Crypto++ 8.7
Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
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BlumBlumShub Class Reference

BlumBlumShub with factorization of the modulus. More...

#include <blumshub.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for BlumBlumShub:

Public Member Functions

 BlumBlumShub (const Integer &p, const Integer &q, const Integer &seed)
 Construct a BlumBlumShub. More...
bool IsRandomAccess () const
 Determines whether the cipher supports random access. More...
void Seek (lword index)
 Seek to an absolute position. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PublicBlumBlumShub
 PublicBlumBlumShub (const Integer &n, const Integer &seed)
 Construct a PublicBlumBlumShub. More...
unsigned int GenerateBit ()
 Generate new random bit and return it. More...
byte GenerateByte ()
 Generate new random byte and return it. More...
void GenerateBlock (byte *output, size_t size)
 Generate random array of bytes. More...
void ProcessData (byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length)
 Encrypt or decrypt an array of bytes. More...
bool IsSelfInverting () const
 Determines whether the cipher is self-inverting. More...
bool IsForwardTransformation () const
 Determines if the cipher is being operated in its forward direction. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from RandomNumberGenerator
virtual void IncorporateEntropy (const byte *input, size_t length)
 Update RNG state with additional unpredictable values. More...
virtual bool CanIncorporateEntropy () const
 Determines if a generator can accept additional entropy. More...
virtual byte GenerateByte ()
 Generate new random byte and return it. More...
virtual unsigned int GenerateBit ()
 Generate new random bit and return it. More...
virtual word32 GenerateWord32 (word32 min=0, word32 max=0xffffffffUL)
 Generate a random 32 bit word in the range min to max, inclusive. More...
virtual void GenerateBlock (byte *output, size_t size)
 Generate random array of bytes. More...
virtual void GenerateIntoBufferedTransformation (BufferedTransformation &target, const std::string &channel, lword length)
 Generate random bytes into a BufferedTransformation. More...
virtual void DiscardBytes (size_t n)
 Generate and discard n bytes. More...
template<class IT >
void Shuffle (IT begin, IT end)
 Randomly shuffle the specified array. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Algorithm
 Algorithm (bool checkSelfTestStatus=true)
 Interface for all crypto algorithms. More...
virtual std::string AlgorithmName () const
 Provides the name of this algorithm. More...
virtual std::string AlgorithmProvider () const
 Retrieve the provider of this algorithm. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Clonable
virtual ClonableClone () const
 Copies this object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from StreamTransformation
StreamTransformationRef ()
 Provides a reference to this object. More...
virtual unsigned int MandatoryBlockSize () const
 Provides the mandatory block size of the cipher. More...
virtual unsigned int OptimalBlockSize () const
 Provides the input block size most efficient for this cipher. More...
virtual unsigned int GetOptimalBlockSizeUsed () const
 Provides the number of bytes used in the current block when processing at optimal block size. More...
virtual unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment () const
 Provides input and output data alignment for optimal performance. More...
virtual void ProcessData (byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length)=0
 Encrypt or decrypt an array of bytes. More...
virtual size_t ProcessLastBlock (byte *outString, size_t outLength, const byte *inString, size_t inLength)
 Encrypt or decrypt the last block of data. More...
virtual unsigned int MinLastBlockSize () const
 Provides the size of the last block. More...
virtual bool IsLastBlockSpecial () const
 Determines if the last block receives special processing. More...
void ProcessString (byte *inoutString, size_t length)
 Encrypt or decrypt a string of bytes. More...
void ProcessString (byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length)
 Encrypt or decrypt a string of bytes. More...
byte ProcessByte (byte input)
 Encrypt or decrypt a byte. More...
virtual bool IsRandomAccess () const =0
 Determines whether the cipher supports random access. More...
virtual void Seek (lword pos)
 Seek to an absolute position. More...
virtual bool IsSelfInverting () const =0
 Determines whether the cipher is self-inverting. More...
virtual bool IsForwardTransformation () const =0
 Determines if the cipher is being operated in its forward direction. More...

Detailed Description

BlumBlumShub with factorization of the modulus.

You should reseed the generator after a fork() to avoid multiple generators with the same internal state.

Definition at line 47 of file blumshub.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~BlumBlumShub()

virtual BlumBlumShub::~BlumBlumShub ( )

Definition at line 50 of file blumshub.h.

◆ BlumBlumShub()

BlumBlumShub::BlumBlumShub ( const Integer p,
const Integer q,
const Integer seed 

Construct a BlumBlumShub.

pthe first prime factor
qthe second prime factor
seedthe seed for the generator

Esure p and q are both primes congruent to 3 mod 4 and at least 512 bits long. seed is the secret key and should be about as large as p*q.

Definition at line 48 of file blumshub.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ IsRandomAccess()

bool BlumBlumShub::IsRandomAccess ( ) const

Determines whether the cipher supports random access.

true if the cipher supports random access, false otherwise

Implements StreamTransformation.

Definition at line 60 of file blumshub.h.

◆ Seek()

void BlumBlumShub::Seek ( lword  pos)

Seek to an absolute position.

posposition to seek

The base class implementation throws NotImplemented. The function asserts IsRandomAccess() in debug builds.

Reimplemented from StreamTransformation.

Definition at line 55 of file blumshub.cpp.

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