Package jnr.ffi

Class Struct.Enum32<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>

    • Constructor Detail

      • Enum32

        public Enum32​(java.lang.Class<E> enumClass)
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public final E get()
        Description copied from class: Struct.EnumField
        Gets a java Enum value representing the native integer value.
        Specified by:
        get in class Struct.EnumField<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>
        a java Enum value.
      • set

        public final void set​(E value)
      • set

        public void set​(java.lang.Number value)
        Description copied from class: Struct.NumberField
        Sets the field to a new value.
        Specified by:
        set in class Struct.NumberField
        value - The new value.
      • intValue

        public final int intValue()
        Description copied from class: Struct.NumberField
        Returns a int representation of this Number.
        Specified by:
        intValue in class Struct.NumberField
        a int value for this Number.