pqxx::nontransaction Class Reference

Simple "transaction" class offering no transactional integrity. More...

#include <nontransaction.hxx>

Inheritance diagram for pqxx::nontransaction:

Public Member Functions

 nontransaction (connection_base &C, const std::string &Name=std::string{})
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~nontransaction ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from pqxx::transaction_base
 transaction_base ()=delete
 transaction_base (const transaction_base &)=delete
transaction_baseoperator= (const transaction_base &)=delete
virtual ~transaction_base ()=0
void commit ()
 Commit the transaction. More...
void abort ()
 Abort the transaction. More...
result exec (const std::string &Query, const std::string &Desc=std::string{})
 Execute query. More...
result exec (const std::stringstream &Query, const std::string &Desc=std::string{})
result exec0 (const std::string &Query, const std::string &Desc=std::string{})
 Execute query, which should zero rows of data. More...
row exec1 (const std::string &Query, const std::string &Desc=std::string{})
 Execute query returning a single row of data. More...
result exec_n (size_t rows, const std::string &Query, const std::string &Desc=std::string{})
 Execute query, expect given number of rows. More...
connection_baseconn () const
 Connection this transaction is running in. More...
void set_variable (const std::string &Var, const std::string &Val)
 Set session variable in this connection. More...
std::string get_variable (const std::string &)
 Get currently applicable value of variable. More...
std::string esc (const char str[]) const
 Escape string for use as SQL string literal in this transaction. More...
std::string esc (const char str[], size_t maxlen) const
 Escape string for use as SQL string literal in this transaction. More...
std::string esc (const std::string &str) const
 Escape string for use as SQL string literal in this transaction. More...
std::string esc_raw (const unsigned char data[], size_t len) const
 Escape binary data for use as SQL string literal in this transaction. More...
std::string esc_raw (const std::string &) const
 Escape binary data for use as SQL string literal in this transaction. More...
std::string unesc_raw (const std::string &text) const
 Unescape binary data, e.g. from a table field or notification payload. More...
std::string unesc_raw (const char *text) const
 Unescape binary data, e.g. from a table field or notification payload. More...
template<typename T >
std::string quote (const T &t) const
 Represent object as SQL string, including quoting & escaping. More...
std::string quote_raw (const unsigned char str[], size_t len) const
 Binary-escape and quote a binarystring for use as an SQL constant. More...
std::string quote_raw (const std::string &str) const
std::string quote_name (const std::string &identifier) const
 Escape an SQL identifier for use in a query. More...
std::string esc_like (const std::string &str, char escape_char='\\') const
 Escape string for literal LIKE match. More...
template<typename ... Args>
result exec_params (const std::string &query, Args &&...args)
 Execute an SQL statement with parameters. More...
template<typename ... Args>
row exec_params1 (const std::string &query, Args &&... args)
template<typename ... Args>
result exec_params0 (const std::string &query, Args &&...args)
template<typename ... Args>
result exec_params_n (size_t rows, const std::string &query, Args &&...args)
internal::parameterized_invocation parameterized (const std::string &query)
 Parameterize a statement. More...
template<typename ... Args>
result exec_prepared (const std::string &statement, Args &&... args)
 Execute a prepared statement, with optional arguments. More...
template<typename ... Args>
row exec_prepared1 (const std::string &statement, Args &&... args)
 Execute a prepared statement, and expect a single-row result. More...
template<typename ... Args>
result exec_prepared0 (const std::string &statement, Args &&... args)
 Execute a prepared statement, and expect a result with zero rows. More...
template<typename ... Args>
result exec_prepared_n (size_t rows, const std::string &statement, Args &&... args)
 Execute a prepared statement, expect a result with given number of rows. More...
prepare::invocation prepared (const std::string &statement=std::string{})
 Execute prepared statement. More...
void process_notice (const char Msg[]) const
 Have connection process warning message. More...
void process_notice (const std::string &Msg) const
 Have connection process warning message. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from pqxx::internal::namedclass
 namedclass (const std::string &Classname)
 namedclass (const std::string &Classname, const std::string &Name)
const std::string & name () const noexcept
 Object name, or the empty string if no name was given. More...
const std::string & classname () const noexcept
 Class name. More...
std::string description () const
 Combination of class name and object name; or just class name. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from pqxx::transaction_base
using isolation_tag = isolation_traits< read_committed >
 If nothing else is known, our isolation level is at least read_committed. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from pqxx::transaction_base
 transaction_base (connection_base &c, bool direct=true)
 Create a transaction (to be called by implementation classes only) More...
void Begin ()
 Begin transaction (to be called by implementing class) More...
void End () noexcept
 End transaction. To be called by implementing class' destructor. More...
result direct_exec (const char C[], int Retries=0)
 Execute query on connection directly. More...
void reactivation_avoidance_clear () noexcept
 Forget about any reactivation-blocking resources we tried to allocate. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from pqxx::transaction_base
internal::reactivation_avoidance_counter m_reactivation_avoidance
 Resources allocated in this transaction that make reactivation impossible. More...

Detailed Description

Simple "transaction" class offering no transactional integrity.

nontransaction, like transaction or any other transaction_base-derived class, provides access to a database through a connection. Unlike its siblings, however, nontransaction does not maintain any kind of transactional integrity. This may be useful eg. for read-only access to the database that does not require a consistent, atomic view on its data; or for operations that are not allowed within a backend transaction, such as creating tables.

For queries that update the database, however, a real transaction is likely to be faster unless the transaction consists of only a single record update.

Also, you can keep a nontransaction open for as long as you like. Actual back-end transactions are limited in lifespan, and will sometimes fail just because they took too long to execute or were left idle for too long. This will not happen with a nontransaction (although the connection may still time out, e.g. when the network is unavailable for a very long time).

Any query executed in a nontransaction is committed immediately, and neither commit() nor abort() has any effect.

Database features that require a backend transaction, such as cursors or large objects, will not work in a nontransaction.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ nontransaction()

pqxx::nontransaction::nontransaction ( connection_base C,
const std::string &  Name = std::string{} 


Create a "dummy" transaction.

CConnection that this "transaction" will operate on.
NameOptional name for the transaction, beginning with a letter and containing only letters and digits.

◆ ~nontransaction()

pqxx::nontransaction::~nontransaction ( )

Implementation of the pqxx::nontransaction class.

pqxx::nontransaction provides nontransactional database access.

Copyright (c) 2000-2019, Jeroen T. Vermeulen.

See COPYING for copyright license. If you did not receive a file called COPYING with this source code, please notify the distributor of this mistake, or contact the author.

References pqxx::transaction_base::direct_exec(), and pqxx::transaction_base::End().

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