Typedefs | Functions

Roots. More...


typedef struct svn_fs_root_t svn_fs_root_t
 The Filesystem Root object. More...


svn_error_tsvn_fs_revision_root (svn_fs_root_t **root_p, svn_fs_t *fs, svn_revnum_t rev, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Set *root_p to the root directory of revision rev in filesystem fs. More...
svn_error_tsvn_fs_txn_root (svn_fs_root_t **root_p, svn_fs_txn_t *txn, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Set *root_p to the root directory of txn. More...
void svn_fs_close_root (svn_fs_root_t *root)
 Free the root directory root; this only needs to be used if you want to free the memory associated with root earlier than the time you destroy the pool passed to the function that created it (svn_fs_revision_root() or svn_fs_txn_root()).
svn_fs_tsvn_fs_root_fs (svn_fs_root_t *root)
 Return the filesystem to which root belongs. More...
svn_boolean_t svn_fs_is_txn_root (svn_fs_root_t *root)
 Return TRUE iff root is a transaction root. More...
svn_boolean_t svn_fs_is_revision_root (svn_fs_root_t *root)
 Return TRUE iff root is a revision root. More...
const char * svn_fs_txn_root_name (svn_fs_root_t *root, apr_pool_t *pool)
 If root is the root of a transaction, return the name of the transaction, allocated in pool; otherwise, return NULL.
svn_revnum_t svn_fs_txn_root_base_revision (svn_fs_root_t *root)
 If root is the root of a transaction, return the number of the revision on which is was based when created. More...
svn_revnum_t svn_fs_revision_root_revision (svn_fs_root_t *root)
 If root is the root of a revision, return the revision number. More...

Detailed Description


An svn_fs_root_t object represents the root directory of some revision or transaction in a filesystem. To refer to particular node or node revision, you provide a root, and a directory path relative to that root.

Typedef Documentation

◆ svn_fs_root_t

typedef struct svn_fs_root_t svn_fs_root_t

The Filesystem Root object.

Definition at line 1380 of file svn_fs.h.

Function Documentation

◆ svn_fs_is_revision_root()

svn_boolean_t svn_fs_is_revision_root ( svn_fs_root_t root)

Return TRUE iff root is a revision root.

◆ svn_fs_is_txn_root()

svn_boolean_t svn_fs_is_txn_root ( svn_fs_root_t root)

Return TRUE iff root is a transaction root.

◆ svn_fs_revision_root()

svn_error_t * svn_fs_revision_root ( svn_fs_root_t **  root_p,
svn_fs_t fs,
svn_revnum_t  rev,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Set *root_p to the root directory of revision rev in filesystem fs.

Allocate *root_p in a private subpool of pool; the root can be destroyed earlier than pool by calling svn_fs_close_root.

◆ svn_fs_revision_root_revision()

svn_revnum_t svn_fs_revision_root_revision ( svn_fs_root_t root)

If root is the root of a revision, return the revision number.

Otherwise, return SVN_INVALID_REVNUM.

◆ svn_fs_root_fs()

svn_fs_t * svn_fs_root_fs ( svn_fs_root_t root)

Return the filesystem to which root belongs.

◆ svn_fs_txn_root()

svn_error_t * svn_fs_txn_root ( svn_fs_root_t **  root_p,
svn_fs_txn_t txn,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Set *root_p to the root directory of txn.

Allocate *root_p in a private subpool of pool; the root can be destroyed earlier than pool by calling svn_fs_close_root.

◆ svn_fs_txn_root_base_revision()

svn_revnum_t svn_fs_txn_root_base_revision ( svn_fs_root_t root)

If root is the root of a transaction, return the number of the revision on which is was based when created.

Otherwise, return SVN_INVALID_REVNUM.

New in 1.5.