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XmlElement Class Reference

A XML Element. More...

#include <XmlElement.h>

Public Member Functions

 XmlElement (std::string elementName, std::string content="")
 Constructs an element with the specified name and string content. More...
 XmlElement (std::string elementName, int numericContent)
 Constructs an element with the specified name and numeric content. More...
virtual ~XmlElement ()
 Destructs the element and its child elements. More...
std::string name () const
 Returns the name of the element. More...
std::string content () const
 Returns the content of the element. More...
void setName (const std::string &name)
 Sets the name of the element. More...
void setContent (const std::string &content)
 Sets the content of the element. More...
void setContent (int numericContent)
void addAttribute (std::string attributeName, std::string value)
 Adds an attribute with the specified string value. More...
void addAttribute (std::string attributeName, int numericValue)
 Adds an attribute with the specified numeric value. More...
void addElement (XmlElement *element)
 Adds a child element to the element. More...
int elementCount () const
 Returns the number of child elements. More...
XmlElementelementAt (int index) const
 Returns the child element at the specified index. More...
XmlElementelementFor (const std::string &name) const
 Returns the first child element with the specified name. More...
std::string toString (const std::string &indent="") const
 Returns a XML string that represents the element. More...

Private Types

typedef std::pair< std::string, std::string > Attribute
typedef std::deque< AttributeAttributes
typedef std::deque< XmlElement * > Elements

Private Member Functions

std::string attributesAsString () const
std::string escape (std::string value) const

Private Attributes

std::string m_name
std::string m_content
Attributes m_attributes
Elements m_elements

Detailed Description

A XML Element.

A XML element has:

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Attribute

typedef std::pair<std::string,std::string> XmlElement::Attribute

◆ Attributes

typedef std::deque<Attribute> XmlElement::Attributes

◆ Elements

typedef std::deque<XmlElement *> XmlElement::Elements

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ XmlElement() [1/2]

CPPUNIT_NS_BEGIN XmlElement::XmlElement ( std::string  elementName,
std::string  content = "" 

Constructs an element with the specified name and string content.

elementNameName of the element. Must not be empty.
contentContent of the element.

◆ XmlElement() [2/2]

XmlElement::XmlElement ( std::string  elementName,
int  numericContent 

Constructs an element with the specified name and numeric content.

elementNameName of the element. Must not be empty.
numericContentContent of the element.

◆ ~XmlElement()

XmlElement::~XmlElement ( )

Destructs the element and its child elements.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addAttribute() [1/2]

void XmlElement::addAttribute ( std::string  attributeName,
int  numericValue 

Adds an attribute with the specified numeric value.

attributeNameName of the attribute. Must not be empty.
numericValueNumeric value of the attribute.

◆ addAttribute() [2/2]

void XmlElement::addAttribute ( std::string  attributeName,
std::string  value 

Adds an attribute with the specified string value.

attributeNameName of the attribute. Must not be an empty.
valueValue of the attribute.

◆ addElement()

void XmlElement::addElement ( XmlElement element)

Adds a child element to the element.

elementChild element to add. Must not be NULL.

◆ attributesAsString()

std::string XmlElement::attributesAsString ( ) const

◆ content()

std::string XmlElement::content ( ) const

Returns the content of the element.

Content of the element.

◆ elementAt()

XmlElement * XmlElement::elementAt ( int  index) const

Returns the child element at the specified index.

indexZero based index of the element to return.
Element at the specified index. Never NULL.
std::invalid_argumentif index < 0 or index >= elementCount().

◆ elementCount()

int XmlElement::elementCount ( ) const

Returns the number of child elements.

Number of child elements (element added with addElement()).

◆ elementFor()

XmlElement * XmlElement::elementFor ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns the first child element with the specified name.

nameName of the child element to return.
First child element found which is named name.
std::invalid_argumentif there is no child element with the specified name.

◆ escape()

std::string XmlElement::escape ( std::string  value) const

◆ name()

std::string XmlElement::name ( ) const

Returns the name of the element.

Name of the element.

◆ setContent() [1/2]

void XmlElement::setContent ( const std::string &  content)

Sets the content of the element.

contentNew content for the element.

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

◆ setContent() [2/2]

void XmlElement::setContent ( int  numericContent)

◆ setName()

void XmlElement::setName ( const std::string &  name)

Sets the name of the element.

nameNew name for the element.

◆ toString()

std::string XmlElement::toString ( const std::string &  indent = "") const

Returns a XML string that represents the element.

indentString of spaces representing the amount of 'indent'.
XML string that represents the element, its attributes and its child elements.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_attributes

Attributes XmlElement::m_attributes

◆ m_content

std::string XmlElement::m_content

◆ m_elements

Elements XmlElement::m_elements

◆ m_name

std::string XmlElement::m_name

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