Heterogeneous overloads for concurrent_hash_map member functions


To enable this feature, define the TBB_PREVIEW_CONCURRENT_HASH_MAP_EXTENSIONS macro to 1.

A set of overloads for concurrent_hash_map member functions that allow to search, erase, and insert elements into the container without creating a temporary key_type object.


Heterogeneous overloads allow you to perform insert, lookup, and erasure operations on concurrent_hash_map object using an object of the type that is different from key_type but comparable with it.

All member functions described below only participate in overload resolution if HashCompareType::is_transparent is valid and denotes a type.``HashCompareType`` is a type of the HashCompare passed as a template argument for concurrent_hash_map. It means that the HashCompare object calculates a hash and compares keys for equality without creating a temporary key_type object.



namespace oneapi {
    namespace tbb {
        template <typename Key, typename Mapped,
                  typename HashCompare = tbb_hash_compare<Key>,
                  typename Allocator = tbb_allocator<std::pair<const Key, Mapped>>>
        class concurrent_hash_map {
            // Insertion
            template <typename K>
            bool insert( accessor& result, const K& k );

            template <typename K>
            bool insert( const_accessor& result, const K& k );

            // Lookup
            template <typename K>
            bool find( accessor& result, const K& k );

            template <typename K>
            bool find( const_accessor& result, const K& k ) const;

            template <typename K>
            size_type count( const K& k ) const;

            template <typename K>
            std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range( const K& k );

            template <typename K>
            std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range( const K& k ) const;

            // Erasure
            template <typename K>
            bool erase( const K& k );
    } // namespace tbb
} // namespace oneapi

Member functions


template <typename K>
bool insert( accessor& result, const K& k );

template <typename K>
bool insert( const_accessor& result, const K& k );

If the accessor result is not empty, releases the result and tries to insert the value constructed from {k, mapped_type()} into the container.

Sets the result to provide access to the inserted element or to the element with the key that compares equivalent to the value k.

This overload only participates in overload resolution if std::is_constructible<key_type, const K&> is true.

Returns: true if the insertion was applied, false otherwise.


template <typename K>
bool find( accessor& result, const K& k );

template <typename K>
bool find( const_accessor& result, const K& k ) const;

If the accessor result is not empty, releases the result.

If an element with the key that compares equivalent to the value k exists, sets the result to provide access to this element.

Returns: true if an element with the key that compares equivalent to the value k is found, false otherwise.

template <typename K>
size_type count( const K& k ) const;

Returns: 1 if an element with the key that compares equivalent to the value k exists, 0 otherwise.

template <typename K>
std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range( const K& k );

template <typename K>
std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range( const K& k ) const;


  • A pair of iterators {f, l} if an element with the key that compares equivalent to the value k exists in the container. Here f is an iterator to this element, l is std::next(f).

  • {end(), end()} otherwise.


The example below demonstrates how to use heterogeneous lookup feature to find an object with the key of type std::string using an object of type const char* without conversions.

#include "oneapi/tbb/concurrent_hash_map.h"
#include <string>
#include <cstring>

// HashCompare an object that can calculate the hash code for
// std::string only and compare strings for equality
class RegularHashCompare {
    std::hash<std::string> my_hasher;
    std::size_t hash( const std::string& key ) const {
        return my_hasher(key);

    bool equal( const std::string& key1, const std::string& key2 ) const {
        return key1 == key2;

// HashCompare an object that can calculate the hash code for
// std::string and const char*, and compare them for equality
class TransparentHashCompare {
    std::hash<char> my_hasher;

    // Calculates a hash for the array of chars
    std::size_t calculate_hash( const char* ptr ) const {
        std::size_t h = 0;
        for (auto c = ptr; *c; ++c) {
            h = h ^ my_hasher(*c);
        return h;
    using is_transparent = void;

    std::size_t hash( const char* key ) const {
        return calculate_hash(key);

    std::size_t hash( const std::string& key ) const {
        return calculate_hash(key.c_str());

    bool equal( const char* key1, const char* key2 ) const {
        return std::strcmp(key1, key2) == 0;

    bool equal( const char* key1, const std::string& key2 ) const {
        return std::strcmp(key1, key2.c_str()) == 0;

    bool equal( const std::string& key1, const char* key2 ) const {
        return std::strcmp(key1.c_str(), key2) == 0;

    bool equal( const std::string& key1, const std::string& key2 ) const {
        return std::strcmp(key1.c_str(), key2.c_str()) == 0;

int main() {
    using regular_hash_map =
        oneapi::tbb::concurrent_hash_map<std::string, int, RegularHashCompare>;
    using transparent_hash_map =
        oneapi::tbb::concurrent_hash_map<std::string, int, TransparentHashCompare>;

    using regular_accessor = typename regular_hash_map::accessor;
    using transparent_accessor = typename transparent_hash_map::accessor;

    // Accessors
    regular_accessor reg_accessor;
    transparent_accessor tran_accessor;

    // Maps
    regular_hash_map regular_map;
    transparent_hash_map tran_map;

    // Heterogeneous overloads do not participate in overload resolution
    // Such a call matches on the find overload, which accepts key_type (std::string)
    // Creates a temporary key_type (std::string) object because of implicit conversion
    bool result = regular_map.find(reg_accessor, "abc");

    // Heterogeneous overloads participate in overload resolution
    // No implicit conversion from const char* to std::string takes place
    result = tran_map.find(tran_accessor, "abc");