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svn_error_tsvn_client_blame6 (svn_revnum_t *start_revnum_p, svn_revnum_t *end_revnum_p, const char *path_or_url, const svn_opt_revision_t *peg_revision, const svn_opt_revision_t *start, const svn_opt_revision_t *end, const svn_diff_file_options_t *diff_options, svn_boolean_t ignore_mime_type, svn_boolean_t include_merged_revisions, svn_client_blame_receiver4_t receiver, void *receiver_baton, svn_client_ctx_t *ctx, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Invoke receiver with receiver_baton on each line-blame item associated with revision end of path_or_url, using start as the default source of all blame. More...
svn_error_tsvn_client_blame5 (const char *path_or_url, const svn_opt_revision_t *peg_revision, const svn_opt_revision_t *start, const svn_opt_revision_t *end, const svn_diff_file_options_t *diff_options, svn_boolean_t ignore_mime_type, svn_boolean_t include_merged_revisions, svn_client_blame_receiver3_t receiver, void *receiver_baton, svn_client_ctx_t *ctx, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Similar to svn_client_blame6(), but with svn_client_blame_receiver3_t as the receiver. More...
svn_error_tsvn_client_blame4 (const char *path_or_url, const svn_opt_revision_t *peg_revision, const svn_opt_revision_t *start, const svn_opt_revision_t *end, const svn_diff_file_options_t *diff_options, svn_boolean_t ignore_mime_type, svn_boolean_t include_merged_revisions, svn_client_blame_receiver2_t receiver, void *receiver_baton, svn_client_ctx_t *ctx, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Similar to svn_client_blame5(), but with svn_client_blame_receiver2_t as the receiver. More...
svn_error_tsvn_client_blame3 (const char *path_or_url, const svn_opt_revision_t *peg_revision, const svn_opt_revision_t *start, const svn_opt_revision_t *end, const svn_diff_file_options_t *diff_options, svn_boolean_t ignore_mime_type, svn_client_blame_receiver_t receiver, void *receiver_baton, svn_client_ctx_t *ctx, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Similar to svn_client_blame4(), but with include_merged_revisions set to FALSE, and using a svn_client_blame_receiver2_t as the receiver. More...
svn_error_tsvn_client_blame2 (const char *path_or_url, const svn_opt_revision_t *peg_revision, const svn_opt_revision_t *start, const svn_opt_revision_t *end, svn_client_blame_receiver_t receiver, void *receiver_baton, svn_client_ctx_t *ctx, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Similar to svn_client_blame3(), but with diff_options set to default options as returned by svn_diff_file_options_parse() and ignore_mime_type set to FALSE. More...
svn_error_tsvn_client_blame (const char *path_or_url, const svn_opt_revision_t *start, const svn_opt_revision_t *end, svn_client_blame_receiver_t receiver, void *receiver_baton, svn_client_ctx_t *ctx, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Similar to svn_client_blame2() except that peg_revision is always the same as end. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ svn_client_blame()

svn_error_t * svn_client_blame ( const char *  path_or_url,
const svn_opt_revision_t start,
const svn_opt_revision_t end,
svn_client_blame_receiver_t  receiver,
void *  receiver_baton,
svn_client_ctx_t ctx,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Similar to svn_client_blame2() except that peg_revision is always the same as end.

Provided for backward compatibility with the 1.1 API.

◆ svn_client_blame2()

svn_error_t * svn_client_blame2 ( const char *  path_or_url,
const svn_opt_revision_t peg_revision,
const svn_opt_revision_t start,
const svn_opt_revision_t end,
svn_client_blame_receiver_t  receiver,
void *  receiver_baton,
svn_client_ctx_t ctx,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Similar to svn_client_blame3(), but with diff_options set to default options as returned by svn_diff_file_options_parse() and ignore_mime_type set to FALSE.

Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.3 API.
New in 1.2.

◆ svn_client_blame3()

svn_error_t * svn_client_blame3 ( const char *  path_or_url,
const svn_opt_revision_t peg_revision,
const svn_opt_revision_t start,
const svn_opt_revision_t end,
const svn_diff_file_options_t diff_options,
svn_boolean_t  ignore_mime_type,
svn_client_blame_receiver_t  receiver,
void *  receiver_baton,
svn_client_ctx_t ctx,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Similar to svn_client_blame4(), but with include_merged_revisions set to FALSE, and using a svn_client_blame_receiver2_t as the receiver.

Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.4 API.
New in 1.4.

◆ svn_client_blame4()

svn_error_t * svn_client_blame4 ( const char *  path_or_url,
const svn_opt_revision_t peg_revision,
const svn_opt_revision_t start,
const svn_opt_revision_t end,
const svn_diff_file_options_t diff_options,
svn_boolean_t  ignore_mime_type,
svn_boolean_t  include_merged_revisions,
svn_client_blame_receiver2_t  receiver,
void *  receiver_baton,
svn_client_ctx_t ctx,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Similar to svn_client_blame5(), but with svn_client_blame_receiver2_t as the receiver.

Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.6 API.
New in 1.5.

◆ svn_client_blame5()

svn_error_t * svn_client_blame5 ( const char *  path_or_url,
const svn_opt_revision_t peg_revision,
const svn_opt_revision_t start,
const svn_opt_revision_t end,
const svn_diff_file_options_t diff_options,
svn_boolean_t  ignore_mime_type,
svn_boolean_t  include_merged_revisions,
svn_client_blame_receiver3_t  receiver,
void *  receiver_baton,
svn_client_ctx_t ctx,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Similar to svn_client_blame6(), but with svn_client_blame_receiver3_t as the receiver.

Provided for backwards compatibility with the 1.11 API.
New in 1.7.

◆ svn_client_blame6()

svn_error_t * svn_client_blame6 ( svn_revnum_t start_revnum_p,
svn_revnum_t end_revnum_p,
const char *  path_or_url,
const svn_opt_revision_t peg_revision,
const svn_opt_revision_t start,
const svn_opt_revision_t end,
const svn_diff_file_options_t diff_options,
svn_boolean_t  ignore_mime_type,
svn_boolean_t  include_merged_revisions,
svn_client_blame_receiver4_t  receiver,
void *  receiver_baton,
svn_client_ctx_t ctx,
apr_pool_t *  pool 

Invoke receiver with receiver_baton on each line-blame item associated with revision end of path_or_url, using start as the default source of all blame.

peg_revision indicates in which revision path_or_url is valid. If peg_revision->kind is svn_opt_revision_unspecified, then it defaults to svn_opt_revision_head for URLs or svn_opt_revision_working for WC targets.

If start->kind or end->kind is svn_opt_revision_unspecified, return the error SVN_ERR_CLIENT_BAD_REVISION. If either are svn_opt_revision_working, return the error SVN_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE. If any of the revisions of path_or_url have a binary mime-type, return the error SVN_ERR_CLIENT_IS_BINARY_FILE, unless ignore_mime_type is TRUE, in which case blame information will be generated regardless of the MIME types of the revisions.

start may resolve to a revision number greater (younger) than end only if the server is 1.8.0 or greater (supports SVN_RA_CAPABILITY_GET_FILE_REVS_REVERSE) and the client is 1.9.0 or newer.

Before the first call to receiver, set *start_revnum_p and *end_revnum_p to the start and end revision number of the entire blame operation, as resolved from the repository. This can be useful for the blame receiver to format the blame output. Any or both of these arguments may be NULL.

Use diff_options to determine how to compare different revisions of the target.

If include_merged_revisions is TRUE, also return data based upon revisions which have been merged to path_or_url.

Use pool for any temporary allocation.

New in 1.12.