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Data Structures | Typedefs
PolyEnumerator.h File Reference

Concrete implementation of enumerators over polynomials. More...

#include "coeffs/Enumerator.h"
#include "polys/monomials/monomials.h"
#include "reporter/reporter.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

class  CBasePolyEnumerator
 Base polynomial enumerator for simple iteration over terms of polynomials. More...
class  CPolyCoeffsEnumerator
 This is a polynomial enumerator for simple iteration over coefficients of polynomials. More...
struct  NAConverter
class  CRecursivePolyCoeffsEnumerator< ConverterPolicy >
 go into polynomials over an alg. extension recursively More...


typedef IEnumerator< number > IPolyCoeffsEnumerator
 This is the interface we use in coeffs.h for ClearDenominators and ClearContent. More...

Detailed Description

Concrete implementation of enumerators over polynomials.

Oleksandr Motsak

Definition in file PolyEnumerator.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ IPolyCoeffsEnumerator

This is the interface we use in coeffs.h for ClearDenominators and ClearContent.

Definition at line 113 of file PolyEnumerator.h.