Data Structures | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
Conflict callback functionality

Interactive conflict handling. More...

Data Structures

struct  svn_wc_conflict_version_t
 Info about one of the conflicting versions of a node. More...
struct  svn_wc_conflict_description2_t
 A struct that describes a conflict that has occurred in the working copy. More...
struct  svn_wc_conflict_description_t
 Similar to svn_wc_conflict_description2_t, but with relative paths and adm_access batons. More...
struct  svn_wc_conflict_result_t
 The final result returned by svn_wc_conflict_resolver_func_t. More...


typedef enum svn_wc_conflict_action_t svn_wc_conflict_action_t
 The type of action being attempted on an object. More...
typedef enum svn_wc_conflict_reason_t svn_wc_conflict_reason_t
 The pre-existing condition which is causing a state of conflict. More...
typedef enum svn_wc_conflict_kind_t svn_wc_conflict_kind_t
 The type of conflict being described by an svn_wc_conflict_description2_t (see below). More...
typedef enum svn_wc_operation_t svn_wc_operation_t
 The user operation that exposed a conflict. More...
typedef struct svn_wc_conflict_version_t svn_wc_conflict_version_t
 Info about one of the conflicting versions of a node. More...
typedef struct svn_wc_conflict_description2_t svn_wc_conflict_description2_t
 A struct that describes a conflict that has occurred in the working copy. More...
typedef struct svn_wc_conflict_description_t svn_wc_conflict_description_t
 Similar to svn_wc_conflict_description2_t, but with relative paths and adm_access batons. More...
typedef enum svn_wc_conflict_choice_t svn_wc_conflict_choice_t
 The way in which the conflict callback chooses a course of action. More...
typedef struct svn_wc_conflict_result_t svn_wc_conflict_result_t
 The final result returned by svn_wc_conflict_resolver_func_t. More...
typedef svn_error_t *(* svn_wc_conflict_resolver_func2_t) (svn_wc_conflict_result_t **result, const svn_wc_conflict_description2_t *description, void *baton, apr_pool_t *result_pool, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)
 A callback used in merge, update and switch for resolving conflicts during the application of a tree delta to a working copy. More...
typedef svn_error_t *(* svn_wc_conflict_resolver_func_t) (svn_wc_conflict_result_t **result, const svn_wc_conflict_description_t *description, void *baton, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Similar to svn_wc_conflict_resolver_func2_t, but using svn_wc_conflict_description_t instead of svn_wc_conflict_description2_t. More...


enum  svn_wc_conflict_action_t {
  svn_wc_conflict_action_edit ,
  svn_wc_conflict_action_add ,
  svn_wc_conflict_action_delete ,
 The type of action being attempted on an object. More...
enum  svn_wc_conflict_reason_t {
  svn_wc_conflict_reason_edited ,
  svn_wc_conflict_reason_obstructed ,
  svn_wc_conflict_reason_deleted ,
  svn_wc_conflict_reason_missing ,
  svn_wc_conflict_reason_unversioned ,
  svn_wc_conflict_reason_added ,
  svn_wc_conflict_reason_replaced ,
  svn_wc_conflict_reason_moved_away ,
 The pre-existing condition which is causing a state of conflict. More...
enum  svn_wc_conflict_kind_t {
  svn_wc_conflict_kind_text ,
  svn_wc_conflict_kind_property ,
 The type of conflict being described by an svn_wc_conflict_description2_t (see below). More...
enum  svn_wc_operation_t {
  svn_wc_operation_none = 0 ,
  svn_wc_operation_update ,
  svn_wc_operation_switch ,
 The user operation that exposed a conflict. More...
enum  svn_wc_conflict_choice_t {
  svn_wc_conflict_choose_undefined = -1 ,
  svn_wc_conflict_choose_postpone = 0 ,
  svn_wc_conflict_choose_base ,
  svn_wc_conflict_choose_theirs_full ,
  svn_wc_conflict_choose_mine_full ,
  svn_wc_conflict_choose_theirs_conflict ,
  svn_wc_conflict_choose_mine_conflict ,
  svn_wc_conflict_choose_merged ,
 The way in which the conflict callback chooses a course of action. More...


svn_wc_conflict_version_tsvn_wc_conflict_version_create2 (const char *repos_root_url, const char *repos_uuid, const char *repos_relpath, svn_revnum_t revision, svn_node_kind_t kind, apr_pool_t *result_pool)
 Allocate an svn_wc_conflict_version_t structure in pool, initialize to contain a conflict origin, and return it. More...
svn_wc_conflict_version_tsvn_wc_conflict_version_create (const char *repos_url, const char *path_in_repos, svn_revnum_t peg_rev, svn_node_kind_t node_kind, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Similar to svn_wc_conflict_version_create2(), but doesn't set all required values. More...
svn_wc_conflict_version_tsvn_wc_conflict_version_dup (const svn_wc_conflict_version_t *version, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Return a duplicate of version, allocated in pool. More...
svn_wc_conflict_description2_tsvn_wc_conflict_description_create_text2 (const char *local_abspath, apr_pool_t *result_pool)
 Allocate an svn_wc_conflict_description2_t structure in result_pool, initialize to represent a text conflict, and return it. More...
svn_wc_conflict_description_tsvn_wc_conflict_description_create_text (const char *path, svn_wc_adm_access_t *adm_access, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Similar to svn_wc_conflict_description_create_text2(), but returns a svn_wc_conflict_description_t *. More...
svn_wc_conflict_description2_tsvn_wc_conflict_description_create_prop2 (const char *local_abspath, svn_node_kind_t node_kind, const char *property_name, apr_pool_t *result_pool)
 Allocate an svn_wc_conflict_description2_t structure in result_pool, initialize to represent a property conflict, and return it. More...
svn_wc_conflict_description_tsvn_wc_conflict_description_create_prop (const char *path, svn_wc_adm_access_t *adm_access, svn_node_kind_t node_kind, const char *property_name, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Similar to svn_wc_conflict_descriptor_create_prop(), but returns a svn_wc_conflict_description_t *. More...
svn_wc_conflict_description2_tsvn_wc_conflict_description_create_tree2 (const char *local_abspath, svn_node_kind_t node_kind, svn_wc_operation_t operation, const svn_wc_conflict_version_t *src_left_version, const svn_wc_conflict_version_t *src_right_version, apr_pool_t *result_pool)
 Allocate an svn_wc_conflict_description2_t structure in pool, initialize to represent a tree conflict, and return it. More...
svn_wc_conflict_description_tsvn_wc_conflict_description_create_tree (const char *path, svn_wc_adm_access_t *adm_access, svn_node_kind_t node_kind, svn_wc_operation_t operation, svn_wc_conflict_version_t *src_left_version, svn_wc_conflict_version_t *src_right_version, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Similar to svn_wc_conflict_description_create_tree(), but returns a svn_wc_conflict_description_t *. More...
svn_wc_conflict_description2_tsvn_wc_conflict_description2_dup (const svn_wc_conflict_description2_t *conflict, apr_pool_t *result_pool)
 Return a duplicate of conflict, allocated in result_pool. More...
svn_wc_conflict_description2_tsvn_wc__conflict_description2_dup (const svn_wc_conflict_description2_t *conflict, apr_pool_t *result_pool)
 Like svn_wc_conflict_description2_dup(), but is improperly named as a private function when it is intended to be a public API. More...
svn_wc_conflict_result_tsvn_wc_create_conflict_result (svn_wc_conflict_choice_t choice, const char *merged_file, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Allocate an svn_wc_conflict_result_t structure in pool, initialize and return it. More...

Detailed Description

Interactive conflict handling.

This API gives a Subversion client application the opportunity to define a callback that allows the user to resolve conflicts interactively during updates and merges.

If a conflict is discovered, libsvn_wc invokes the callback with an svn_wc_conflict_description_t. This structure describes the path in conflict, whether it's a text or property conflict, and may also present up to three files that can be used to resolve the conflict (perhaps by launching an editor or 3rd-party merging tool). The structure also provides a possible fourth file (merged_file) which, if not NULL, represents libsvn_wc's attempt to contextually merge the first three files. (Note that libsvn_wc will not attempt to merge a file that it believes is binary, and it will only attempt to merge property values it believes to be a series of multi-line text.)

When the callback is finished interacting with the user, it responds by returning a svn_wc_conflict_result_t. This structure indicates whether the user wants to postpone the conflict for later (allowing libsvn_wc to mark the path "conflicted" as usual), or whether the user wants libsvn_wc to use one of the four files as the "final" state for resolving the conflict immediately.

Note that the callback is at liberty (and encouraged) to merge the three files itself. If it does so, it signals this to libsvn_wc by returning a choice of svn_wc_conflict_choose_merged. To return the 'final' merged file to libsvn_wc, the callback has the option of either:

Typedef Documentation

◆ svn_wc_conflict_action_t

The type of action being attempted on an object.

New in 1.5.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_choice_t

The way in which the conflict callback chooses a course of action.

New in 1.5.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_description2_t

A struct that describes a conflict that has occurred in the working copy.

The conflict described by this structure is one of:

  • a conflict on the content of the file node local_abspath
  • a conflict on the property property_name of local_abspath
  • a tree conflict, of which local_abspath is the victim Be aware that the victim of a tree conflict can be a non-existent node. The three kinds of conflict are distinguished by kind.
Fields may be added to the end of this structure in future versions. Therefore, to preserve binary compatibility, users should not directly allocate structures of this type but should use svn_wc_conflict_description_create_text2() or svn_wc_conflict_description_create_prop2() or svn_wc_conflict_description_create_tree2() instead.
New in 1.7.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_description_t

Similar to svn_wc_conflict_description2_t, but with relative paths and adm_access batons.

Passed to svn_wc_conflict_resolver_func_t.

New in 1.5.
Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_kind_t

The type of conflict being described by an svn_wc_conflict_description2_t (see below).

New in 1.5.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_reason_t

The pre-existing condition which is causing a state of conflict.

New in 1.5.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_resolver_func2_t

typedef svn_error_t *(* svn_wc_conflict_resolver_func2_t) (svn_wc_conflict_result_t **result, const svn_wc_conflict_description2_t *description, void *baton, apr_pool_t *result_pool, apr_pool_t *scratch_pool)

A callback used in merge, update and switch for resolving conflicts during the application of a tree delta to a working copy.

description describes the exact nature of the conflict, and provides information to help resolve it. baton is a closure object; it should be provided by the implementation, and passed by the caller. When finished, the callback signals its resolution by returning a structure in *result, which should be allocated in result_pool. (See svn_wc_conflict_result_t.) scratch_pool should be used for any temporary allocations.

The values svn_wc_conflict_choose_mine_conflict and svn_wc_conflict_choose_theirs_conflict are not legal for conflicts in binary files or binary properties.

Implementations of this callback are free to present the conflict using any user interface. This may include simple contextual conflicts in a file's text or properties, or more complex 'tree'-based conflicts related to obstructed additions, deletions, and edits. The callback implementation is free to decide which sorts of conflicts to handle; it's also free to decide which types of conflicts are automatically resolvable and which require user interaction.

New in 1.7.

Definition at line 2276 of file svn_wc.h.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_resolver_func_t

typedef svn_error_t *(* svn_wc_conflict_resolver_func_t) (svn_wc_conflict_result_t **result, const svn_wc_conflict_description_t *description, void *baton, apr_pool_t *pool)

Similar to svn_wc_conflict_resolver_func2_t, but using svn_wc_conflict_description_t instead of svn_wc_conflict_description2_t.

New in 1.5.
Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.

Definition at line 2291 of file svn_wc.h.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_result_t

The final result returned by svn_wc_conflict_resolver_func_t.

Fields may be added to the end of this structure in future versions. Therefore, to preserve binary compatibility, users should not directly allocate structures of this type. Instead, construct this structure using svn_wc_create_conflict_result() below.
New in 1.5.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_version_t

Info about one of the conflicting versions of a node.

Each field may have its respective null/invalid/unknown value if the corresponding information is not relevant or not available.

Consider making some or all of the info mandatory, to reduce complexity.
Fields may be added to the end of this structure in future versions. Therefore, to preserve binary compatibility, users should not directly allocate structures of this type.
See also
New in 1.6.

◆ svn_wc_operation_t

The user operation that exposed a conflict.

New in 1.6.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ svn_wc_conflict_action_t

The type of action being attempted on an object.

New in 1.5.

attempting to change text or props


attempting to add object


attempting to delete object


attempting to replace object,

New in 1.7

Definition at line 1623 of file svn_wc.h.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_choice_t

The way in which the conflict callback chooses a course of action.

New in 1.5.

Undefined; for private use only.

This value must never be returned in svn_wc_conflict_result_t, but a separate value, unequal to all other pre-defined values may be useful in conflict resolver implementations to signal that no choice is made yet.

New in 1.9

Don't resolve the conflict now.

Let libsvn_wc mark the path 'conflicted', so user can run 'svn resolved' later.


If there were files to choose from, select one as a way of resolving the conflict here and now.

libsvn_wc will then do the work of "installing" the chosen file. original version


incoming version


own version


incoming (for conflicted hunks)


own (for conflicted hunks)


merged version



New in 1.8.

Definition at line 2163 of file svn_wc.h.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_kind_t

The type of conflict being described by an svn_wc_conflict_description2_t (see below).

New in 1.5.

textual conflict (on a file)


property conflict (on a file or dir)


tree conflict (on a dir)

New in 1.6.

Definition at line 1666 of file svn_wc.h.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_reason_t

The pre-existing condition which is causing a state of conflict.

New in 1.5.

Local edits are already present.


Another object is in the way.


Object is already schedule-delete.


Object is unknown or missing.


Object is unversioned.


Object is already added or schedule-add.

New in 1.6.

Object is already replaced.

New in 1.7.

Object is moved away.

New in 1.8.

Object is moved here.

New in 1.8.

Definition at line 1637 of file svn_wc.h.

◆ svn_wc_operation_t

The user operation that exposed a conflict.

New in 1.6.

Definition at line 1681 of file svn_wc.h.

Function Documentation

◆ svn_wc__conflict_description2_dup()

svn_wc_conflict_description2_t * svn_wc__conflict_description2_dup ( const svn_wc_conflict_description2_t conflict,
apr_pool_t *  result_pool 

Like svn_wc_conflict_description2_dup(), but is improperly named as a private function when it is intended to be a public API.

New in 1.7.
Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.8 API.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_description2_dup()

svn_wc_conflict_description2_t * svn_wc_conflict_description2_dup ( const svn_wc_conflict_description2_t conflict,
apr_pool_t *  result_pool 

Return a duplicate of conflict, allocated in result_pool.

A deep copy of all members will be made.

New in 1.9.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_description_create_prop()

svn_wc_conflict_description_t * svn_wc_conflict_description_create_prop ( const char *  path,
svn_wc_adm_access_t adm_access,
svn_node_kind_t  node_kind,
const char *  property_name,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Similar to svn_wc_conflict_descriptor_create_prop(), but returns a svn_wc_conflict_description_t *.

New in 1.6.
Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_description_create_prop2()

svn_wc_conflict_description2_t * svn_wc_conflict_description_create_prop2 ( const char *  local_abspath,
svn_node_kind_t  node_kind,
const char *  property_name,
apr_pool_t *  result_pool 

Allocate an svn_wc_conflict_description2_t structure in result_pool, initialize to represent a property conflict, and return it.

Set the local_abspath field of the created struct to local_abspath (which must be an absolute path), the kind field to svn_wc_conflict_kind_property, the node_kind to node_kind, and the property_name to property_name.

: It is the caller's responsibility to set the other required fields (such as the four file names and action and reason).
New in 1.7.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_description_create_text()

svn_wc_conflict_description_t * svn_wc_conflict_description_create_text ( const char *  path,
svn_wc_adm_access_t adm_access,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Similar to svn_wc_conflict_description_create_text2(), but returns a svn_wc_conflict_description_t *.

New in 1.6.
Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_description_create_text2()

svn_wc_conflict_description2_t * svn_wc_conflict_description_create_text2 ( const char *  local_abspath,
apr_pool_t *  result_pool 

Allocate an svn_wc_conflict_description2_t structure in result_pool, initialize to represent a text conflict, and return it.

Set the local_abspath field of the created struct to local_abspath (which must be an absolute path), the kind field to svn_wc_conflict_kind_text, the node_kind to svn_node_file, the action to svn_wc_conflict_action_edit, and the reason to svn_wc_conflict_reason_edited.

It is the caller's responsibility to set the other required fields (such as the four file names and mime_type and is_binary).
New in 1.7.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_description_create_tree()

svn_wc_conflict_description_t * svn_wc_conflict_description_create_tree ( const char *  path,
svn_wc_adm_access_t adm_access,
svn_node_kind_t  node_kind,
svn_wc_operation_t  operation,
svn_wc_conflict_version_t src_left_version,
svn_wc_conflict_version_t src_right_version,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Similar to svn_wc_conflict_description_create_tree(), but returns a svn_wc_conflict_description_t *.

New in 1.6.
Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.6 API.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_description_create_tree2()

svn_wc_conflict_description2_t * svn_wc_conflict_description_create_tree2 ( const char *  local_abspath,
svn_node_kind_t  node_kind,
svn_wc_operation_t  operation,
const svn_wc_conflict_version_t src_left_version,
const svn_wc_conflict_version_t src_right_version,
apr_pool_t *  result_pool 

Allocate an svn_wc_conflict_description2_t structure in pool, initialize to represent a tree conflict, and return it.

Set the local_abspath field of the created struct to local_abspath (which must be an absolute path), the kind field to svn_wc_conflict_kind_tree, the node_kind to node_kind, the operation to operation, the src_left_version field to src_left_version, and the src_right_version field to src_right_version.

: It is the caller's responsibility to set the other required fields (such as the four file names and action and reason).
New in 1.7.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_version_create()

svn_wc_conflict_version_t * svn_wc_conflict_version_create ( const char *  repos_url,
const char *  path_in_repos,
svn_revnum_t  peg_rev,
svn_node_kind_t  node_kind,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Similar to svn_wc_conflict_version_create2(), but doesn't set all required values.

New in 1.6.
Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.7 API.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_version_create2()

svn_wc_conflict_version_t * svn_wc_conflict_version_create2 ( const char *  repos_root_url,
const char *  repos_uuid,
const char *  repos_relpath,
svn_revnum_t  revision,
svn_node_kind_t  kind,
apr_pool_t *  result_pool 

Allocate an svn_wc_conflict_version_t structure in pool, initialize to contain a conflict origin, and return it.

Set the repos_url field of the created struct to repos_root_url, the path_in_repos field to repos_relpath, the peg_rev field to revision and the node_kind to kind. Make only shallow copies of the pointer arguments.

repos_root_url, repos_relpath and revision must be valid, non-null values. repos_uuid should be a valid UUID, but can be NULL if unknown. kind can be any kind, even 'none' or 'unknown'.

New in 1.8.

◆ svn_wc_conflict_version_dup()

svn_wc_conflict_version_t * svn_wc_conflict_version_dup ( const svn_wc_conflict_version_t version,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Return a duplicate of version, allocated in pool.

No part of the new version will be shared with version.

New in 1.6.

◆ svn_wc_create_conflict_result()

svn_wc_conflict_result_t * svn_wc_create_conflict_result ( svn_wc_conflict_choice_t  choice,
const char *  merged_file,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Allocate an svn_wc_conflict_result_t structure in pool, initialize and return it.

Set the choice field of the structure to choice, merged_file to merged_file, and save_merged to false. Make only a shallow copy of the pointer argument merged_file. merged_file may be NULL if setting merged_file is not needed.

New in 1.5.