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Data Structures | Namespaces | Macros | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
ap.h File Reference
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

class  ap::ap_error
class  ap::complex
class  ap::const_raw_vector< T >
class  ap::raw_vector< T >
class  ap::template_1d_array< T >
class  ap::template_2d_array< T >


namespace  ap


#define AP_ASSERT


typedef template_1d_array< int > ap::integer_1d_array
typedef template_1d_array< double > ap::real_1d_array
typedef template_1d_array< complex > ap::complex_1d_array
typedef template_1d_array< bool > ap::boolean_1d_array
typedef template_2d_array< int > ap::integer_2d_array
typedef template_2d_array< double > ap::real_2d_array
typedef template_2d_array< complex > ap::complex_2d_array
typedef template_2d_array< bool > ap::boolean_2d_array


const complex ap::operator/ (const complex &lhs, const complex &rhs)
const bool ap::operator== (const complex &lhs, const complex &rhs)
const bool ap::operator!= (const complex &lhs, const complex &rhs)
const complex ap::operator+ (const complex &lhs)
const complex ap::operator- (const complex &lhs)
const complex ap::operator+ (const complex &lhs, const complex &rhs)
const complex ap::operator+ (const complex &lhs, const double &rhs)
const complex ap::operator+ (const double &lhs, const complex &rhs)
const complex ap::operator- (const complex &lhs, const complex &rhs)
const complex ap::operator- (const complex &lhs, const double &rhs)
const complex ap::operator- (const double &lhs, const complex &rhs)
const complex ap::operator* (const complex &lhs, const complex &rhs)
const complex ap::operator* (const complex &lhs, const double &rhs)
const complex ap::operator* (const double &lhs, const complex &rhs)
const complex ap::operator/ (const double &lhs, const complex &rhs)
const complex ap::operator/ (const complex &lhs, const double &rhs)
const double ap::abscomplex (const complex &z)
const complex ap::conj (const complex &z)
const complex ap::csqr (const complex &z)
template<class T >
T ap::vdotproduct (const_raw_vector< T > v1, const_raw_vector< T > v2)
template<class T >
void ap::vmove (raw_vector< T > vdst, const_raw_vector< T > vsrc)
template<class T >
void ap::vmoveneg (raw_vector< T > vdst, const_raw_vector< T > vsrc)
template<class T , class T2 >
void ap::vmove (raw_vector< T > vdst, const_raw_vector< T > vsrc, T2 alpha)
template<class T >
void ap::vadd (raw_vector< T > vdst, const_raw_vector< T > vsrc)
template<class T , class T2 >
void ap::vadd (raw_vector< T > vdst, const_raw_vector< T > vsrc, T2 alpha)
template<class T >
void ap::vsub (raw_vector< T > vdst, const_raw_vector< T > vsrc)
template<class T , class T2 >
void ap::vsub (raw_vector< T > vdst, const_raw_vector< T > vsrc, T2 alpha)
template<class T , class T2 >
void ap::vmul (raw_vector< T > vdst, T2 alpha)
int ap::sign (double x)
double ap::randomreal ()
int ap::randominteger (int maxv)
int ap::round (double x)
int ap::trunc (double x)
int ap::ifloor (double x)
int ap::iceil (double x)
double ap::pi ()
double ap::sqr (double x)
int ap::maxint (int m1, int m2)
int ap::minint (int m1, int m2)
double ap::maxreal (double m1, double m2)
double ap::minreal (double m1, double m2)


const double ap::machineepsilon = 5E-16
const double ap::maxrealnumber = 1E300
const double ap::minrealnumber = 1E-300

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AP_ASSERT

Definition at line 16 of file ap.h.