

deprecated: 2.32 

Declaration [src]

gdk_pixdata_serialize (
  const GdkPixdata* pixdata,
  guint* stream_length_p

Description [src]

Serializes a GdkPixdata structure into a byte stream. The byte stream consists of a straightforward writeout of the GdkPixdata fields in network byte order, plus the pixel_data bytes the structure points to.

Deprecated since: 2.32

Use GResource instead.



Type: guint*

Location to store the resulting stream length in.

The argument will be set by the function.

Return value

Type: An array of guint8

A newly-allocated string containing the serialized GdkPixdata structure.

The length of the array is in the stream_length_p argument.
The caller of the method takes ownership of the data, and is responsible for freeing it.