Dirent fields

It is sometimes convenient to indicate which parts of an svn_dirent_t object you are actually interested in, so that calculating and sending the data corresponding to the other fields can be avoided. More...


#define SVN_DIRENT_KIND   0x00001
 An indication that you are interested in the kind field. More...
#define SVN_DIRENT_SIZE   0x00002
 An indication that you are interested in the size field. More...
#define SVN_DIRENT_HAS_PROPS   0x00004
 An indication that you are interested in the has_props field. More...
#define SVN_DIRENT_CREATED_REV   0x00008
 An indication that you are interested in the created_rev field. More...
#define SVN_DIRENT_TIME   0x00010
 An indication that you are interested in the time field. More...
#define SVN_DIRENT_LAST_AUTHOR   0x00020
 An indication that you are interested in the last_author field. More...
#define SVN_DIRENT_ALL   ~((apr_uint32_t ) 0)
 A combination of all the dirent fields. More...

Detailed Description

It is sometimes convenient to indicate which parts of an svn_dirent_t object you are actually interested in, so that calculating and sending the data corresponding to the other fields can be avoided.

These values can be used for that purpose.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SVN_DIRENT_ALL   ~((apr_uint32_t ) 0)

A combination of all the dirent fields.

Definition at line 552 of file svn_types.h.


#define SVN_DIRENT_CREATED_REV   0x00008

An indication that you are interested in the created_rev field.

Definition at line 543 of file svn_types.h.


#define SVN_DIRENT_HAS_PROPS   0x00004

An indication that you are interested in the has_props field.

Definition at line 540 of file svn_types.h.


#define SVN_DIRENT_KIND   0x00001

An indication that you are interested in the kind field.

Definition at line 534 of file svn_types.h.


#define SVN_DIRENT_LAST_AUTHOR   0x00020

An indication that you are interested in the last_author field.

Definition at line 549 of file svn_types.h.


#define SVN_DIRENT_SIZE   0x00002

An indication that you are interested in the size field.

Definition at line 537 of file svn_types.h.


#define SVN_DIRENT_TIME   0x00010

An indication that you are interested in the time field.

Definition at line 546 of file svn_types.h.