Setzt alle Einträge auf 0. More...
int isZero ()
int colIsZero (int i)
bigintmatelim (int i, int j)
 Liefert Streichungsmatrix (i-te Zeile und j-te Spalte gestrichen) zurück. More...
number pseudoinv (bigintmat *a)
 Speichert in Matrix a die Pseudoinverse, liefert den Nenner zurück. More...
number trace ()
 the trace .... More...
number det ()
 det (via LaPlace in general, hnf for euc. rings) More...
number hnfdet ()
 det via HNF Primzahlen als long long int, müssen noch in number umgewandelt werden? More...
void hnf ()
 transforms INPLACE to HNF More...
void howell ()
 dito, but Howell form (only different for zero-divsors) More...
void swapMatrix (bigintmat *a)
bigintmatmodhnf (number p, coeffs c)
 computes HNF(this | p*I) More...
bigintmatmodgauss (number p, coeffs c)
void skaldiv (number b)
 Macht Ganzzahldivision aller Matrixeinträge mit b. More...
void colskaldiv (int j, number b)
 Macht Ganzzahldivision aller j-ten Spalteneinträge mit b. More...
void mod (number p)
 Reduziert komplette Matrix modulo p. More...
bigintmatinpmod (number p, coeffs c)
 Liefert Kopie der Matrix zurück, allerdings im Ring Z modulo p. More...
number content ()
 the content, the gcd of all entries. Only makes sense for Euclidean rings (or possibly constructive PIR) More...
void simplifyContentDen (number *den)
 ensures that Gcd(den, content)=1 enden hier wieder More...

Private Attributes

coeffs m_coeffs
number * v
int row
int col

Detailed Description

Matrices of numbers.

Matrices are stored as 1-dim c-arrays but interpreted 2-dim as matrices. Both modes of addressing are supported, note however, that the 1-dim adressing starts at 0, the 2-dim at 1.

Matrices are meant to represent column modules, thus the default operations are always by column.

While basic operations are supported over any ring (coeff), some more advanced ones require more special rings: eg. echelon forms, solving of linear equations is only effective over principal ideal or even Euclidean rings.

Be careful with the get/set/view/rawset functions to understand which arguments are copied/ deleted or only assigned.

@Note: no reference counting here!

Definition at line 50 of file bigintmat.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ bigintmat() [1/3]

bigintmat::bigintmat ( )

Definition at line 59 of file bigintmat.h.

59: m_coeffs(NULL), v(NULL), row(1), col(0){}
coeffs m_coeffs
Definition: bigintmat.h:53
number * v
Definition: bigintmat.h:54
int col
Definition: bigintmat.h:56
int row
Definition: bigintmat.h:55
#define NULL
Definition: omList.c:12

◆ bigintmat() [2/3]

bigintmat::bigintmat ( int  r,
int  c,
const coeffs  n 

constructor: the r times c zero-matrix. Beware that the creation of a large zero matrix is expensive in terms of time and memory.

Definition at line 69 of file bigintmat.h.

69 : m_coeffs(n), v(NULL), row(r), col(c)
70 {
71 assume (rows() >= 0);
72 assume (cols() >= 0);
74 const int l = r*c;
76 if (l>0) /*(r>0) && (c>0) */
77 {
78 v = (number *)omAlloc(sizeof(number)*l);
80 assume (basecoeffs() != NULL);
81 for (int i = l - 1; i>=0; i--)
82 {
83 v[i] = n_Init(0, basecoeffs());
84 }
85 }
86 }
int l
int i
int cols() const
Definition: bigintmat.h:144
int rows() const
Definition: bigintmat.h:145
coeffs basecoeffs() const
Definition: bigintmat.h:146
static FORCE_INLINE number n_Init(long i, const coeffs r)
a number representing i in the given coeff field/ring r
Definition: coeffs.h:535
#define assume(x)
Definition: mod2.h:389
#define omAlloc(size)
Definition: omAllocDecl.h:210

◆ bigintmat() [3/3]

bigintmat::bigintmat ( const bigintmat m)

copy constructor

Definition at line 89 of file bigintmat.h.

89 : m_coeffs(m->basecoeffs()), v(NULL), row(m->rows()), col(m->cols())
90 {
91 const int l = row*col;
93 if (l > 0)
94 {
95 assume (rows() > 0);
96 assume (cols() > 0);
98 assume (m->v != NULL);
100 v = (number *)omAlloc(sizeof(number)*row*col);
102 assume (basecoeffs() != NULL);
104 for (int i = l-1; i>=0; i--)
105 {
106 v[i] = n_Copy((*m)[i], basecoeffs());
107 }
108 }
109 }
int m
static FORCE_INLINE number n_Copy(number n, const coeffs r)
return a copy of 'n'
Definition: coeffs.h:448

◆ ~bigintmat()

bigintmat::~bigintmat ( )

canonical destructor.

Definition at line 149 of file bigintmat.h.

150 {
151 if (v!=NULL)
152 {
153 for (int i=row*col-1;i>=0; i--) { n_Delete(&(v[i]), basecoeffs()); }
154 omFreeSize((ADDRESS)v, sizeof(number)*row*col);
155 v=NULL;
156 }
157 }
void * ADDRESS
Definition: auxiliary.h:119
static FORCE_INLINE void n_Delete(number *p, const coeffs r)
delete 'p'
Definition: coeffs.h:452
#define omFreeSize(addr, size)
Definition: omAllocDecl.h:260

Member Function Documentation

◆ add()

bool bigintmat::add ( bigintmat b)

Addiert zur Matrix die Matrix b dazu. Return false => an error occurred.

Definition at line 894 of file

896 if ((b->rows() != row) || (b->cols() != col))
897 {
898 WerrorS("Error in bigintmat::add. Dimensions do not agree!");
899 return false;
900 }
901 if (!nCoeffs_are_equal(basecoeffs(), b->basecoeffs()))
902 {
903 WerrorS("Error in bigintmat::add. coeffs do not agree!");
904 return false;
905 }
906 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
907 {
908 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++)
909 {
910 rawset(i, j, n_Add(b->view(i,j), view(i,j), basecoeffs()));
911 }
912 }
913 return true;
bool nCoeffs_are_equal(coeffs r, coeffs s)
CanonicalForm b
number view(int i, int j) const
view an entry an entry. NOTE: starts at [1,1]
void rawset(int i, number n, const coeffs C=NULL)
replace an entry with the given number n (only delete old). NOTE: starts at [0]. Should be named set_...
Definition: bigintmat.h:196
static FORCE_INLINE number n_Add(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
return the sum of 'a' and 'b', i.e., a+b
Definition: coeffs.h:647
int j
void WerrorS(const char *s)

◆ addcol()

bool bigintmat::addcol ( int  i,
int  j,
number  a,
coeffs  c 

addiert a-faches der j-ten Spalte zur i-ten dazu

Definition at line 959 of file

961 if ((i>col) || (j>col) || (i<1) || (j<1))
962 {
963 WerrorS("Error in addcol: Index out of range!");
964 return false;
965 }
966 if (!nCoeffs_are_equal(c, basecoeffs()))
967 {
968 WerrorS("Error in addcol: coeffs do not agree!");
969 return false;
970 }
971 number t1, t2, t3;
972 for (int k=1; k<=row; k++)
973 {
974 t1 = view(k, j);
975 t2 = view(k, i);
976 t3 = n_Mult(t1, a, basecoeffs());
977 n_InpAdd(t3, t2, basecoeffs());
978 rawset(k, i, t3);
979 }
980 return true;
int k
static FORCE_INLINE number n_Mult(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
return the product of 'a' and 'b', i.e., a*b
Definition: coeffs.h:633
static FORCE_INLINE void n_InpAdd(number &a, number b, const coeffs r)
addition of 'a' and 'b'; replacement of 'a' by the sum a+b
Definition: coeffs.h:643

◆ addrow()

bool bigintmat::addrow ( int  i,
int  j,
number  a,
coeffs  c 

... Zeile ...

Definition at line 983 of file

985 if ((i>row) || (j>row) || (i<1) || (j<1))
986 {
987 WerrorS("Error in addrow: Index out of range!");
988 return false;
989 }
990 if (!nCoeffs_are_equal(c, basecoeffs()))
991 {
992 WerrorS("Error in addrow: coeffs do not agree!");
993 return false;
994 }
995 number t1, t2, t3;
996 for (int k=1; k<=col; k++)
997 {
998 t1 = view(j, k);
999 t2 = view(i, k);
1000 t3 = n_Mult(t1, a, basecoeffs());
1001 n_InpAdd(t3, t2, basecoeffs());
1002 rawset(i, k, t3);
1003 }
1004 return true;

◆ appendCol()

void bigintmat::appendCol ( bigintmat a)

horizontally join the matrices, m <- m|a

Definition at line 1083 of file

1085 coeffs R = basecoeffs();
1086 int ay = a->cols();
1087 int ax = a->rows();
1088 assume(row == ax);
1092 bigintmat * tmp = new bigintmat(rows(), cols() + ay, R);
1093 tmp->concatcol(this, a);
1094 this->swapMatrix(tmp);
1095 delete tmp;
Matrices of numbers.
Definition: bigintmat.h:51
void swapMatrix(bigintmat *a)
void concatcol(bigintmat *a, bigintmat *b)
Definition: bigintmat.h:59
The main handler for Singular numbers which are suitable for Singular polynomials.
#define R
Definition: sirandom.c:27

◆ basecoeffs()

coeffs bigintmat::basecoeffs ( ) const

Definition at line 146 of file bigintmat.h.

146{ return m_coeffs; }

◆ colIsZero()

int bigintmat::colIsZero ( int  i)

Definition at line 1577 of file

1579 coeffs R = basecoeffs();
1580 for(int i=1; i<=rows(); i++)
1581 if (!n_IsZero(view(i, j), R)) return FALSE;
1582 return TRUE;
#define TRUE
Definition: auxiliary.h:100
#define FALSE
Definition: auxiliary.h:96
static FORCE_INLINE BOOLEAN n_IsZero(number n, const coeffs r)
TRUE iff 'n' represents the zero element.
Definition: coeffs.h:461

◆ cols()

int bigintmat::cols ( ) const

Definition at line 144 of file bigintmat.h.

144{ return col; }

◆ colskaldiv()

void bigintmat::colskaldiv ( int  j,
number  b 

Macht Ganzzahldivision aller j-ten Spalteneinträge mit b.

Definition at line 1876 of file

1878 number tmp1, tmp2;
1879 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
1880 {
1881 tmp1 = view(i, j);
1882 tmp2 = n_Div(tmp1, b, basecoeffs());
1883 rawset(i, j, tmp2);
1884 }
static FORCE_INLINE number n_Div(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
return the quotient of 'a' and 'b', i.e., a/b; raises an error if 'b' is not invertible in r exceptio...
Definition: coeffs.h:612
CFList tmp1
CFList tmp2

◆ colskalmult()

void bigintmat::colskalmult ( int  i,
number  a,
coeffs  c 

Multipliziert zur i-ten Spalte den Skalar a hinzu.

Definition at line 1007 of file

1009 if ((i>=1) && (i<=col) && (nCoeffs_are_equal(c, basecoeffs())))
1010 {
1011 number t, tmult;
1012 for (int j=1; j<=row; j++)
1013 {
1014 t = view(j, i);
1015 tmult = n_Mult(a, t, basecoeffs());
1016 rawset(j, i, tmult);
1017 }
1018 }
1019 else
1020 WerrorS("Error in colskalmult");

◆ coltransform()

void bigintmat::coltransform ( int  i,
int  j,
number  a,
number  b,
number  c,
number  d 

transforms cols (i,j) using the 2x2 matrix ((a,b)(c,d)) (hopefully)

Definition at line 1889 of file

1891 number tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4;
1892 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
1893 {
1894 tmp1 = get(i, j);
1895 tmp2 = get(i, k);
1896 tmp3 = n_Mult(tmp1, a, basecoeffs());
1897 tmp4 = n_Mult(tmp2, b, basecoeffs());
1898 n_InpAdd(tmp3, tmp4, basecoeffs());
1899 n_Delete(&tmp4, basecoeffs());
1901 n_InpMult(tmp1, c, basecoeffs());
1902 n_InpMult(tmp2, d, basecoeffs());
1906 set(i, j, tmp3);
1907 set(i, k, tmp1);
1909 n_Delete(&tmp3, basecoeffs());
1910 }
number get(int i, int j) const
get a copy of an entry. NOTE: starts at [1,1]
void set(int i, int j, number n, const coeffs C=NULL)
replace an entry with a copy (delete old + copy new!). NOTE: starts at [1,1]
static FORCE_INLINE void n_InpMult(number &a, number b, const coeffs r)
multiplication of 'a' and 'b'; replacement of 'a' by the product a*b
Definition: coeffs.h:638

◆ compare()

int bigintmat::compare ( const bigintmat op) const

Definition at line 362 of file

364 assume (basecoeffs() == op->basecoeffs() );
366#ifndef SING_NDEBUG
367 if (basecoeffs() != op->basecoeffs() )
368 WerrorS("wrong bigintmat comparison: different basecoeffs!\n");
371 if ((col!=1) ||(op->cols()!=1))
372 {
373 if((col!=op->cols())
374 || (row!=op->rows()))
375 return -2;
376 }
378 int i;
379 for (i=0; i<si_min(row*col,op->rows()*op->cols()); i++)
380 {
381 if ( n_Greater(v[i], (*op)[i], basecoeffs()) )
382 return 1;
383 else if (! n_Equal(v[i], (*op)[i], basecoeffs()))
384 return -1;
385 }
387 for (; i<row; i++)
388 {
389 if ( n_GreaterZero(v[i], basecoeffs()) )
390 return 1;
391 else if (! n_IsZero(v[i], basecoeffs()) )
392 return -1;
393 }
394 for (; i<op->rows(); i++)
395 {
396 if ( n_GreaterZero((*op)[i], basecoeffs()) )
397 return -1;
398 else if (! n_IsZero((*op)[i], basecoeffs()) )
399 return 1;
400 }
401 return 0;
static int si_min(const int a, const int b)
Definition: auxiliary.h:125
static FORCE_INLINE BOOLEAN n_GreaterZero(number n, const coeffs r)
ordered fields: TRUE iff 'n' is positive; in Z/pZ: TRUE iff 0 < m <= roundedBelow(p/2),...
Definition: coeffs.h:491
static FORCE_INLINE BOOLEAN n_Greater(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
ordered fields: TRUE iff 'a' is larger than 'b'; in Z/pZ: TRUE iff la > lb, where la and lb are the l...
Definition: coeffs.h:508
static FORCE_INLINE BOOLEAN n_Equal(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
TRUE iff 'a' and 'b' represent the same number; they may have different representations.
Definition: coeffs.h:457

◆ concatcol()

void bigintmat::concatcol ( bigintmat a,
bigintmat b 

Definition at line 1098 of file

1098 {
1099 int ay = a->cols();
1100 int ax = a->rows();
1101 int by = b->cols();
1102 int bx = b->rows();
1103 number tmp;
1105 assume(row==ax && row == bx && ay+by ==col);
1109 for (int i=1; i<=ax; i++)
1110 {
1111 for (int j=1; j<=ay; j++)
1112 {
1113 tmp = a->view(i,j);
1114 set(i, j, tmp);
1115 }
1116 }
1117 for (int i=1; i<=bx; i++)
1118 {
1119 for (int j=1; j<=by; j++)
1120 {
1121 tmp = b->view(i,j);
1122 set(i, j+ay, tmp);
1123 }
1124 }

◆ concatrow()

void bigintmat::concatrow ( bigintmat a,
bigintmat b 

Fügt zwei Matrixen untereinander/nebeneinander in gegebene Matrix ein, bzw spaltet gegebenen Matrix auf.

Definition at line 1039 of file

1041 int ay = a->cols();
1042 int ax = a->rows();
1043 int by = b->cols();
1044 int bx = b->rows();
1045 number tmp;
1046 if (!((col == ay) && (col == by) && (ax+bx == row)))
1047 {
1048 WerrorS("Error in concatrow. Dimensions must agree!");
1049 return;
1050 }
1051 if (!(nCoeffs_are_equal(a->basecoeffs(), basecoeffs()) && nCoeffs_are_equal(b->basecoeffs(), basecoeffs())))
1052 {
1053 WerrorS("Error in concatrow. coeffs do not agree!");
1054 return;
1055 }
1056 for (int i=1; i<=ax; i++)
1057 {
1058 for (int j=1; j<=ay; j++)
1059 {
1060 tmp = a->get(i,j);
1061 set(i, j, tmp);
1062 n_Delete(&tmp, basecoeffs());
1063 }
1064 }
1065 for (int i=1; i<=bx; i++)
1066 {
1067 for (int j=1; j<=by; j++)
1068 {
1069 tmp = b->get(i,j);
1070 set(i+ax, j, tmp);
1071 n_Delete(&tmp, basecoeffs());
1072 }
1073 }

◆ content()

number bigintmat::content ( )

the content, the gcd of all entries. Only makes sense for Euclidean rings (or possibly constructive PIR)

Definition at line 2675 of file

2677 coeffs r = basecoeffs();
2678 number g = get(1,1), h;
2679 int n=rows()*cols();
2680 for(int i=1; i<n && !n_IsOne(g, r); i++)
2681 {
2682 h = n_Gcd(g, view(i), r);
2683 n_Delete(&g, r);
2684 g=h;
2685 }
2686 return g;
static FORCE_INLINE number n_Gcd(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
in Z: return the gcd of 'a' and 'b' in Z/nZ, Z/2^kZ: computed as in the case Z in Z/pZ,...
Definition: coeffs.h:661
static FORCE_INLINE BOOLEAN n_IsOne(number n, const coeffs r)
TRUE iff 'n' represents the one element.
Definition: coeffs.h:465

◆ copy()

bool bigintmat::copy ( bigintmat b)

Kopiert Einträge von b auf Bigintmat.

Definition at line 1259 of file

1261 if ((b->rows() != row) || (b->cols() != col))
1262 {
1263 WerrorS("Error in bigintmat::copy. Dimensions do not agree!");
1264 return false;
1265 }
1266 if (!nCoeffs_are_equal(basecoeffs(), b->basecoeffs()))
1267 {
1268 WerrorS("Error in bigintmat::copy. coeffs do not agree!");
1269 return false;
1270 }
1271 number t1;
1272 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
1273 {
1274 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++)
1275 {
1276 t1 = b->view(i, j);
1277 set(i, j, t1);
1278 }
1279 }
1280 return true;

◆ copySubmatInto()

void bigintmat::copySubmatInto ( bigintmat B,
int  sr,
int  sc,
int  nr,
int  nc,
int  tr,
int  tc 

copy the submatrix of b, staring at (a,b) having n rows, m cols into the given matrix at pos. (c,d) needs c+n, d+m <= rows, cols a+n, b+m <= b.rows(), b.cols()

Definition at line 1287 of file

1289 number t1;
1290 for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
1291 {
1292 for (int j=1; j<=m; j++)
1293 {
1294 t1 = B->view(a+i-1, b+j-1);
1295 set(c+i-1, d+j-1, t1);
1296 }
1297 }
b *CanonicalForm B

◆ det()

number bigintmat::det ( )

det (via LaPlace in general, hnf for euc. rings)

Definition at line 1512 of file

1514 assume (row==col);
1516 if (col == 1)
1517 return get(1, 1);
1518 // should work as well in Z/pZ of type n_Zp?
1519 // relies on XExtGcd and the other euc. functinos.
1521 return hnfdet();
1522 }
1523 number sum = n_Init(0, basecoeffs());
1524 number t1, t2, t3, t4;
1525 bigintmat *b;
1526 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++) {
1527 b = elim(i, 1);
1528 t1 = get(i, 1);
1529 t2 = b->det();
1530 t3 = n_Mult(t1, t2, basecoeffs());
1531 t4 = n_Copy(sum, basecoeffs());
1532 n_Delete(&sum, basecoeffs());
1533 if ((i+1)>>1<<1==(i+1))
1534 sum = n_Add(t4, t3, basecoeffs());
1535 else
1536 sum = n_Sub(t4, t3, basecoeffs());
1537 n_Delete(&t1, basecoeffs());
1538 n_Delete(&t2, basecoeffs());
1539 n_Delete(&t3, basecoeffs());
1540 n_Delete(&t4, basecoeffs());
1541 }
1542 return sum;
number hnfdet()
det via HNF Primzahlen als long long int, müssen noch in number umgewandelt werden?
bigintmat * elim(int i, int j)
Liefert Streichungsmatrix (i-te Zeile und j-te Spalte gestrichen) zurück.
@ n_Zn
only used if HAVE_RINGS is defined
Definition: coeffs.h:44
@ n_Z
only used if HAVE_RINGS is defined
Definition: coeffs.h:43
static FORCE_INLINE number n_Sub(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
return the difference of 'a' and 'b', i.e., a-b
Definition: coeffs.h:652
static FORCE_INLINE n_coeffType getCoeffType(const coeffs r)
Returns the type of coeffs domain.
Definition: coeffs.h:422

◆ elim()

bigintmat * bigintmat::elim ( int  i,
int  j 

Liefert Streichungsmatrix (i-te Zeile und j-te Spalte gestrichen) zurück.

Definition at line 1381 of file

1383 if ((i<=0) || (i>row) || (j<=0) || (j>col))
1384 return NULL;
1385 int cx, cy;
1386 cx=1;
1387 cy=1;
1388 number t;
1389 bigintmat *b = new bigintmat(row-1, col-1, basecoeffs());
1390 for (int k=1; k<=row; k++) {
1391 if (k!=i)
1392 {
1393 cy=1;
1394 for (int l=1; l<=col; l++)
1395 {
1396 if (l!=j)
1397 {
1398 t = get(k, l);
1399 b->set(cx, cy, t);
1400 n_Delete(&t, basecoeffs());
1401 cy++;
1402 }
1403 }
1404 cx++;
1405 }
1406 }
1407 return b;

◆ extendCols()

void bigintmat::extendCols ( int  i)

append i zero-columns to the matrix

Definition at line 1076 of file

1078 bigintmat * tmp = new bigintmat(rows(), i, basecoeffs());
1079 appendCol(tmp);
1080 delete tmp;
void appendCol(bigintmat *a)
horizontally join the matrices, m <- m|a

◆ findcolnonzero()

int bigintmat::findcolnonzero ( int  j)

find index of 1st non-zero entry in column j

Definition at line 735 of file

737 for (int i=row; i>=1; i--)
738 {
739 if (!n_IsZero(view(i,j), basecoeffs()))
740 {
741 return i;
742 }
743 }
744 return 0;

◆ findnonzero()

int bigintmat::findnonzero ( int  i)

find index of 1st non-zero entry in row i

Definition at line 723 of file

725 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++)
726 {
727 if (!n_IsZero(view(i,j), basecoeffs()))
728 {
729 return j;
730 }
731 }
732 return 0;

◆ get() [1/2]

number bigintmat::get ( int  i) const

get a copy of an entry. NOTE: starts at [0]

Definition at line 103 of file

105 assume (i >= 0);
106 assume (i<rows()*cols());
108 return n_Copy(v[i], basecoeffs());

◆ get() [2/2]

number bigintmat::get ( int  i,
int  j 
) const

get a copy of an entry. NOTE: starts at [1,1]

Definition at line 119 of file

121 assume (i > 0 && j > 0);
122 assume (i <= rows() && j <= cols());
124 return get(index(i, j));
int index(int r, int c) const
helper function to map from 2-dim coordinates, starting by 1 to 1-dim coordinate, starting by 0
Definition: bigintmat.h:161

◆ getcol()

void bigintmat::getcol ( int  j,
bigintmat a 

copies the j-th column into the matrix a - which needs to be pre-allocated with the correct size.

Definition at line 747 of file

749 assume((j<=col) && (j>=1));
750 if (((a->rows() != row) || (a->cols() != 1)) && ((a->rows() != 1) || (a->cols() != row)))
751 {
752 assume(0);
753 WerrorS("Error in getcol. Dimensions must agree!");
754 return;
755 }
757 {
759 number t1, t2;
760 for (int i=1; i<=row;i++)
761 {
762 t1 = get(i,j);
763 t2 = f(t1, basecoeffs(), a->basecoeffs());
764 a->set(i-1,t1);
765 n_Delete(&t1, basecoeffs());
766 n_Delete(&t2, a->basecoeffs());
767 }
768 return;
769 }
770 number t1;
771 for (int i=1; i<=row;i++)
772 {
773 t1 = view(i,j);
774 a->set(i-1,t1);
775 }
FILE * f
Definition: checklibs.c:9
static FORCE_INLINE nMapFunc n_SetMap(const coeffs src, const coeffs dst)
set the mapping function pointers for translating numbers from src to dst
Definition: coeffs.h:697
number(* nMapFunc)(number a, const coeffs src, const coeffs dst)
maps "a", which lives in src, into dst
Definition: coeffs.h:73

◆ getColRange()

void bigintmat::getColRange ( int  j,
int  no,
bigintmat a 

copies the no-columns staring by j (so j...j+no-1) into the pre-allocated a

Definition at line 778 of file

780 number t1;
781 for(int ii=0; ii< no; ii++)
782 {
783 for (int i=1; i<=row;i++)
784 {
785 t1 = view(i, ii+j);
786 a->set(i, ii+1, t1);
787 }
788 }

◆ getrow()

void bigintmat::getrow ( int  i,
bigintmat a 

Schreibt i-te Zeile in Vektor (Matrix) a.

Definition at line 791 of file

793 if ((i>row) || (i<1))
794 {
795 WerrorS("Error in getrow: Index out of range!");
796 return;
797 }
798 if (((a->rows() != 1) || (a->cols() != col)) && ((a->rows() != col) || (a->cols() != 1)))
799 {
800 WerrorS("Error in getrow. Dimensions must agree!");
801 return;
802 }
804 {
806 number t1, t2;
807 for (int j=1; j<=col;j++)
808 {
809 t1 = get(i,j);
810 t2 = f(t1, basecoeffs(), a->basecoeffs());
811 a->set(j-1,t2);
812 n_Delete(&t1, basecoeffs());
813 n_Delete(&t2, a->basecoeffs());
814 }
815 return;
816 }
817 number t1;
818 for (int j=1; j<=col;j++)
819 {
820 t1 = get(i,j);
821 a->set(j-1,t1);
822 n_Delete(&t1, basecoeffs());
823 }

◆ getwid()

int * bigintmat::getwid ( int  maxwid)

Definition at line 580 of file

582 int const c = /*2**/(col-1)+1;
583 int * wv = (int*)omAlloc(sizeof(int)*col*row);
584 int * cwv = (int*)omAlloc(sizeof(int)*col);
585 for (int j=0; j<col; j++)
586 {
587 cwv[j] = 0;
588 for (int i=0; i<row; i++)
589 {
590 StringSetS("");
591 n_Write(v[col*i+j], basecoeffs());
592 char * tmp = StringEndS();
593 const int _nl = strlen(tmp);
594 wv[col*i+j] = _nl;
595 if (_nl > cwv[j]) cwv[j]=_nl;
596 omFree(tmp);
597 }
598 }
600 // Groesse verkleinern, bis < maxwid
601 if (intArrSum(cwv, col)+c > maxwid)
602 {
603 int j = findLongest(cwv, col);
604 cwv[j] = getShorter(wv, cwv[j], j, col, row);
605 }
606 omFree(wv);
607 return cwv;
static int intArrSum(int *a, int length)
static int findLongest(int *a, int length)
static int getShorter(int *a, int l, int j, int cols, int rows)
static FORCE_INLINE void n_Write(number n, const coeffs r, const BOOLEAN bShortOut=TRUE)
Definition: coeffs.h:588
#define omFree(addr)
Definition: omAllocDecl.h:261
void StringSetS(const char *st)
char * StringEndS()

◆ hnf()

void bigintmat::hnf ( )

transforms INPLACE to HNF

Definition at line 1660 of file

1662 // Laufen von unten nach oben und von links nach rechts
1663 // CF: TODO: for n_Z: write a recursive version. This one will
1664 // have exponential blow-up. Look at Michianchio
1665 // Alternatively, do p-adic det and modular method
1667#if 0
1668 char * s;
1669 ::PrintS("mat over Z is \n");
1670 ::Print("%s\n", s = nCoeffString(basecoeffs()));
1671 omFree(s);
1672 Print();
1673 ::Print("\n(%d x %d)\n", rows(), cols());
1676 int i = rows();
1677 int j = cols();
1678 number q = n_Init(0, basecoeffs());
1679 number one = n_Init(1, basecoeffs());
1680 number minusone = n_Init(-1, basecoeffs());
1681 number tmp1 = n_Init(0, basecoeffs());
1682 number tmp2 = n_Init(0, basecoeffs());
1683 number co1, co2, co3, co4;
1684 number ggt = n_Init(0, basecoeffs());
1686 while ((i>0) && (j>0))
1687 {
1688 // Falls erstes Nicht-Null-Element in Zeile i nicht existiert, oder hinter Spalte j vorkommt, gehe in nächste Zeile
1689 if ((findnonzero(i)==0) || (findnonzero(i)>j))
1690 {
1691 i--;
1692 }
1693 else
1694 {
1695 // Laufe von links nach rechts durch die Zeile:
1696 for (int l=1; l<=j-1; l++)
1697 {
1699 tmp1 = get(i, l);
1700 // Falls Eintrag (im folgenden x genannt) gleich 0, gehe eine Spalte weiter. Ansonsten...
1701 if (!n_IsZero(tmp1, basecoeffs()))
1702 {
1704 tmp2 = get(i, l+1);
1705 // Falls Eintrag (i.f. y g.) rechts daneben gleich 0, tausche beide Spalten, sonst...
1706 if (!n_IsZero(tmp2, basecoeffs()))
1707 {
1708 n_Delete(&ggt, basecoeffs());
1709 ggt = n_XExtGcd(tmp1, tmp2, &co1, &co2, &co3, &co4, basecoeffs());
1710 // Falls x=ggT(x, y), tausche die beiden Spalten und ziehe die (neue) rechte Spalte so häufig von der linken ab, dass an der ehemaligen Stelle von x nun eine 0 steht. Dazu:
1711 if (n_Equal(tmp1, ggt, basecoeffs()))
1712 {
1713 swap(l, l+1);
1714 n_Delete(&q, basecoeffs());
1715 q = n_Div(tmp2, ggt, basecoeffs());
1716 q = n_InpNeg(q, basecoeffs());
1717 // Dann addiere das -q-fache der (neuen) rechten Spalte zur linken dazu. Damit erhalten wir die gewünschte 0
1719 addcol(l, l+1, q, basecoeffs());
1720 n_Delete(&q, basecoeffs());
1721 }
1722 else if (n_Equal(tmp1, minusone, basecoeffs()))
1723 {
1724 // Falls x=-1, so ist x=-ggt(x, y). Dann gehe wie oben vor, multipliziere aber zuerst die neue rechte Spalte (die mit x) mit -1
1725 // Die Berechnung von q (=y/ggt) entfällt, da ggt=1
1726 swap(l, l+1);
1727 colskalmult(l+1, minusone, basecoeffs());
1729 addcol(l, l+1, tmp2, basecoeffs());
1730 }
1731 else
1732 {
1733 // CF: use the 2x2 matrix (co1, co2)(co3, co4) to
1734 // get the gcd in position and the 0 in the other:
1735#ifdef CF_DEB
1736 ::PrintS("applying trafo\n");
1737 StringSetS("");
1738 n_Write(co1, basecoeffs()); StringAppendS("\t");
1739 n_Write(co2, basecoeffs()); StringAppendS("\t");
1740 n_Write(co3, basecoeffs()); StringAppendS("\t");
1741 n_Write(co4, basecoeffs()); StringAppendS("\t");
1742 ::Print("%s\nfor l=%d\n", StringEndS(), l);
1743 {char * s = String();
1744 ::Print("to %s\n", s);omFree(s);};
1746 coltransform(l, l+1, co3, co4, co1, co2);
1747#ifdef CF_DEB
1748 {char * s = String();
1749 ::Print("gives %s\n", s);}
1751 }
1752 n_Delete(&co1, basecoeffs());
1753 n_Delete(&co2, basecoeffs());
1754 n_Delete(&co3, basecoeffs());
1755 n_Delete(&co4, basecoeffs());
1756 }
1757 else
1758 {
1759 swap(l, l+1);
1760 }
1761 // Dann betrachte die vormals rechte Spalte als neue linke, und die rechts daneben als neue rechte.
1762 }
1763 }
1765 #ifdef HAVE_RINGS
1766 // normalize by units:
1767 if (!n_IsZero(view(i, j), basecoeffs()))
1768 {
1769 number u = n_GetUnit(view(i, j), basecoeffs());
1770 if (!n_IsOne(u, basecoeffs()))
1771 {
1772 colskaldiv(j, u);
1773 }
1774 n_Delete(&u, basecoeffs());
1775 }
1776 #endif
1777 // Zum Schluss mache alle Einträge rechts vom Diagonalelement betragsmäßig kleiner als dieses
1778 for (int l=j+1; l<=col; l++)
1779 {
1780 n_Delete(&q, basecoeffs());
1781 q = n_QuotRem(view(i, l), view(i, j), NULL, basecoeffs());
1782 q = n_InpNeg(q, basecoeffs());
1783 addcol(l, j, q, basecoeffs());
1784 }
1785 i--;
1786 j--;
1787 // Dann betrachte die Zeile darüber und gehe dort wie vorher vor
1788 }
1789 }
1790 n_Delete(&q, basecoeffs());
1793 n_Delete(&ggt, basecoeffs());
1794 n_Delete(&one, basecoeffs());
1795 n_Delete(&minusone, basecoeffs());
1797#if 0
1798 ::PrintS("hnf over Z is \n");
1799 Print();
1800 ::Print("\n(%d x %d)\n", rows(), cols());
void Print()
IO: simply prints the matrix to the current output (screen?)
void colskaldiv(int j, number b)
Macht Ganzzahldivision aller j-ten Spalteneinträge mit b.
void swap(int i, int j)
swap columns i and j
void coltransform(int i, int j, number a, number b, number c, number d)
transforms cols (i,j) using the 2x2 matrix ((a,b)(c,d)) (hopefully)
bool addcol(int i, int j, number a, coeffs c)
addiert a-faches der j-ten Spalte zur i-ten dazu
int findnonzero(int i)
find index of 1st non-zero entry in row i
void colskalmult(int i, number a, coeffs c)
Multipliziert zur i-ten Spalte den Skalar a hinzu.
void one()
Macht Matrix (Falls quadratisch) zu Einheitsmatrix.
char * String()
IO: String returns a singular string containing the matrix, needs freeing afterwards.
static FORCE_INLINE number n_QuotRem(number a, number b, number *q, const coeffs r)
Definition: coeffs.h:678
static FORCE_INLINE char * nCoeffString(const coeffs cf)
TODO: make it a virtual method of coeffs, together with: Decompose & Compose, rParameter & rPar.
Definition: coeffs.h:956
static FORCE_INLINE number n_InpNeg(number n, const coeffs r)
in-place negation of n MUST BE USED: n = n_InpNeg(n) (no copy is returned)
Definition: coeffs.h:554
static FORCE_INLINE number n_GetUnit(number n, const coeffs r)
in Z: 1 in Z/kZ (where k is not a prime): largest divisor of n (taken in Z) that is co-prime with k i...
Definition: coeffs.h:529
static FORCE_INLINE number n_XExtGcd(number a, number b, number *s, number *t, number *u, number *v, const coeffs r)
Definition: coeffs.h:670
const CanonicalForm int s
void StringAppendS(const char *st)
void PrintS(const char *s)

◆ hnfdet()

number bigintmat::hnfdet ( )

det via HNF Primzahlen als long long int, müssen noch in number umgewandelt werden?

Definition at line 1545 of file

1547 assume (col == row);
1549 if (col == 1)
1550 return get(1, 1);
1551 bigintmat *m = new bigintmat(this);
1552 m->hnf();
1553 number prod = n_Init(1, basecoeffs());
1554 number temp, temp2;
1555 for (int i=1; i<=col; i++) {
1556 temp = m->get(i, i);
1557 temp2 = n_Mult(temp, prod, basecoeffs());
1559 prod = temp2;
1560 n_Delete(&temp, basecoeffs());
1561 }
1562 delete m;
1563 return prod;
fq_nmod_poly_t prod

◆ howell()

void bigintmat::howell ( )

dito, but Howell form (only different for zero-divsors)

Definition at line 1585 of file

1587 coeffs R = basecoeffs();
1588 hnf(); // as a starting point...
1589 if (getCoeffType(R)== n_Z) return; //wrong, need to prune!
1591 int n = cols(), m = rows(), i, j, k;
1593 //make sure, the matrix has enough space. We need no rows+1 columns.
1594 //The resulting Howell form will be pruned to be at most square.
1595 bigintmat * t = new bigintmat(m, m+1, R);
1596 t->copySubmatInto(this, 1, n>m ? n-m+1 : 1, m, n>m ? m : n, 1, n>m ? 2 : m+2-n );
1597 swapMatrix(t);
1598 delete t;
1599 for(i=1; i<= cols(); i++) {
1600 if (!colIsZero(i)) break;
1601 }
1602 assume (i>1);
1603 if (i>cols()) {
1604 t = new bigintmat(rows(), 0, R);
1605 swapMatrix(t);
1606 delete t;
1607 return; // zero matrix found, clearly normal.
1608 }
1610 int last_zero_col = i-1;
1611 for (int c = cols(); c>0; c--) {
1612 for(i=rows(); i>0; i--) {
1613 if (!n_IsZero(view(i, c), R)) break;
1614 }
1615 if (i==0) break; // matrix SHOULD be zero from here on
1616 number a = n_Ann(view(i, c), R);
1617 addcol(last_zero_col, c, a, R);
1618 n_Delete(&a, R);
1619 for(j = c-1; j>last_zero_col; j--) {
1620 for(k=rows(); k>0; k--) {
1621 if (!n_IsZero(view(k, j), R)) break;
1622 if (!n_IsZero(view(k, last_zero_col), R)) break;
1623 }
1624 if (k==0) break;
1625 if (!n_IsZero(view(k, last_zero_col), R)) {
1626 number gcd, co1, co2, co3, co4;
1627 gcd = n_XExtGcd(view(k, last_zero_col), view(k, j), &co1, &co2, &co3, &co4, R);
1628 if (n_Equal(gcd, view(k, j), R)) {
1629 number q = n_Div(view(k, last_zero_col), gcd, R);
1630 q = n_InpNeg(q, R);
1631 addcol(last_zero_col, j, q, R);
1632 n_Delete(&q, R);
1633 } else if (n_Equal(gcd, view(k, last_zero_col), R)) {
1634 swap(last_zero_col, k);
1635 number q = n_Div(view(k, last_zero_col), gcd, R);
1636 q = n_InpNeg(q, R);
1637 addcol(last_zero_col, j, q, R);
1638 n_Delete(&q, R);
1639 } else {
1640 coltransform(last_zero_col, j, co3, co4, co1, co2);
1641 }
1642 n_Delete(&gcd, R);
1643 n_Delete(&co1, R);
1644 n_Delete(&co2, R);
1645 n_Delete(&co3, R);
1646 n_Delete(&co4, R);
1647 }
1648 }
1649 for(k=rows(); k>0; k--) {
1650 if (!n_IsZero(view(k, last_zero_col), R)) break;
1651 }
1652 if (k) last_zero_col--;
1653 }
1654 t = new bigintmat(rows(), cols()-last_zero_col, R);
1655 t->copySubmatInto(this, 1, last_zero_col+1, rows(), cols()-last_zero_col, 1, 1);
1656 swapMatrix(t);
1657 delete t;
void hnf()
transforms INPLACE to HNF
int colIsZero(int i)
void copySubmatInto(bigintmat *, int sr, int sc, int nr, int nc, int tr, int tc)
copy the submatrix of b, staring at (a,b) having n rows, m cols into the given matrix at pos....
static FORCE_INLINE number n_Ann(number a, const coeffs r)
if r is a ring with zero divisors, return an annihilator!=0 of b otherwise return NULL
Definition: coeffs.h:676
int gcd(int a, int b)

◆ index()

int bigintmat::index ( int  r,
int  c 
) const

helper function to map from 2-dim coordinates, starting by 1 to 1-dim coordinate, starting by 0

Definition at line 161 of file bigintmat.h.

162 {
163 assume (rows() >= 0 && cols() >= 0);
165 assume (r > 0 && c > 0);
166 assume (r <= rows() && c <= cols());
168 const int index = ((r-1)*cols() + (c-1));
170 assume (index >= 0 && index < rows() * cols());
171 return index;
172 }

◆ inpmod()

bigintmat * bigintmat::inpmod ( number  p,
coeffs  c 

Liefert Kopie der Matrix zurück, allerdings im Ring Z modulo p.

◆ inpMult()

void bigintmat::inpMult ( number  bintop,
const coeffs  C = NULL 

inplace version of skalar mult. CHANGES input.

Definition at line 145 of file

147 assume (C == NULL || C == basecoeffs());
149 const int l = rows() * cols();
151 for (int i=0; i < l; i++)
152 n_InpMult(v[i], bintop, basecoeffs());

◆ inpTranspose()

void bigintmat::inpTranspose ( )

transpose in place

Definition at line 50 of file

52 int n = row,
53 m = col,
54 nm = n<m?n : m; // the min, describing the square part of the matrix
55 //CF: this is not optimal, but so far, it seems to work
57#define swap(_i, _j) \
58 int __i = (_i), __j=(_j); \
59 number c = v[__i]; \
60 v[__i] = v[__j]; \
61 v[__j] = c \
63 for (int i=0; i< nm; i++)
64 for (int j=i+1; j< nm; j++)
65 {
66 swap(i*m+j, j*n+i);
67 }
68 if (n<m)
69 for (int i=nm; i<m; i++)
70 for(int j=0; j<n; j++)
71 {
72 swap(j*n+i, i*m+j);
73 }
74 if (n>m)
75 for (int i=nm; i<n; i++)
76 for(int j=0; j<m; j++)
77 {
78 swap(i*m+j, j*n+i);
79 }
80#undef swap
81 row = m;
82 col = n;

◆ isOne()

int bigintmat::isOne ( )

is matrix is identity

Definition at line 1300 of file

1302 coeffs r = basecoeffs();
1303 if (row==col)
1304 {
1305 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
1306 {
1307 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++)
1308 {
1309 if (i==j)
1310 {
1311 if (!n_IsOne(view(i, j), r))
1312 return 0;
1313 }
1314 else
1315 {
1316 if (!n_IsZero(view(i,j), r))
1317 return 0;
1318 }
1319 }
1320 }
1321 }
1322 return 1;

◆ isZero()

int bigintmat::isZero ( )

Definition at line 1363 of file

1365 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++) {
1366 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++) {
1367 if (!n_IsZero(view(i,j), basecoeffs()))
1368 return FALSE;
1369 }
1370 }
1371 return TRUE;

◆ length()

int bigintmat::length ( )

Definition at line 143 of file bigintmat.h.

143{ return col*row; }

◆ mod()

void bigintmat::mod ( number  p)

Reduziert komplette Matrix modulo p.

Definition at line 1916 of file

1918 // produce the matrix in Z/pZ
1919 number tmp1, tmp2;
1920 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
1921 {
1922 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++)
1923 {
1924 tmp1 = get(i, j);
1925 tmp2 = n_IntMod(tmp1, p, basecoeffs());
1927 set(i, j, tmp2);
1928 }
1929 }
int p
static FORCE_INLINE number n_IntMod(number a, number b, const coeffs r)
for r a field, return n_Init(0,r) always: n_Div(a,b,r)*b+n_IntMod(a,b,r)==a n_IntMod(a,...
Definition: coeffs.h:625

◆ modgauss()

bigintmat * bigintmat::modgauss ( number  p,
coeffs  c 

◆ modhnf()

bigintmat * bigintmat::modhnf ( number  p,
coeffs  c 

computes HNF(this | p*I)

Definition at line 1832 of file

1834 coeffs Rp = numbercoeffs(p, R); // R/pR
1835 bigintmat *m = bimChangeCoeff(this, Rp);
1836 m->howell();
1837 bigintmat *a = bimChangeCoeff(m, R);
1838 delete m;
1839 bigintmat *C = new bigintmat(rows(), rows(), R);
1840 int piv = rows(), i = a->cols();
1841 while (piv)
1842 {
1843 if (!i || n_IsZero(a->view(piv, i), R))
1844 {
1845 C->set(piv, piv, p, R);
1846 }
1847 else
1848 {
1849 C->copySubmatInto(a, 1, i, rows(), 1, 1, piv);
1850 i--;
1851 }
1852 piv--;
1853 }
1854 delete a;
1855 return C;
bigintmat * bimChangeCoeff(bigintmat *a, coeffs cnew)
Liefert Kopier von Matrix a zurück, mit coeffs cnew statt den ursprünglichen.
static coeffs numbercoeffs(number n, coeffs c)
create Z/nA of type n_Zn

◆ one()

void bigintmat::one ( )

Macht Matrix (Falls quadratisch) zu Einheitsmatrix.

Definition at line 1325 of file

1327 if (row==col)
1328 {
1329 number one = n_Init(1, basecoeffs()),
1330 zero = n_Init(0, basecoeffs());
1331 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
1332 {
1333 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++)
1334 {
1335 if (i==j)
1336 {
1337 set(i, j, one);
1338 }
1339 else
1340 {
1341 set(i, j, zero);
1342 }
1343 }
1344 }
1345 n_Delete(&one, basecoeffs());
1347 }
void zero()
Setzt alle Einträge auf 0.

◆ operator*=()

void bigintmat::operator*= ( int  intop)

UEberladener *=-Operator (fuer int und bigint) Frage hier: *= verwenden oder lieber = und * einzeln? problem: what about non-commuting rings. Is this from left or right?

Definition at line 136 of file

138 number iop = n_Init(intop, basecoeffs());
140 inpMult(iop, basecoeffs());
142 n_Delete(&iop, basecoeffs());
void inpMult(number bintop, const coeffs C=NULL)
inplace version of skalar mult. CHANGES input.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

number & bigintmat::operator[] ( int  i)

dubious: 1-dim access to 2-dim array. Entries are read row by row.

Definition at line 111 of file bigintmat.h.

112 {
113#ifndef SING_NDEBUG
114 if((i<0)||(i>=row*col))
115 {
116 Werror("wrong bigintmat index:%d\n",i);
117 }
118 assume ( !((i<0)||(i>=row*col)) );
120 return v[i]; // Hier sollte imho kein nlCopy rein...
121 }
void Werror(const char *fmt,...)

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

const number & bigintmat::operator[] ( int  i) const

Definition at line 122 of file bigintmat.h.

123 {
124#ifndef SING_NDEBUG
125 if((i<0)||(i>=row*col))
126 {
127 Werror("wrong bigintmat index:%d\n",i);
128 }
129 assume ( !((i<0)||(i>=row*col)) );
131 return v[i];
132 }

◆ pprint()

void bigintmat::pprint ( int  maxwid)

Definition at line 610 of file

612 if ((col==0) || (row==0))
613 PrintS("");
614 else
615 {
616 int * colwid = getwid(maxwid);
617 char * ps;
618 int slength = 0;
619 for (int j=0; j<col; j++)
620 slength += colwid[j]*row;
621 slength += col*row+row;
622 ps = (char*) omAlloc0(sizeof(char)*(slength));
623 int pos = 0;
624 for (int i=0; i<col*row; i++)
625 {
626 StringSetS("");
627 n_Write(v[i], basecoeffs());
628 char * ts = StringEndS();
629 const int _nl = strlen(ts);
630 int cj = i%col;
631 if (_nl > colwid[cj])
632 {
633 StringSetS("");
634 int ci = i/col;
635 StringAppend("[%d,%d]", ci+1, cj+1);
636 char * ph = StringEndS();
637 int phl = strlen(ph);
638 if (phl > colwid[cj])
639 {
640 for (int j=0; j<colwid[cj]-1; j++)
641 ps[pos+j] = ' ';
642 ps[pos+colwid[cj]-1] = '*';
643 }
644 else
645 {
646 for (int j=0; j<colwid[cj]-phl; j++)
647 ps[pos+j] = ' ';
648 for (int j=0; j<phl; j++)
649 ps[pos+colwid[cj]-phl+j] = ph[j];
650 }
651 omFree(ph);
652 }
653 else // Mit Leerzeichen auffüllen und zahl reinschreiben
654 {
655 for (int j=0; j<colwid[cj]-_nl; j++)
656 ps[pos+j] = ' ';
657 for (int j=0; j<_nl; j++)
658 ps[pos+colwid[cj]-_nl+j] = ts[j];
659 }
660 // ", " und (evtl) "\n" einfügen
661 if ((i+1)%col == 0)
662 {
663 if (i != col*row-1)
664 {
665 ps[pos+colwid[cj]] = ',';
666 ps[pos+colwid[cj]+1] = '\n';
667 pos += colwid[cj]+2;
668 }
669 }
670 else
671 {
672 ps[pos+colwid[cj]] = ',';
673 pos += colwid[cj]+1;
674 }
676 omFree(ts); // Hier ts zerstören
677 }
678 PrintS(ps);
679 omFree(ps);
680 }
int * getwid(int maxwid)
#define StringAppend
#define omAlloc0(size)
Definition: omAllocDecl.h:211

◆ Print()

void bigintmat::Print ( )

IO: simply prints the matrix to the current output (screen?)

Definition at line 443 of file

445 char * s = String();
446 PrintS(s);
447 omFree(s);

◆ pseudoinv()

number bigintmat::pseudoinv ( bigintmat a)

Speichert in Matrix a die Pseudoinverse, liefert den Nenner zurück.

Definition at line 1415 of file

1415 {
1417 // Falls Matrix über reellen Zahlen nicht invertierbar, breche ab
1418 assume((a->rows() == row) && (a->rows() == a->cols()) && (row == col));
1420 number det = this->det(); //computes the HNF, so should e reused.
1421 if ((n_IsZero(det, basecoeffs())))
1422 return det;
1424 // Hänge Einheitsmatrix über Matrix und wendet HNF an. An Stelle der Einheitsmatrix steht im Ergebnis die Transformationsmatrix dazu
1425 a->one();
1426 bigintmat *m = new bigintmat(2*row, col, basecoeffs());
1427 m->concatrow(a,this);
1428 m->hnf();
1429 // Arbeite weiterhin mit der zusammengehängten Matrix
1430 // Laufe durch die Diagonalelemente, und multipliziere jede Spalte rechts davon damit, speichere aber den alten Eintrag der Spalte, temp, der in der Zeile des Diagonalelements liegt, zwischen. Dann addiere das -temp-Fache der Diagonalspalte zur entsprechenenden Spalte rechts davon. Dadurch entsteht überall rechts der Diagonalen eine 0
1431 number diag;
1432 number temp, ttemp;
1433 for (int i=1; i<=col; i++) {
1434 diag = m->get(row+i, i);
1435 for (int j=i+1; j<=col; j++) {
1436 temp = m->get(row+i, j);
1437 m->colskalmult(j, diag, basecoeffs());
1438 temp = n_InpNeg(temp, basecoeffs());
1439 m->addcol(j, i, temp, basecoeffs());
1440 n_Delete(&temp, basecoeffs());
1441 }
1442 n_Delete(&diag, basecoeffs());
1443 }
1444 // Falls wir nicht modulo n arbeiten, können wir die Spalten durch den ggT teilen, um die Einträge kleiner zu bekommen
1445 // Bei Z/n sparen wir uns das, da es hier sinnlos ist
1446 number g;
1447 number gcd;
1448 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++) {
1449 g = n_Init(0, basecoeffs());
1450 for (int i=1; i<=2*row; i++) {
1451 temp = m->get(i,j);
1452 gcd = n_Gcd(g, temp, basecoeffs());
1453 n_Delete(&g, basecoeffs());
1454 n_Delete(&temp, basecoeffs());
1455 g = n_Copy(gcd, basecoeffs());
1456 n_Delete(&gcd, basecoeffs());
1457 }
1458 if (!(n_IsOne(g, basecoeffs())))
1459 m->colskaldiv(j, g);
1460 n_Delete(&g, basecoeffs());
1461 }
1463 // Nun müssen die Diagonalelemente durch Spaltenmultiplikation gleich gesett werden. Bei Z können wir mit dem kgV arbeiten, bei Z/n bringen wir jedes Diagonalelement auf 1 (wir arbeiten immer mit n = Primzahl. Für n != Primzahl muss noch an anderen Stellen etwas geändert werden)
1465 g = n_Init(0, basecoeffs());
1466 number prod = n_Init(1, basecoeffs());
1467 for (int i=1; i<=col; i++) {
1468 gcd = n_Gcd(g, m->get(row+i, i), basecoeffs());
1469 n_Delete(&g, basecoeffs());
1470 g = n_Copy(gcd, basecoeffs());
1471 n_Delete(&gcd, basecoeffs());
1472 ttemp = n_Copy(prod, basecoeffs());
1473 temp = m->get(row+i, i);
1475 prod = n_Mult(ttemp, temp, basecoeffs());
1476 n_Delete(&ttemp, basecoeffs());
1477 n_Delete(&temp, basecoeffs());
1478 }
1479 number lcm;
1480 lcm = n_Div(prod, g, basecoeffs());
1481 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++) {
1482 ttemp = m->get(row+j,j);
1483 temp = n_QuotRem(lcm, ttemp, NULL, basecoeffs());
1484 m->colskalmult(j, temp, basecoeffs());
1485 n_Delete(&ttemp, basecoeffs());
1486 n_Delete(&temp, basecoeffs());
1487 }
1488 n_Delete(&lcm, basecoeffs());
1491 number divisor = m->get(row+1, 1);
1492 m->splitrow(a, 1);
1493 delete m;
1494 n_Delete(&det, basecoeffs());
1495 return divisor;
number det()
det (via LaPlace in general, hnf for euc. rings)
int lcm(unsigned long *l, unsigned long *a, unsigned long *b, unsigned long p, int dega, int degb)

◆ rawset() [1/2]

void bigintmat::rawset ( int  i,
int  j,
number  n,
const coeffs  C = NULL 

as above, but the 2-dim version

Definition at line 216 of file bigintmat.h.

217 {
218 rawset( index(i,j), n, C);
219 }

◆ rawset() [2/2]

void bigintmat::rawset ( int  i,
number  n,
const coeffs  C = NULL 

replace an entry with the given number n (only delete old). NOTE: starts at [0]. Should be named set_transfer

Definition at line 196 of file bigintmat.h.

197 {
198 assume (C == NULL || C == basecoeffs());
199 assume (i >= 0);
200 const int l = rows() * cols();
201 assume (i<l);
203 if (i < l)
204 {
205 n_Delete(&(v[i]), basecoeffs()); v[i] = n;
206 }
207#ifndef SING_NDEBUG
208 else
209 {
210 Werror("wrong bigintmat index:%d\n",i);
211 }
213 }

◆ rows()

int bigintmat::rows ( ) const

Definition at line 145 of file bigintmat.h.

145{ return row; }

◆ rowskalmult()

void bigintmat::rowskalmult ( int  i,
number  a,
coeffs  c 

... Zeile ...

Definition at line 1023 of file

1025 if ((i>=1) && (i<=row) && (nCoeffs_are_equal(c, basecoeffs())))
1026 {
1027 number t, tmult;
1028 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++)
1029 {
1030 t = view(i, j);
1031 tmult = n_Mult(a, t, basecoeffs());
1032 rawset(i, j, tmult);
1033 }
1034 }
1035 else
1036 WerrorS("Error in rowskalmult");

◆ set() [1/2]

void bigintmat::set ( int  i,
int  j,
number  n,
const coeffs  C = NULL 

replace an entry with a copy (delete old + copy new!). NOTE: starts at [1,1]

Definition at line 95 of file

97 assume (C == NULL || C == basecoeffs());
98 assume (i > 0 && j > 0);
99 assume (i <= rows() && j <= cols());
100 set(index(i, j), n, C);

◆ set() [2/2]

void bigintmat::set ( int  i,
number  n,
const coeffs  C = NULL 

replace an entry with a copy (delete old + copy new!). NOTE: starts at [0]

Definition at line 87 of file

89 assume (C == NULL || C == basecoeffs());

◆ setcol()

void bigintmat::setcol ( int  j,
bigintmat m 

Setzt j-te Spalte gleich übergebenem Vektor (Matrix) m.

Definition at line 826 of file

828 if ((j>col) || (j<1))
829 {
830 WerrorS("Error in setcol: Index out of range!");
831 return;
832 }
833 if (((m->rows() != row) || (m->cols() != 1)) && ((m->rows() != 1) || (m->cols() != row)))
834 {
835 WerrorS("Error in setcol. Dimensions must agree!");
836 return;
837 }
838 if (!nCoeffs_are_equal(basecoeffs(), m->basecoeffs()))
839 {
840 nMapFunc f = n_SetMap(m->basecoeffs(), basecoeffs());
841 number t1,t2;
842 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
843 {
844 t1 = m->get(i-1);
845 t2 = f(t1, m->basecoeffs(),basecoeffs());
846 set(i, j, t2);
847 n_Delete(&t2, basecoeffs());
848 n_Delete(&t1, m->basecoeffs());
849 }
850 return;
851 }
852 number t1;
853 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
854 {
855 t1 = m->view(i-1);
856 set(i, j, t1);
857 }

◆ setrow()

void bigintmat::setrow ( int  i,
bigintmat m 

Setzt i-te Zeile gleich übergebenem Vektor (Matrix) m.

Definition at line 860 of file

862 if ((j>row) || (j<1))
863 {
864 WerrorS("Error in setrow: Index out of range!");
865 return;
866 }
867 if (((m->rows() != 1) || (m->cols() != col)) && ((m->rows() != col) || (m->cols() != 1)))
868 {
869 WerrorS("Error in setrow. Dimensions must agree!");
870 return;
871 }
872 if (!nCoeffs_are_equal(basecoeffs(), m->basecoeffs()))
873 {
874 nMapFunc f = n_SetMap(m->basecoeffs(), basecoeffs());
875 number tmp1,tmp2;
876 for (int i=1; i<=col; i++)
877 {
878 tmp1 = m->get(i-1);
879 tmp2 = f(tmp1, m->basecoeffs(),basecoeffs());
880 set(j, i, tmp2);
882 n_Delete(&tmp1, m->basecoeffs());
883 }
884 return;
885 }
886 number tmp;
887 for (int i=1; i<=col; i++)
888 {
889 tmp = m->view(i-1);
890 set(j, i, tmp);
891 }

◆ simplifyContentDen()

void bigintmat::simplifyContentDen ( number *  den)

ensures that Gcd(den, content)=1 enden hier wieder

Definition at line 2688 of file

2690 coeffs r = basecoeffs();
2691 number g = n_Copy(*d, r), h;
2692 int n=rows()*cols();
2693 for(int i=0; i<n && !n_IsOne(g, r); i++)
2694 {
2695 h = n_Gcd(g, view(i), r);
2696 n_Delete(&g, r);
2697 g=h;
2698 }
2699 *d = n_Div(*d, g, r);
2700 if (!n_IsOne(g, r))
2701 skaldiv(g);
void skaldiv(number b)
Macht Ganzzahldivision aller Matrixeinträge mit b.

◆ skaldiv()

void bigintmat::skaldiv ( number  b)

Macht Ganzzahldivision aller Matrixeinträge mit b.

Definition at line 1861 of file

1863 number tmp1, tmp2;
1864 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
1865 {
1866 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++)
1867 {
1868 tmp1 = view(i, j);
1869 tmp2 = n_Div(tmp1, b, basecoeffs());
1870 rawset(i, j, tmp2);
1871 }
1872 }

◆ skalmult()

bool bigintmat::skalmult ( number  b,
coeffs  c 

Multipliziert zur Matrix den Skalar b hinzu.

Definition at line 938 of file

940 if (!nCoeffs_are_equal(c, basecoeffs()))
941 {
942 WerrorS("Wrong coeffs\n");
943 return false;
944 }
945 number t1, t2;
946 if ( n_IsOne(b,c)) return true;
947 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
948 {
949 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++)
950 {
951 t1 = view(i, j);
952 t2 = n_Mult(t1, b, basecoeffs());
953 rawset(i, j, t2);
954 }
955 }
956 return true;

◆ splitcol() [1/2]

void bigintmat::splitcol ( bigintmat a,
bigintmat b 

... linken ... rechten ...

Definition at line 1169 of file

1171 int ay = a->cols();
1172 int ax = a->rows();
1173 int by = b->cols();
1174 int bx = b->rows();
1175 number tmp;
1176 if (!((row == ax) && (row == bx)))
1177 {
1178 WerrorS("Error in splitcol. Dimensions must agree!");
1179 }
1180 else if (!(ay+by == col))
1181 {
1182 WerrorS("Error in splitcol. Dimensions must agree!");
1183 }
1184 else if (!(nCoeffs_are_equal(a->basecoeffs(), basecoeffs()) && nCoeffs_are_equal(b->basecoeffs(), basecoeffs())))
1185 {
1186 WerrorS("Error in splitcol. coeffs do not agree!");
1187 }
1188 else
1189 {
1190 for (int i=1; i<=ax; i++)
1191 {
1192 for (int j=1; j<=ay; j++)
1193 {
1194 tmp = view(i,j);
1195 a->set(i,j,tmp);
1196 }
1197 }
1198 for (int i=1; i<=bx; i++)
1199 {
1200 for (int j=1; j<=by; j++)
1201 {
1202 tmp = view(i,j+ay);
1203 b->set(i,j,tmp);
1204 }
1205 }
1206 }

◆ splitcol() [2/2]

void bigintmat::splitcol ( bigintmat a,
int  i 

Speichert die ersten i Spalten als Teilmatrix in a.

Definition at line 1209 of file

1211 number tmp;
1212 if ((a->rows() != row) || (a->cols()+i-1 > col) || (i<1))
1213 {
1214 WerrorS("Error in splitcol. Dimensions must agree!");
1215 return;
1216 }
1217 if (!(nCoeffs_are_equal(a->basecoeffs(), basecoeffs())))
1218 {
1219 WerrorS("Error in splitcol. coeffs do not agree!");
1220 return;
1221 }
1222 int width = a->cols();
1223 for (int j=1; j<=width; j++)
1224 {
1225 for (int k=1; k<=row; k++)
1226 {
1227 tmp = get(k, j+i-1);
1228 a->set(k, j, tmp);
1229 n_Delete(&tmp, basecoeffs());
1230 }
1231 }

◆ splitrow() [1/2]

void bigintmat::splitrow ( bigintmat a,
bigintmat b 

Speichert in Matrix a den oberen, in b den unteren Teil der Matrix, vorausgesetzt die Dimensionen stimmen überein.

Definition at line 1127 of file

1129 int ay = a->cols();
1130 int ax = a->rows();
1131 int by = b->cols();
1132 int bx = b->rows();
1133 number tmp;
1134 if (!(ax + bx == row))
1135 {
1136 WerrorS("Error in splitrow. Dimensions must agree!");
1137 }
1138 else if (!((col == ay) && (col == by)))
1139 {
1140 WerrorS("Error in splitrow. Dimensions must agree!");
1141 }
1142 else if (!(nCoeffs_are_equal(a->basecoeffs(), basecoeffs()) && nCoeffs_are_equal(b->basecoeffs(), basecoeffs())))
1143 {
1144 WerrorS("Error in splitrow. coeffs do not agree!");
1145 }
1146 else
1147 {
1148 for(int i = 1; i<=ax; i++)
1149 {
1150 for(int j = 1; j<=ay;j++)
1151 {
1152 tmp = get(i,j);
1153 a->set(i,j,tmp);
1154 n_Delete(&tmp, basecoeffs());
1155 }
1156 }
1157 for (int i =1; i<=bx; i++)
1158 {
1159 for (int j=1;j<=col;j++)
1160 {
1161 tmp = get(i+ax, j);
1162 b->set(i,j,tmp);
1163 n_Delete(&tmp, basecoeffs());
1164 }
1165 }
1166 }

◆ splitrow() [2/2]

void bigintmat::splitrow ( bigintmat a,
int  i 

... Zeilen ...

Definition at line 1234 of file

1236 number tmp;
1237 if ((a->cols() != col) || (a->rows()+i-1 > row) || (i<1))
1238 {
1239 WerrorS("Error in Marco-splitrow");
1240 return;
1241 }
1243 if (!(nCoeffs_are_equal(a->basecoeffs(), basecoeffs())))
1244 {
1245 WerrorS("Error in splitrow. coeffs do not agree!");
1246 return;
1247 }
1248 int height = a->rows();
1249 for (int j=1; j<=height; j++)
1250 {
1251 for (int k=1; k<=col; k++)
1252 {
1253 tmp = view(j+i-1, k);
1254 a->set(j, k, tmp);
1255 }
1256 }

◆ String()

char * bigintmat::String ( )

IO: String returns a singular string containing the matrix, needs freeing afterwards.

Definition at line 436 of file

438 StringSetS("");
439 Write();
440 return StringEndS();
void Write()
IO: writes the matrix into the current internal string buffer which must be started/ allocated before...

◆ StringAsPrinted()

char * bigintmat::StringAsPrinted ( )

Returns a string as it would have been printed in the interpreter.

Used e.g. in print functions of various blackbox types.

Definition at line 451 of file

453 if ((col==0) || (row==0))
454 return NULL;
455 else
456 {
457 int * colwid = getwid(80);
458 if (colwid == NULL)
459 {
460 WerrorS("not enough space to print bigintmat");
461 WerrorS("try string(...) for a unformatted output");
462 return NULL;
463 }
464 char * ps;
465 int slength = 0;
466 for (int j=0; j<col; j++)
467 slength += colwid[j]*row;
468 slength += col*row+row;
469 ps = (char*) omAlloc0(sizeof(char)*(slength));
470 int pos = 0;
471 for (int i=0; i<col*row; i++)
472 {
473 StringSetS("");
474 n_Write(v[i], basecoeffs());
475 char * ts = StringEndS();
476 const int _nl = strlen(ts);
477 int cj = i%col;
478 if (_nl > colwid[cj])
479 {
480 StringSetS("");
481 int ci = i/col;
482 StringAppend("[%d,%d]", ci+1, cj+1);
483 char * ph = StringEndS();
484 int phl = strlen(ph);
485 if (phl > colwid[cj])
486 {
487 for (int j=0; j<colwid[cj]-1; j++)
488 ps[pos+j] = ' ';
489 ps[pos+colwid[cj]-1] = '*';
490 }
491 else
492 {
493 for (int j=0; j<colwid[cj]-phl; j++)
494 ps[pos+j] = ' ';
495 for (int j=0; j<phl; j++)
496 ps[pos+colwid[cj]-phl+j] = ph[j];
497 }
498 omFree(ph);
499 }
500 else // Mit Leerzeichen auffüllen und zahl reinschreiben
501 {
502 for (int j=0; j<(colwid[cj]-_nl); j++)
503 ps[pos+j] = ' ';
504 for (int j=0; j<_nl; j++)
505 ps[pos+colwid[cj]-_nl+j] = ts[j];
506 }
507 // ", " und (evtl) "\n" einfügen
508 if ((i+1)%col == 0)
509 {
510 if (i != col*row-1)
511 {
512 ps[pos+colwid[cj]] = ',';
513 ps[pos+colwid[cj]+1] = '\n';
514 pos += colwid[cj]+2;
515 }
516 }
517 else
518 {
519 ps[pos+colwid[cj]] = ',';
520 pos += colwid[cj]+1;
521 }
522 omFree(ts); // Hier ts zerstören
523 }
524 return(ps);
525 // omFree(ps);

◆ sub()

bool bigintmat::sub ( bigintmat b)

Subtrahiert ...

Definition at line 916 of file

918 if ((b->rows() != row) || (b->cols() != col))
919 {
920 WerrorS("Error in bigintmat::sub. Dimensions do not agree!");
921 return false;
922 }
923 if (!nCoeffs_are_equal(basecoeffs(), b->basecoeffs()))
924 {
925 WerrorS("Error in bigintmat::sub. coeffs do not agree!");
926 return false;
927 }
928 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
929 {
930 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++)
931 {
932 rawset(i, j, n_Sub(view(i,j), b->view(i,j), basecoeffs()));
933 }
934 }
935 return true;

◆ swap()

void bigintmat::swap ( int  i,
int  j 

swap columns i and j

Definition at line 685 of file

687 if ((i <= col) && (j <= col) && (i>0) && (j>0))
688 {
689 number tmp;
690 number t;
691 for (int k=1; k<=row; k++)
692 {
693 tmp = get(k, i);
694 t = view(k, j);
695 set(k, i, t);
696 set(k, j, tmp);
697 n_Delete(&tmp, basecoeffs());
698 }
699 }
700 else
701 WerrorS("Error in swap");

◆ swapMatrix()

void bigintmat::swapMatrix ( bigintmat a)

Definition at line 1566 of file

1568 int n = rows(), m = cols();
1569 row = a->rows();
1570 col = a->cols();
1571 number * V = v;
1572 v = a->v;
1573 a->v = V;
1574 a->row = n;
1575 a->col = m;

◆ swaprow()

void bigintmat::swaprow ( int  i,
int  j 

swap rows i and j

Definition at line 704 of file

706 if ((i <= row) && (j <= row) && (i>0) && (j>0))
707 {
708 number tmp;
709 number t;
710 for (int k=1; k<=col; k++)
711 {
712 tmp = get(i, k);
713 t = view(j, k);
714 set(i, k, t);
715 set(j, k, tmp);
716 n_Delete(&tmp, basecoeffs());
717 }
718 }
719 else
720 WerrorS("Error in swaprow");

◆ trace()

number bigintmat::trace ( )

the trace ....

Definition at line 1498 of file

1500 assume (col == row);
1501 number t = get(1,1),
1502 h;
1503 coeffs r = basecoeffs();
1504 for(int i=2; i<= col; i++) {
1505 h = n_Add(t, view(i,i), r);
1506 n_Delete(&t, r);
1507 t = h;
1508 }
1509 return t;

◆ transpose()

bigintmat * bigintmat::transpose ( )

Definition at line 37 of file

39 bigintmat * t = new bigintmat(col, row, basecoeffs());
40 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
41 {
42 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++)
43 {
44 t->set(j, i, BIMATELEM(*this,i,j));
45 }
46 }
47 return t;
#define BIMATELEM(M, I, J)
Definition: bigintmat.h:133

◆ view() [1/2]

number bigintmat::view ( int  i) const

view an entry. NOTE: starts at [0]

Definition at line 111 of file

113 assume (i >= 0);
114 assume (i<rows()*cols());
116 return v[i];

◆ view() [2/2]

number bigintmat::view ( int  i,
int  j 
) const

view an entry an entry. NOTE: starts at [1,1]

Definition at line 127 of file

129 assume (i >= 0 && j >= 0);
130 assume (i <= rows() && j <= cols());
132 return view(index(i, j));

◆ Write()

void bigintmat::Write ( )

IO: writes the matrix into the current internal string buffer which must be started/ allocated before (e.g. StringSetS)

Definition at line 413 of file

415 int n = cols(), m=rows();
417 StringAppendS("[ ");
418 for(int i=1; i<= m; i++)
419 {
420 StringAppendS("[ ");
421 for(int j=1; j< n; j++)
422 {
423 n_Write(v[(i-1)*n+j-1], basecoeffs());
424 StringAppendS(", ");
425 }
426 if (n) n_Write(v[i*n-1], basecoeffs());
427 StringAppendS(" ]");
428 if (i<m)
429 {
430 StringAppendS(", ");
431 }
432 }
433 StringAppendS(" ] ");

◆ zero()

void bigintmat::zero ( )

Setzt alle Einträge auf 0.

Definition at line 1350 of file

1352 number tmp = n_Init(0, basecoeffs());
1353 for (int i=1; i<=row; i++)
1354 {
1355 for (int j=1; j<=col; j++)
1356 {
1357 set(i, j, tmp);
1358 }
1359 }
1360 n_Delete(&tmp,basecoeffs());

Field Documentation

◆ col

int bigintmat::col

Definition at line 56 of file bigintmat.h.

◆ m_coeffs

coeffs bigintmat::m_coeffs

Definition at line 53 of file bigintmat.h.

◆ row

int bigintmat::row

Definition at line 55 of file bigintmat.h.

◆ v

number* bigintmat::v

Definition at line 54 of file bigintmat.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: