Modules | Functions


 libcaca importers/exporters from/to various


__extern caca_file_tcaca_file_open (char const *, const char *)
 Open a file for reading or writing. More...
__extern int caca_file_close (caca_file_t *)
 Close a file handle. More...
__extern uint64_t caca_file_tell (caca_file_t *)
 Return the position in a file handle. More...
__extern size_t caca_file_read (caca_file_t *, void *, size_t)
 Read data from a file handle. More...
__extern size_t caca_file_write (caca_file_t *, const void *, size_t)
 Write data to a file handle. More...
__extern char * caca_file_gets (caca_file_t *, char *, int)
 Read a line from a file handle. More...
__extern int caca_file_eof (caca_file_t *)
 Tell whether a file handle reached end of file. More...

Detailed Description

These functions allow to read and write files in a platform-independent way.

Function Documentation

◆ caca_file_open()

__extern caca_file_t* caca_file_open ( char const *  path,
const char *  mode 

Create a caca file handle for a file. If the file is zipped, it is decompressed on the fly.

If an error occurs, NULL is returned and errno is set accordingly:

  • ENOSTS Function not implemented.
  • EINVAL File not found or permission denied.
pathThe file path
modeThe file open mode
A file handle to path.

Referenced by caca_import_canvas_from_file().

◆ caca_file_close()

__extern int caca_file_close ( caca_file_t fp)

Close and destroy the resources associated with a caca file handle.

This function is a wrapper for fclose() or, if available, gzclose().

fpThe file handle
The return value of fclose() or gzclose().

Referenced by caca_import_canvas_from_file().

◆ caca_file_tell()

__extern uint64_t caca_file_tell ( caca_file_t fp)

Return the file handle position, in bytes.

fpThe file handle
The current offset in the file handle.

◆ caca_file_read()

__extern size_t caca_file_read ( caca_file_t fp,
void *  ptr,
size_t  size 

Read data from a file handle and copy them into the given buffer.

fpThe file handle
ptrThe destination buffer
sizeThe number of bytes to read
The number of bytes read

Referenced by caca_import_canvas_from_file().

◆ caca_file_write()

__extern size_t caca_file_write ( caca_file_t fp,
const void *  ptr,
size_t  size 

Write the contents of the given buffer to the file handle.

fpThe file handle
ptrThe source buffer
sizeThe number of bytes to write
The number of bytes written

◆ caca_file_gets()

__extern char* caca_file_gets ( caca_file_t fp,
char *  s,
int  size 

Read one line of data from a file handle, up to one less than the given number of bytes. A trailing zero is appended to the data.

fpThe file handle
sThe destination buffer
sizeThe maximum number of bytes to read
The number of bytes read, including the trailing zero

◆ caca_file_eof()

__extern int caca_file_eof ( caca_file_t fp)

Return the end-of-file status of the file handle.

This function is a wrapper for feof() or, if available, gzeof().

fpThe file handle
1 if EOF was reached, 0 otherwise

Referenced by caca_import_canvas_from_file().