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H5::PropList Class Reference

Class PropList inherits from IdComponent and provides wrappers for the HDF5 generic property list.

#include <H5PropList.h>

Inheritance diagram for H5::PropList:
H5::IdComponent H5::DSetMemXferPropList H5::FileAccPropList H5::FileCreatPropList H5::LinkAccPropList H5::LinkCreatPropList H5::ObjCreatPropList H5::DSetAccPropList H5::DSetCreatPropList

Public Member Functions

 PropList (const hid_t plist_id)
 Creates a property list using the id of an existing property. More...
PropListoperator= (const PropList &rhs)
 Assignment operator. More...
bool operator== (const PropList &rhs) const
 Compares this property list or class against the given list or class. More...
virtual void close ()
 Closes the property list if it is not a default one. More...
void closeClass () const
 Close a property list class. More...
void copy (const PropList &like_plist)
 Makes a copy of an existing property list. More...
void copyProp (PropList &dest, const char *name) const
 Copies a property from this property list or class to another. More...
void copyProp (PropList &dest, const H5std_string &name) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts. More...
void copyProp (PropList &dest, PropList &src, const char *name) const
 Copies a property from one list or class to another - Obsolete. More...
void copyProp (PropList &dest, PropList &src, const H5std_string &name) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts. - Obsolete. More...
hid_t getClass () const
 Returns the class of this property list, i.e. H5P_FILE_CREATE... More...
H5std_string getClassName () const
 Return the name of a generic property list class. More...
PropList getClassParent () const
 Returns the parent class of a generic property class. More...
size_t getNumProps () const
 Returns the number of properties in this property list or class. More...
void getProperty (const char *name, void *value) const
 Query the value of a property in a property list. More...
void getProperty (const H5std_string &name, void *value) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts. More...
H5std_string getProperty (const char *name) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts. More...
H5std_string getProperty (const H5std_string &name) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts. More...
void setProperty (const char *name, const char *charptr) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts. More...
void setProperty (const char *name, const void *value) const
 Set a property's value in a property list. More...
void setProperty (const char *name, const H5std_string &strg) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts. More...
void setProperty (const H5std_string &name, const void *value) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts. More...
void setProperty (const H5std_string &name, const H5std_string &strg) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts. More...
void setProperty (const char *name, void *value) const
 Deprecated due to missing const in prototype. (1.10.1) More...
void setProperty (const char *name, H5std_string &strg) const
 Deprecated due to missing const in prototype. (1.10.1) More...
void setProperty (const H5std_string &name, void *value) const
 Deprecated due to missing const in prototype. (1.10.1) More...
void setProperty (const H5std_string &name, H5std_string &strg) const
 Deprecated due to missing const in prototype. (1.10.1) More...
size_t getPropSize (const char *name) const
 Query the size of a property in a property list or class. More...
size_t getPropSize (const H5std_string &name) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts. More...
bool isAClass (const PropList &prop_class) const
 Determines whether a property list is a certain class. More...
bool propExist (const char *name) const
 Query the existence of a property in a property object. More...
bool propExist (const H5std_string &name) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts. More...
void removeProp (const char *name) const
 Removes a property from a property list. More...
void removeProp (const H5std_string &name) const
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what arguments it accepts. More...
virtual H5std_string fromClass () const
 Returns this class name. More...
 PropList ()
 Default constructor: creates a stub property list object. More...
 PropList (const PropList &original)
 Copy constructor: same HDF5 object as original. More...
virtual hid_t getId () const
 Get the id of this property list. More...
virtual ~PropList ()
 Properly terminates access to this property list. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from H5::IdComponent
void incRefCount (const hid_t obj_id) const
 Increment reference counter for a given id. More...
void incRefCount () const
 Increment reference counter for the id of this object. More...
void decRefCount (const hid_t obj_id) const
 Decrement reference counter for a given id. More...
void decRefCount () const
 Decrement reference counter for the id of this object. More...
int getCounter (const hid_t obj_id) const
 Returns the reference counter for a given id. More...
int getCounter () const
 Returns the reference counter for the id of this object. More...
H5I_type_t getHDFObjType () const
 Returns the type of the object. It is an overloaded function of the above function. More...
IdComponentoperator= (const IdComponent &rhs)
 Assignment operator. More...
void setId (const hid_t new_id)
 Sets the identifier of this object to a new value. More...
virtual ~IdComponent ()
 Noop destructor. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const PropListDEFAULT
 Default property list. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from H5::IdComponent
static H5I_type_t getHDFObjType (const hid_t obj_id)
 Given an id, returns the type of the object. More...
static hsize_t getNumMembers (H5I_type_t type)
 Returns the number of members of the given type. More...
static bool isValid (hid_t an_id)
 Checks if the given ID is valid. More...
static bool typeExists (H5I_type_t type)
 Queries if a given type is currently registered with the library. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PropList() [1/3]

H5::PropList::PropList ( const hid_t  plist_id)
plist_id- IN: Id of the existing property list

◆ PropList() [2/3]

H5::PropList::PropList ( )

◆ PropList() [3/3]

H5::PropList::PropList ( const PropList original)
original- IN: The original property list to copy

References H5::IdComponent::incRefCount().

◆ ~PropList()

H5::PropList::~PropList ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ close()

void H5::PropList::close ( )

Referenced by copy(), and ~PropList().

◆ closeClass()

void H5::PropList::closeClass ( ) const
Releases memory and detaches a class from the property list class hierarchy.

◆ copy()

void H5::PropList::copy ( const PropList like_plist)
like_plist- IN: Reference to the existing property list

References close(), H5::Exception::getDetailMsg(), and getId().

Referenced by operator=().

◆ copyProp() [1/4]

void H5::PropList::copyProp ( PropList dest,
const char *  name 
) const
dest- IN: Destination property list or class
name- IN: Name of the property to copy - char pointer

References getId().

Referenced by copyProp().

◆ copyProp() [2/4]

void H5::PropList::copyProp ( PropList dest,
const H5std_string &  name 
) const
dest- IN: Destination property list or class
name- IN: Name of the property to copy - H5std_string

References copyProp().

◆ copyProp() [3/4]

void H5::PropList::copyProp ( PropList dest,
PropList src,
const char *  name 
) const
dest- IN: Destination property list or class
src- IN: Source property list or class
name- IN: Name of the property to copy - char pointer
This member function will be removed in the next release

References getId().

◆ copyProp() [4/4]

void H5::PropList::copyProp ( PropList dest,
PropList src,
const H5std_string &  name 
) const
dest- IN: Destination property list or class
src- IN: Source property list or class
name- IN: Name of the property to copy - H5std_string

References copyProp().

◆ fromClass()

virtual H5std_string H5::PropList::fromClass ( ) const

◆ getClass()

hid_t H5::PropList::getClass ( ) const
The property list class if it is not equal to H5P_ROOT

◆ getClassName()

H5std_string H5::PropList::getClassName ( ) const
A string containing the class name, if success, otherwise, an empty string.

◆ getClassParent()

PropList H5::PropList::getClassParent ( ) const
The parent class of a property class

◆ getId()

hid_t H5::PropList::getId ( ) const

◆ getNumProps()

size_t H5::PropList::getNumProps ( ) const
Size of the property.

◆ getProperty() [1/4]

H5std_string H5::PropList::getProperty ( const char *  name) const
name- IN: Name of property to query - char pointer
The property that is a H5std_string.

References getPropSize().

◆ getProperty() [2/4]

void H5::PropList::getProperty ( const char *  name,
void *  value 
) const
name- IN: Name of property to query - char pointer
value- OUT: Pointer to the buffer for the property value
Retrieves a copy of the value for a property in a property list. The property name must exist or this routine will throw an exception.

Referenced by getProperty().

◆ getProperty() [3/4]

H5std_string H5::PropList::getProperty ( const H5std_string &  name) const
name- IN: Name of property to query - H5std_string
The property that is a H5std_string.

References getProperty().

◆ getProperty() [4/4]

void H5::PropList::getProperty ( const H5std_string &  name,
void *  value 
) const
name- IN: Name of property to query - H5std_string
value- OUT: Pointer to the buffer for the property value

References getProperty().

◆ getPropSize() [1/2]

size_t H5::PropList::getPropSize ( const char *  name) const
name- IN: Name of property to query
Size of the property
This routine retrieves the size of a property's value in bytes. Zero-sized properties are allowed and the return value will be of 0. This function works for both property lists and classes.

Referenced by getProperty(), and getPropSize().

◆ getPropSize() [2/2]

size_t H5::PropList::getPropSize ( const H5std_string &  name) const
name- IN: Name of property to query - H5std_string

References getPropSize().

◆ isAClass()

bool H5::PropList::isAClass ( const PropList prop_class) const
prop_class- IN: Property class to query
true if the property list is a member of the property list class, and false, otherwise.

References getId().

◆ operator=()

PropList & H5::PropList::operator= ( const PropList rhs)
rhs- IN: Reference to the existing property list
Reference to PropList instance

References copy().

◆ operator==()

bool H5::PropList::operator== ( const PropList rhs) const
rhs- IN: Reference to the property list to compare
true if the property lists or classes are equal, and false, otherwise.

References getId().

◆ propExist() [1/2]

bool H5::PropList::propExist ( const char *  name) const

Queries the existence of a property in a property object.

name- IN: Name of property to check for - char pointer
true if the property exists in the property object, and false, otherwise.
This routine checks if a property exists within a property list or class.

Referenced by propExist().

◆ propExist() [2/2]

bool H5::PropList::propExist ( const H5std_string &  name) const
name- IN: Name of property to check for - H5std_string

References propExist().

◆ removeProp() [1/2]

void H5::PropList::removeProp ( const char *  name) const
name- IN: Name of property to remove - char pointer

Referenced by removeProp().

◆ removeProp() [2/2]

void H5::PropList::removeProp ( const H5std_string &  name) const
name- IN: Name of property to remove - H5std_string

References removeProp().

◆ setProperty() [1/9]

void H5::PropList::setProperty ( const char *  name,
const char *  charptr 
) const
name- IN: Name of property to set - char pointer
charptr- IN: Char pointer to the value for the property

Referenced by setProperty().

◆ setProperty() [2/9]

void H5::PropList::setProperty ( const char *  name,
const H5std_string &  strg 
) const
name- IN: Name of property to set - char pointer
strg- IN: Value for the property is a H5std_string

References setProperty().

◆ setProperty() [3/9]

void H5::PropList::setProperty ( const char *  name,
const void *  value 
) const
name- IN: Name of property to set - char pointer
value- IN: Void pointer to the value for the property

◆ setProperty() [4/9]

void H5::PropList::setProperty ( const char *  name,
H5std_string &  strg 
) const

References setProperty().

◆ setProperty() [5/9]

void H5::PropList::setProperty ( const char *  name,
void *  value 
) const

◆ setProperty() [6/9]

void H5::PropList::setProperty ( const H5std_string &  name,
const H5std_string &  strg 
) const
name- IN: Name of property to set - H5std_string
strg- IN: Value for the property is a H5std_string

References setProperty().

◆ setProperty() [7/9]

void H5::PropList::setProperty ( const H5std_string &  name,
const void *  value 
) const
name- IN: Name of property to set - H5std_string
value- IN: Void pointer to the value for the property

References setProperty().

◆ setProperty() [8/9]

void H5::PropList::setProperty ( const H5std_string &  name,
H5std_string &  strg 
) const

References setProperty().

◆ setProperty() [9/9]

void H5::PropList::setProperty ( const H5std_string &  name,
void *  value 
) const

References setProperty().

Member Data Documentation


const PropList& H5::PropList::DEFAULT

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  Copyright by The HDF Group
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