Windows* OS C/C++ Dynamic Memory Interface ReplacementΒΆ

Release version of the proxy library is tbbmalloc_proxy.dll, debug version is tbbmalloc_proxy_debug.dll.

The following dynamic memory functions are replaced:

  • Standard C library functions: malloc, calloc, realloc, free

  • Replaceable global C++ operators new and delete

  • Microsoft* C run-time library functions: _msize, _aligned_malloc, _aligned_realloc, _aligned_free, _aligned_msize


Replacement of memory allocation functions is not supported for Universal Windows Platform applications.

To do the replacement use one of the following methods:

  • Add the following header to a source code of any binary which is loaded during application startup.

    #include "oneapi/tbb/tbbmalloc_proxy.h"
  • Alternatively, add the following parameters to the linker options for the .exe or .dll file that is loaded during application startup.

    For 32-bit code (note the triple underscore):

    tbbmalloc_proxy.lib /INCLUDE:"___TBB_malloc_proxy"

    For 64-bit code (note the double underscore):

    tbbmalloc_proxy.lib /INCLUDE:"__TBB_malloc_proxy"

The OS program loader must be able to find the proxy library and the scalable memory allocator library at program load time. For that you may include the directory containing the libraries in the PATH environment variable.

The replacement uses in-memory binary instrumentation of Visual C++* runtime libraries. To ensure correctness, it must first recognize a subset of dynamic memory functions in these libraries. If a problem occurs, the replacement is skipped, and the program continues to use the standard memory allocation functions. You can use the TBB_malloc_replacement_log function to check if the replacement has succeeded and to get additional information.

Set the TBB_MALLOC_DISABLE_REPLACEMENT environment variable to 1 to disable replacement for a specific program invocation. In this case, the program will use standard dynamic memory allocation functions. Note that the oneTBB memory allocation libraries are still required for the program to start even if their usage is disabled.