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Gtk::GL Namespace Reference


class  DrawingArea
class  Widget


bool init_check (int &argc, char **&argv)
bool init_check (int *argc, char ***argv)
void init (int &argc, char **&argv)
void init (int *argc, char ***argv)
bool widget_set_gl_capability (Gtk::Widget &widget, const Glib::RefPtr< const Gdk::GL::Config > &glconfig, const Glib::RefPtr< const Gdk::GL::Context > &share_list, bool direct=true, int render_type=Gdk::GL::RGBA_TYPE)
bool widget_set_gl_capability (Gtk::Widget &widget, const Glib::RefPtr< const Gdk::GL::Config > &glconfig, bool direct=true, int render_type=Gdk::GL::RGBA_TYPE)
bool widget_is_gl_capable (const Gtk::Widget &widget)
Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::GL::Configwidget_get_gl_config (const Gtk::Widget &widget)
Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::GL::Contextwidget_create_gl_context (const Gtk::Widget &widget, const Glib::RefPtr< const Gdk::GL::Context > &share_list, bool direct=true, int render_type=Gdk::GL::RGBA_TYPE)
Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::GL::Contextwidget_create_gl_context (const Gtk::Widget &widget, bool direct=true, int render_type=Gdk::GL::RGBA_TYPE)
Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::GL::Contextwidget_get_gl_context (const Gtk::Widget &widget)
Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::GL::Windowwidget_get_gl_window (const Gtk::Widget &widget)
Glib::RefPtr< Gdk::GL::Drawablewidget_get_gl_drawable (const Gtk::Widget &widget)

Function Documentation

void Gtk::GL::init int *  argc,
char ***  argv

Initialize gtkglextmm library.

Call this function before using any other gtkglextmm functions in your applications. It will initialize everything needed to operate the library and parses some standard command line options. argc and argv are adjusted accordingly so your own code will never see those standard arguments.

This function will terminate your program if it was unable to initialize the library for some reason. If you want your program to fall back to a textual interface you want to call Gtk::GL::init_check() instead.

argc Address of the argc parameter of your main() function. Changed if any arguments were handled.
argv Address of the argv parameter of main(). Any parameters understood by Gtk::GL::init() are stripped before return.

void Gtk::GL::init int &  argc,
char **&  argv

Initialize gtkglextmm library.

Call this function before using any other gtkglextmm functions in your applications. It will initialize everything needed to operate the library and parses some standard command line options. argc and argv are adjusted accordingly so your own code will never see those standard arguments.

This function will terminate your program if it was unable to initialize the library for some reason. If you want your program to fall back to a textual interface you want to call Gtk::GL::init_check() instead.

argc Reference of the argc parameter of your main() function. Changed if any arguments were handled.
argv Reference of the argv parameter of main(). Any parameters understood by Gtk::GL::init() are stripped before return.
Examples:,,,,,,,,, and

bool Gtk::GL::init_check int *  argc,
char ***  argv

Initialize gtkglextmm library.

This function does the same work as Gdk::GL::init() with only a single change: It does not terminate the program if the library can't be initialized. Instead it returns false on failure.

This way the application can fall back to some other means of communication with the user - for example a curses or command line interface.

argc Address of the argc parameter of your main() function. Changed if any arguments were handled.
argv Address of the argv parameter of main(). Any parameters understood by Gtk::GL::init() are stripped before return.
true if the library has been successfully initialized, false otherwise.

bool Gtk::GL::init_check int &  argc,
char **&  argv

Initialize gtkglextmm library.

This function does the same work as Gdk::GL::init() with only a single change: It does not terminate the program if the library can't be initialized. Instead it returns false on failure.

This way the application can fall back to some other means of communication with the user - for example a curses or command line interface.

argc Reference of the argc parameter of your main() function. Changed if any arguments were handled.
argv Reference of the argv parameter of main(). Any parameters understood by Gtk::GL::init() are stripped before return.
true if the library has been successfully initialized, false otherwise.

Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GL::Context> Gtk::GL::widget_create_gl_context const Gtk::Widget &  widget,
bool  direct = true,
int  render_type = Gdk::GL::RGBA_TYPE

Create a new Gdk::GL::Context with the appropriate Gdk::GL::Drawable for this widget.

See also get_gl_context().

widget a Gtk::Widget.
direct whether rendering is to be done with a direct connection to the graphics system.
render_type Gdk::GL::RGBA_TYPE or Gdk::GL::COLOR_INDEX_TYPE (currently not used).
the new Gdk::GL::Context.

Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GL::Context> Gtk::GL::widget_create_gl_context const Gtk::Widget &  widget,
const Glib::RefPtr< const Gdk::GL::Context > &  share_list,
bool  direct = true,
int  render_type = Gdk::GL::RGBA_TYPE

Create a new Gdk::GL::Context with the appropriate Gdk::GL::Drawable for this widget.

See also get_gl_context().

widget a Gtk::Widget.
share_list the Gdk::GL::Context which to share display lists.
direct whether rendering is to be done with a direct connection to the graphics system.
render_type Gdk::GL::RGBA_TYPE or Gdk::GL::COLOR_INDEX_TYPE (currently not used).
the new Gdk::GL::Context.

Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GL::Config> Gtk::GL::widget_get_gl_config const Gtk::Widget &  widget  ) 

Return the Gdk::GL::Config referred by the Gtk::Widget.

widget a Gtk::Widget.
the Gdk::GL::Config.

Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GL::Context> Gtk::GL::widget_get_gl_context const Gtk::Widget &  widget  ) 

Return the Gdk::GL::Context with the appropriate Gdk::GL::Drawable for this widget.

Unlike the GL context returned by create_gl_context(), this context is owned by the widget.

widget a Gtk::Widget.
the Gdk::GL::Context.

Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GL::Drawable> Gtk::GL::widget_get_gl_drawable const Gtk::Widget &  widget  ) 

Return the Gdk::GL::Drawable owned by the Gtk::Widget.

widget a Gtk::Widget.
the Gdk::GL::Drawable.

Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GL::Window> Gtk::GL::widget_get_gl_window const Gtk::Widget &  widget  ) 

Return the Gdk::GL::Window owned by the Gtk::Widget.

widget a Gtk::Widget.
the Gdk::GL::Window.

bool Gtk::GL::widget_is_gl_capable const Gtk::Widget &  widget  ) 

Return whether the Gtk::Widget is OpenGL-capable.

widget a Gtk::Widget.
true if the Gtk::Widget is OpenGL-capable, false otherwise.

bool Gtk::GL::widget_set_gl_capability Gtk::Widget &  widget,
const Glib::RefPtr< const Gdk::GL::Config > &  glconfig,
bool  direct = true,
int  render_type = Gdk::GL::RGBA_TYPE

Set the OpenGL-capability to the Gtk::Widget. The call setup the callbacks to realize a OpenGL-capable window.

widget the GtkWidget to be used as the rendering area.
glconfig a Gdk::GL::Config.
direct whether rendering is to be done with a direct connection to the graphics system.
render_type Gdk::GL::RGBA_TYPE or Gdk::GL::COLOR_INDEX_TYPE (currently not used).
true if it is successful, false otherwise.

bool Gtk::GL::widget_set_gl_capability Gtk::Widget &  widget,
const Glib::RefPtr< const Gdk::GL::Config > &  glconfig,
const Glib::RefPtr< const Gdk::GL::Context > &  share_list,
bool  direct = true,
int  render_type = Gdk::GL::RGBA_TYPE

Set the OpenGL-capability to the Gtk::Widget. The call setup the callbacks to realize a OpenGL-capable window.

widget the GtkWidget to be used as the rendering area.
glconfig a Gdk::GL::Config.
share_list the Gdk::GL::Context which to share display lists.
direct whether rendering is to be done with a direct connection to the graphics system.
render_type Gdk::GL::RGBA_TYPE or Gdk::GL::COLOR_INDEX_TYPE (currently not used).
true if it is successful, false otherwise.

Generated on Mon Feb 27 18:47:57 2006 for gtkglextmm by  doxygen 1.4.4