Base64 encoding/decoding functions


svn_stream_tsvn_base64_encode2 (svn_stream_t *output, svn_boolean_t break_lines, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Return a writable generic stream which will encode binary data in base64 format and write the encoded data to output. More...
svn_stream_tsvn_base64_encode (svn_stream_t *output, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Same as svn_base64_encode2, but with break_lines always TRUE. More...
svn_stream_tsvn_base64_decode (svn_stream_t *output, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Return a writable generic stream which will decode base64-encoded data and write the decoded data to output. More...
const svn_string_tsvn_base64_encode_string2 (const svn_string_t *str, svn_boolean_t break_lines, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Encode an svn_stringbuf_t into base64. More...
const svn_string_tsvn_base64_encode_string (const svn_string_t *str, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Same as svn_base64_encode_string2, but with break_lines always TRUE. More...
const svn_string_tsvn_base64_decode_string (const svn_string_t *str, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Decode an svn_stringbuf_t from base64. More...
svn_stringbuf_tsvn_base64_from_md5 (unsigned char digest[], apr_pool_t *pool)
 Return a base64-encoded checksum for finalized digest. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ svn_base64_decode()

svn_stream_t * svn_base64_decode ( svn_stream_t output,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Return a writable generic stream which will decode base64-encoded data and write the decoded data to output.

The stream is allocated in pool.

◆ svn_base64_decode_string()

const svn_string_t * svn_base64_decode_string ( const svn_string_t str,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Decode an svn_stringbuf_t from base64.

A simple interface for decoding base64 data assuming we have all of it present at once. The returned string will be allocated from pool.

◆ svn_base64_encode()

svn_stream_t * svn_base64_encode ( svn_stream_t output,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Same as svn_base64_encode2, but with break_lines always TRUE.

Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.9 API.

◆ svn_base64_encode2()

svn_stream_t * svn_base64_encode2 ( svn_stream_t output,
svn_boolean_t  break_lines,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Return a writable generic stream which will encode binary data in base64 format and write the encoded data to output.

If break_lines is true, newlines will be inserted periodically; otherwise the output stream will only consist of base64 encoding characters. Be sure to close the stream when done writing in order to squeeze out the last bit of encoded data. The stream is allocated in pool.

New in 1.10.

◆ svn_base64_encode_string()

const svn_string_t * svn_base64_encode_string ( const svn_string_t str,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Same as svn_base64_encode_string2, but with break_lines always TRUE.

Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.5 API.

◆ svn_base64_encode_string2()

const svn_string_t * svn_base64_encode_string2 ( const svn_string_t str,
svn_boolean_t  break_lines,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Encode an svn_stringbuf_t into base64.

A simple interface for encoding base64 data assuming we have all of it present at once. If break_lines is true, newlines will be inserted periodically; otherwise the string will only consist of base64 encoding characters. The returned string will be allocated from pool.

New in 1.6.

◆ svn_base64_from_md5()

svn_stringbuf_t * svn_base64_from_md5 ( unsigned char  digest[],
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Return a base64-encoded checksum for finalized digest.

digest contains APR_MD5_DIGESTSIZE bytes of finalized data. Allocate the returned checksum in pool.

Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.5 API.