Package javafx.print

Class Printer


public final class Printer extends Object
A Printer instance represents the destination for a print job.

Printers may be enumerated and selected for use with a print job.

The configuration of the printer default settings are then used to populate the initial settings for a job.

Since the availability of printers may change during the execution of a program, due to administrative actions, a long running program which has cached a printer which has since been taken off-line, may create a job using that instance, but printing will fail.

JavaFX 8.0
  • Property Details

    • defaultPrinter

      public static ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Printer> defaultPrinterProperty
      A read only object property representing the current default printer. If there are no installed printers, the wrapped value will be null.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getAllPrinters

      public static ObservableSet<Printer> getAllPrinters()
      Retrieve the installed printers. The set of printers may be dynamic. Consequently there is no guarantee that the result will be the same from call to call, but should change only as a result of the default changing in the environment of the application.

      Note: since printers may be installed, but offline, then the application may want to query the status of a printer before using it.

      may be null if there are no printers.
      SecurityException - if the application does not have permission to browse printers.
    • defaultPrinterProperty

      public static ReadOnlyObjectProperty<Printer> defaultPrinterProperty()
      A read only object property representing the current default printer. If there are no installed printers, the wrapped value will be null.
      See Also:
    • getDefaultPrinter

      public static Printer getDefaultPrinter()
      Retrieve the default printer. May return null if no printers are installed.

      The configuration of available printers may be dynamic. Consequently there is no guarantee that the result will be the same from call to call, but should change only as a result of the default changing in the environment of the application.

      default printer or null.
      SecurityException - if the application does not have permission to browse printers.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Return the name used by the underlying system to identify the printer to users and/or applications.
      printer name.
    • getPrinterAttributes

      public PrinterAttributes getPrinterAttributes()
      Retrieves the delegate object encapsulating the printer attributes and capabilities.
      printer attributes.
    • getDefaultPageLayout

      public PageLayout getDefaultPageLayout()
      Return the default page layout for this printer.
      default page layout.
    • createPageLayout

      public PageLayout createPageLayout(Paper paper, PageOrientation orient, Printer.MarginType mType)
      Obtain a new PageLayout instance for this printer using the specified parameters. The paper should be one of the supported papers and the orientation should be a supported orientation. If the printer cannot support the layout as specified, it will adjust the returned layout to a supported configuration
      paper - The paper to use
      orient - The orientation to use
      mType - the margin type to use
      PageLayout based on the specified parameters.
      NullPointerException - if any of the parameters are null.
    • createPageLayout

      public PageLayout createPageLayout(Paper paper, PageOrientation orient, double lMargin, double rMargin, double tMargin, double bMargin)
      Obtain a new PageLayout for this printer using the specified parameters. The paper should be one of the supported papers and the orientation should be a supported orientation.

      Margin values are specified in 1/72 of an inch points. Margins will be validated against the printer supported margins, and adjusted if necessary. This method is generally useful to a client that wants margins that are different (eg wider) than the default margins, such as 1" at top and bottom and 0.5" to the left and right.

      A client that needs to know what margin values are legal should first obtain a PageLayout using the HARDWARE_MINIMUM margins.

      If the printer cannot support the layout as specified, it will adjust the returned layout to a supported configuration

      paper - The paper to use
      orient - The orientation to use
      lMargin - the left margin to use in pts.
      rMargin - the right margin to use in pts.
      tMargin - the top margin to use in pts.
      bMargin - the bottom margin to use in pts.
      PageLayout based on the specified parameters.
      NullPointerException - if paper or orient are null.
      IllegalArgumentException - if any of the margins values are less than zero.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object