

To enable this feature, define the TBB_PREVIEW_MUTEXES macro to 1.


A mutex is a class that models the Mutex requirement, using adaptive approach: the combination of spinlock and waiting on system primitives. The mutex class satisfies all of the mutex requirements described in the [thread.mutex.requirements] section of the ISO C++ standard. The mutex class is not fair or recursive.



namespace oneapi {
    namespace tbb {
        class mutex {
            mutex() noexcept;

            mutex(const mutex&) = delete;
            mutex& operator=(const mutex&) = delete;

            class scoped_lock;

            void lock();
            bool try_lock();
            void unlock();

            static constexpr bool is_rw_mutex = false;
            static constexpr bool is_recursive_mutex = false;
            static constexpr bool is_fair_mutex = false;

Member classes

class scoped_lock

The corresponding scoped_lock class. See the Mutex requirement.

Member functions


Constructs mutex with unlocked state.


Destroys an unlocked mutex.

void lock()

Acquires a lock. It uses adaptive logic for waiting: it blocks after particular time period of busy wait.

bool try_lock()

Tries to acquire a lock (non-blocking). Returns true if succeeded; false otherwise.

void unlock()

Releases the lock held by a current thread.