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H5::DataTypeIException Class Reference

#include <H5Exception.h>

Inheritance diagram for H5::DataTypeIException:

Public Member Functions

 DataTypeIException (const H5std_string &func_name, const H5std_string &message=DEFAULT_MSG)
 Creates a DataTypeIException with the name of the function, in which the failure occurs, and an optional detailed message. More...
 DataTypeIException ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~DataTypeIException () H5_OVERRIDE throw ()
 Noop destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from H5::Exception
 Exception (const H5std_string &func_name, const H5std_string &message=DEFAULT_MSG)
 Creates an exception with the name of the function, in which the failure occurs, and an optional detailed message. More...
H5std_string getMajorString (hid_t err_major_id) const
 Returns a text string that describes the error specified by a major error number. More...
H5std_string getMinorString (hid_t err_minor_id) const
 Returns a text string that describes the error specified by a minor error number. More...
H5std_string getDetailMsg () const
 Returns the detailed message set at the time the exception is thrown. More...
const char * getCDetailMsg () const
 Returns the detailed message set at the time the exception is thrown. More...
H5std_string getFuncName () const
 Returns the name of the function, where the exception is thrown. More...
const char * getCFuncName () const
 Returns the name of the function, where the exception is thrown. More...
 Exception ()
 Default constructor. More...
 Exception (const Exception &orig)
 Copy constructor: same HDF5 object as original. More...
virtual ~Exception () throw ()
 Noop destructor. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from H5::Exception
static void setAutoPrint (H5E_auto2_t &func, void *client_data)
 Turns on the automatic error printing. More...
static void dontPrint ()
 Turns off the automatic error printing from the C library. More...
static void getAutoPrint (H5E_auto2_t &func, void **client_data)
 Retrieves the current settings for the automatic error stack traversal function and its data. More...
static void clearErrorStack ()
 Clears the error stack for the current thread. More...
static void walkErrorStack (H5E_direction_t direction, H5E_walk2_t func, void *client_data)
 Walks the error stack for the current thread, calling the specified function. More...
static void printErrorStack (FILE *stream=stderr, hid_t err_stack=H5E_DEFAULT)
 Prints the error stack in a default manner. More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from H5::Exception
static const char DEFAULT_MSG [] = "No detailed information provided"

Detailed Description

compound.cpp, create.cpp, extend_ds.cpp, and readdata.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DataTypeIException() [1/2]

H5::DataTypeIException::DataTypeIException ( const H5std_string &  func,
const H5std_string &  message = DEFAULT_MSG 
func- IN: Name of the function where failure occurs
message- IN: Message on the failure

◆ DataTypeIException() [2/2]

H5::DataTypeIException::DataTypeIException ( )

◆ ~DataTypeIException()

H5::DataTypeIException::~DataTypeIException ( )
throw (

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

The HDF Group Help Desk:
  Copyright by The HDF Group
and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois