Modifier key flags


See key input for how these are used.


#define GLFW_MOD_SHIFT   0x0001
 If this bit is set one or more Shift keys were held down. More...
#define GLFW_MOD_CONTROL   0x0002
 If this bit is set one or more Control keys were held down. More...
#define GLFW_MOD_ALT   0x0004
 If this bit is set one or more Alt keys were held down. More...
#define GLFW_MOD_SUPER   0x0008
 If this bit is set one or more Super keys were held down. More...
#define GLFW_MOD_CAPS_LOCK   0x0010
 If this bit is set the Caps Lock key is enabled. More...
#define GLFW_MOD_NUM_LOCK   0x0020
 If this bit is set the Num Lock key is enabled. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define GLFW_MOD_SHIFT   0x0001

If this bit is set one or more Shift keys were held down.


#define GLFW_MOD_CONTROL   0x0002

If this bit is set one or more Control keys were held down.


#define GLFW_MOD_ALT   0x0004

If this bit is set one or more Alt keys were held down.


#define GLFW_MOD_SUPER   0x0008

If this bit is set one or more Super keys were held down.


#define GLFW_MOD_CAPS_LOCK   0x0010

If this bit is set the Caps Lock key is enabled and the GLFW_LOCK_KEY_MODS input mode is set.


#define GLFW_MOD_NUM_LOCK   0x0020

If this bit is set the Num Lock key is enabled and the GLFW_LOCK_KEY_MODS input mode is set.