atkmm 2.28.3
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Related Functions | List of all members
Atk::NoOpObject Class Reference

An Atk::NoOpObject is an Atk::Object which purports to implement all ATK interfaces. More...

#include <atkmm/noopobject.h>

Inheritance diagram for Atk::NoOpObject:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 NoOpObject (NoOpObject && src) noexcept
NoOpObjectoperator= (NoOpObject && src) noexcept
 ~NoOpObject () noexcept override
AtkNoOpObject * gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
const AtkNoOpObject * gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
AtkNoOpObject * gobj_copy ()
 Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Object
 Object (Object && src) noexcept
Objectoperator= (Object && src) noexcept
 ~Object () noexcept override
AtkObject * gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
const AtkObject * gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
AtkObject * gobj_copy ()
 Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs. More...
Glib::ustring get_name () const
 Gets the accessible name of the accessible. More...
Glib::ustring get_description () const
 Gets the accessible description of the accessible. More...
Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_parent ()
 Gets the accessible parent of the accessible. More...
int get_n_accessible_children () const
 Gets the number of accessible children of the accessible. More...
Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_accessible_child (int i)
 Gets a reference to the specified accessible child of the object. More...
Glib::RefPtr< RelationSetget_relation_set ()
 Gets the Atk::RelationSet associated with the object. More...
Role get_role () const
 Gets the role of the accessible. More...
Glib::RefPtr< StateSetget_state_set ()
 Gets a reference to the state set of the accessible; the caller must unreference it when it is no longer needed. More...
int get_index_in_parent ()
 Gets the 0-based index of this accessible in its parent; returns -1 if the accessible does not have an accessible parent. More...
void set_name (const Glib::ustring & name)
 Sets the accessible name of the accessible. More...
void set_description (const Glib::ustring & description)
 Sets the accessible description of the accessible. More...
void set_parent (const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > & parent)
 Sets the accessible parent of the accessible. More...
void set_role (Role role)
 Sets the role of the accessible. More...
void notify_state_change (State state, bool value)
 Emits a state-change signal for the specified state. More...
bool add_relationship (RelationType relationship, const Glib::RefPtr< Object > & target)
 Adds a relationship of the specified type with the specified target. More...
bool remove_relationship (RelationType relationship, const Glib::RefPtr< Object > & target)
 Removes a relationship of the specified type with the specified target. More...
Glib::SignalProxy< void, guint, gpointer > signal_children_changed ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void, bool > signal_focus_event ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void, AtkPropertyValues * > signal_property_change ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void, const Glib::ustring &, bool > signal_state_change ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void > signal_visible_data_changed ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void, void ** > signal_active_descendant_changed ()
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::ustring > property_accessible_name ()
 Object instance’s name formatted for assistive technology access. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_accessible_name () const
 Object instance’s name formatted for assistive technology access. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::ustring > property_accessible_description ()
 Description of an object, formatted for assistive technology access. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_accessible_description () const
 Description of an object, formatted for assistive technology access. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_parent ()
 Parent of the current accessible as returned by Atk::Object::get_parent(). More...
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_parent () const
 Parent of the current accessible as returned by Atk::Object::get_parent(). More...
Glib::PropertyProxy< double > property_accessible_value ()
 Is used to notify that the value has changed. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< double > property_accessible_value () const
 Is used to notify that the value has changed. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy< int > property_accessible_role ()
 The accessible role of this object. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_accessible_role () const
 The accessible role of this object. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_accessible_component_layer () const
 The accessible layer of this object. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< int > property_accessible_component_mdi_zorder () const
 The accessible MDI value of this object. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::ustring > property_accessible_table_caption ()
 Is used to notify that the table caption has changed; this property should not be used. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_accessible_table_caption () const
 Is used to notify that the table caption has changed; this property should not be used. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::ustring > property_accessible_table_column_description ()
 Is used to notify that the table column description has changed. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_accessible_table_column_description () const
 Is used to notify that the table column description has changed. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_table_column_header ()
 Is used to notify that the table column header has changed. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_table_column_header () const
 Is used to notify that the table column header has changed. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::ustring > property_accessible_table_row_description ()
 Is used to notify that the table row description has changed. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::ustring > property_accessible_table_row_description () const
 Is used to notify that the table row description has changed. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_table_row_header ()
 Is used to notify that the table row header has changed. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_table_row_header () const
 Is used to notify that the table row header has changed. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_table_summary ()
 Is used to notify that the table summary has changed. More...
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > > property_accessible_table_summary () const
 Is used to notify that the table summary has changed. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Component
 Component (Component && src) noexcept
Componentoperator= (Component && src) noexcept
 ~Component () noexcept override
AtkComponent * gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
const AtkComponent * gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
guint add_focus_handler (AtkFocusHandler handler)
 Add the specified handler to the set of functions to be called when this object receives focus events (in or out). More...
bool contains (int x, int y, CoordType coord_type) const
 Checks whether the specified point is within the extent of the component. More...
Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_accessible_at_point (int x, int y, CoordType coord_type)
 Gets a reference to the accessible child, if one exists, at the coordinate point specified by x and y. More...
void get_extents (int & x, int & y, int & width, int & height, CoordType coord_type) const
 Gets the rectangle which gives the extent of the component. More...
void get_position (int & x, int & y, CoordType coord_type) const
 Gets the position of component in the form of a point specifying component's top-left corner. More...
void get_size (int & width, int & height) const
 Gets the size of the component in terms of width and height. More...
Layer get_layer () const
 Gets the layer of the component. More...
int get_mdi_zorder () const
 Gets the zorder of the component. More...
bool grab_focus ()
 Grabs focus for this component. More...
void remove_focus_handler (guint handler_id)
 Remove the handler specified by handler_id from the list of functions to be executed when this object receives focus events (in or out). More...
bool set_extents (int x, int y, int width, int height, CoordType coord_type)
 Sets the extents of component. More...
bool set_position (int x, int y, CoordType coord_type)
 Sets the postition of component. More...
bool set_size (int width, int height)
 Set the size of the component in terms of width and height. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Action
 Action (Action && src) noexcept
Actionoperator= (Action && src) noexcept
 ~Action () noexcept override
AtkAction * gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
const AtkAction * gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
bool do_action (int i)
 Perform the specified action on the object. More...
int get_n_actions () const
 Gets the number of accessible actions available on the object. More...
Glib::ustring get_description (int i) const
 Returns a description of the specified action of the object. More...
Glib::ustring get_name (int i) const
 Returns the name of the specified action of the object. More...
Glib::ustring get_keybinding (int i)
 Returns a keybinding associated with this action, if one exists. More...
bool set_description (int i, const Glib::ustring & desc)
 Sets a description of the specified action of the object. More...
Glib::ustring get_localized_name (int i)
 Returns the localized name of the specified action of the object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::EditableText
 EditableText (EditableText && src) noexcept
EditableTextoperator= (EditableText && src) noexcept
 ~EditableText () noexcept override
AtkEditableText * gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
const AtkEditableText * gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
bool set_run_attributes (const AttributeSet & attrib_set, int start_offset, int end_offset)
 Sets the attributes for a specified range. More...
void set_text_contents (const Glib::ustring &string)
 Set text contents of text. More...
void insert_text (const Glib::ustring &string, int length, int & position)
 Insert text at a given position. More...
void copy_text (int start_pos, int end_pos)
 Copy text from start_pos up to, but not including end_pos to the clipboard. More...
void cut_text (int start_pos, int end_pos)
 Copy text from start_pos up to, but not including end_pos to the clipboard and then delete from the widget. More...
void delete_text (int start_pos, int end_pos)
 Delete text start_pos up to, but not including end_pos. More...
void paste_text (int position)
 Paste text from clipboard to specified position. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Image
 Image (Image && src) noexcept
Imageoperator= (Image && src) noexcept
 ~Image () noexcept override
AtkImage * gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
const AtkImage * gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
bool set_image_description (const Glib::ustring & description)
 Sets the textual description for this image. More...
Glib::ustring get_image_description () const
 Get a textual description of this image. More...
void get_image_size (int & width, int & height) const
 Get the width and height in pixels for the specified image. More...
void get_image_position (int & x, int & y, CoordType coord_type) const
 Gets the position of the image in the form of a point specifying the images top-left corner. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Selection
 Selection (Selection && src) noexcept
Selectionoperator= (Selection && src) noexcept
 ~Selection () noexcept override
AtkSelection * gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
const AtkSelection * gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
bool add_selection (int i)
 Adds the specified accessible child of the object to the object's selection. More...
bool clear_selection ()
 Clears the selection in the object so that no children in the object are selected. More...
Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_selection (int i)
 Gets a reference to the accessible object representing the specified selected child of the object. More...
int get_selection_count () const
 Gets the number of accessible children currently selected. More...
bool is_child_selected (int i) const
 Determines if the current child of this object is selected. More...
bool remove_selection (int i)
 Removes the specified child of the object from the object's selection. More...
bool select_all_selection ()
 Causes every child of the object to be selected if the object supports multiple selections. More...
Glib::SignalProxy< void > signal_selection_changed ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Table
 Table (Table && src) noexcept
Tableoperator= (Table && src) noexcept
 ~Table () noexcept override
AtkTable * gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
const AtkTable * gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_at (int row, int column)
 Get a reference to the table cell at row, column. More...
Glib::RefPtr< const Atk::Objectget_at (int row, int column) const
 Get a reference to the table cell at row, column. More...
int get_index_at (int row, int column) const
 Gets a int representing the index at the specified row and column. More...
int get_column_at_index (int index) const
 Gets a int representing the column at the specified index. More...
int get_row_at_index (int index) const
 Gets a int representing the row at the specified index. More...
int get_n_columns () const
 Gets the number of columns in the table. More...
int get_n_rows () const
 Gets the number of rows in the table. More...
int get_column_extent_at (int row, int column) const
 Gets the number of columns occupied by the accessible object at the specified row and column in the table. More...
int get_row_extent_at (int row, int column) const
 Gets the number of rows occupied by the accessible object at a specified row and column in the table. More...
Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_caption ()
 Gets the caption for the table. More...
Glib::RefPtr< const Atk::Objectget_caption () const
 Gets the caption for the table. More...
Glib::ustring get_column_description (int column) const
 Gets the description text of the specified column in the table. More...
Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_column_header (int column)
 Gets the column header of a specified column in an accessible table. More...
Glib::RefPtr< const Atk::Objectget_column_header (int column) const
 Gets the column header of a specified column in an accessible table. More...
Glib::ustring get_row_description (int row) const
 Gets the description text of the specified row in the table. More...
Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_row_header (int row)
 Gets the row header of a specified row in an accessible table. More...
Glib::RefPtr< const Atk::Objectget_row_header (int row) const
 Gets the row header of a specified row in an accessible table. More...
Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_summary ()
 Gets the summary description of the table. More...
Glib::RefPtr< const Atk::Objectget_summary () const
 Gets the summary description of the table. More...
void set_caption (const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > & caption)
 Sets the caption for the table. More...
void set_column_description (int column, const Glib::ustring & description)
 Sets the description text for the specified column of the table. More...
void set_column_header (int column, const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > & header)
 Sets the specified column header to header. More...
void set_row_description (int row, const Glib::ustring & description)
 Sets the description text for the specified row of table. More...
void set_row_header (int row, const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > & header)
 Sets the specified row header to header. More...
void set_summary (const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > & accessible)
 Sets the summary description of the table. More...
Glib::ArrayHandle< int > get_selected_columns () const
Glib::ArrayHandle< int > get_selected_rows () const
bool is_column_selected (int column) const
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether the specified column is selected. More...
bool is_row_selected (int row) const
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether the specified row is selected. More...
bool is_selected (int row, int column) const
 Gets a boolean value indicating whether the accessible object at the specified row and column is selected. More...
bool add_row_selection (int row)
 Adds the specified row to the selection. More...
bool remove_row_selection (int row)
 Removes the specified row from the selection. More...
bool add_column_selection (int column)
 Adds the specified column to the selection. More...
bool remove_column_selection (int column)
 Adds the specified column to the selection. More...
Glib::SignalProxy< void, int, int > signal_row_inserted ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void, int, int > signal_column_inserted ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void, int, int > signal_row_deleted ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void, int, int > signal_column_deleted ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void > signal_row_reordered ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void > signal_column_reordered ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void > signal_model_changed ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Text
 Text (Text && src) noexcept
Textoperator= (Text && src) noexcept
 ~Text () noexcept override
AtkText * gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
const AtkText * gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
Glib::ustring get_text (int start_offset, int end_offset) const
 Gets the specified text. More...
gunichar get_character_at_offset (int offset) const
 Gets the specified text. More...
Glib::ustring get_text_after_offset (int offset, TextBoundary boundary_type, int & start_offset, int & end_offset) const
 Gets the specified text. More...
Glib::ustring get_text_at_offset (int offset, TextBoundary boundary_type, int & start_offset, int & end_offset) const
 Gets the specified text. More...
Glib::ustring get_text_before_offset (int offset, TextBoundary boundary_type, int & start_offset, int & end_offset) const
 Gets the specified text. More...
Glib::ustring get_string_at_offset (int offset, TextGranularity granularity, int & start_offset, int & end_offset)
 Gets a portion of the text exposed through an Atk::Text according to a given offset and a specific granularity, along with the start and end offsets defining the boundaries of such a portion of text. More...
int get_caret_offset () const
 Gets the offset position of the caret (cursor). More...
void get_character_extents (int offset, int & x, int & y, int & width, int & height, CoordType coords) const
 Get the bounding box containing the glyph representing the character at a particular text offset. More...
AttributeSet get_run_attributes (int offset, int & start_offset, int & end_offset) const
 Creates an Atk::AttributeSet which consists of the attributes explicitly set at the position offset in the text. More...
AttributeSet get_default_attributes () const
 Creates an Atk::AttributeSet which consists of the default values of attributes for the text. More...
int get_character_count () const
 Gets the character count. More...
int get_offset_at_point (int x, int y, CoordType coords) const
 Gets the offset of the character located at coordinates x and y. More...
int get_n_selections () const
 Gets the number of selected regions. More...
Glib::ustring get_selection (int selection_num, int & start_offset, int & end_offset) const
 Gets the text from the specified selection. More...
bool add_selection (int start_offset, int end_offset)
 Adds a selection bounded by the specified offsets. More...
bool remove_selection (int selection_num)
 Removes the specified selection. More...
bool set_selection (int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)
 Changes the start and end offset of the specified selection. More...
bool set_caret_offset (int offset)
 Sets the caret (cursor) position to the specified offset. More...
void get_range_extents (int start_offset, int end_offset, CoordType coord_type, Rectangle & rect)
 Get the bounding box for text within the specified range. More...
AtkTextRange ** get_bounded_ranges (const Rectangle & rect, CoordType coord_type, TextClipType x_clip_type, TextClipType y_clip_type)
 Get the ranges of text in the specified bounding box. More...
Glib::SignalProxy< void, int, int > signal_text_changed ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void, int > signal_text_caret_moved ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void > signal_text_selection_changed ()
Glib::SignalProxy< void > signal_text_attributes_changed ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Hypertext
 Hypertext (Hypertext && src) noexcept
Hypertextoperator= (Hypertext && src) noexcept
 ~Hypertext () noexcept override
AtkHypertext * gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
const AtkHypertext * gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
Glib::RefPtr< Hyperlinkget_link (int link_index)
 Gets the link in this hypertext document at index link_index. More...
Glib::RefPtr< const Hyperlinkget_link (int link_index) const
 Gets the link in this hypertext document at index link_index. More...
int get_n_links () const
 Gets the number of links within this hypertext document. More...
int get_link_index (int char_index) const
 Gets the index into the array of hyperlinks that is associated with the character specified by char_index. More...
Glib::SignalProxy< void, int > signal_link_selected ()
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Hyperlinkget_link_vfunc (int link_index)
virtual int get_n_links_vfunc () const
virtual int get_link_index_vfunc (int char_index) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Value
 Value (Value && src) noexcept
Valueoperator= (Value && src) noexcept
 ~Value () noexcept override
AtkValue * gobj ()
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
const AtkValue * gobj () const
 Provides access to the underlying C GObject. More...
void get_current_value (Glib::ValueBase & value) const
 Gets the value of this object. More...
void get_maximum_value (Glib::ValueBase & value) const
 Gets the maximum value of this object. More...
void get_minimum_value (Glib::ValueBase & value) const
 Gets the minimum value of this object. More...
bool set_current_value (const Glib::ValueBase & value)
 Sets the value of this object. More...
void get_value_and_text (double & value, Glib::ustring & text)
 Gets the current value and the human readable text alternative. More...
Range get_range () const
 Gets the range of this object. More...
double get_increment ()
 Gets the minimum increment by which the value of this object may be changed. More...
void set_value (const gdouble new_value)
 Sets the value of this object. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Object
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Component
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Action
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::EditableText
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Image
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Selection
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Table
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Text
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Hypertext
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Atk::Value
static void add_interface (GType gtype_implementer)
static GType get_type ()
 Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

Glib::RefPtr< Atk::NoOpObjectwrap (AtkNoOpObject * object, bool take_copy=false)
 A Glib::wrap() method for this object. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Atk::Text
typedef AtkTextRectangle Rectangle
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Object
virtual void on_children_changed (guint change_index, gpointer changed_child)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_children_changed(). More...
virtual void on_focus_event (bool focus_in)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_focus_event(). More...
virtual void on_property_change (AtkPropertyValues * values)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_property_change(). More...
virtual void on_state_change (const Glib::ustring & name, bool state_set)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_state_change(). More...
virtual void on_visible_data_changed ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_visible_data_changed(). More...
virtual void on_active_descendant_changed (void ** child)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_active_descendant_changed(). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Component
 Component ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...
virtual guint add_focus_handler_vfunc (AtkFocusHandler handler)
virtual bool contains_vfunc (int x, int y, CoordType coord_type) const
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_accessible_at_point_vfunc (int x, int y, CoordType coord_type)
virtual void get_extents_vfunc (int & x, int & y, int & width, int & height, CoordType coord_type) const
virtual void get_position_vfunc (int & x, int & y, CoordType coord_type) const
virtual void get_size_vfunc (int & width, int & height) const
virtual Layer get_layer_vfunc () const
virtual int get_mdi_zorder_vfunc () const
virtual bool grab_focus_vfunc ()
virtual void remove_focus_handler_vfunc (guint handler_id)
virtual bool set_extents_vfunc (int x, int y, int width, int height, CoordType coord_type)
virtual bool set_position_vfunc (int x, int y, CoordType coord_type)
virtual bool set_size_vfunc (int width, int height)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Action
 Action ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...
virtual bool do_action_vfunc (int i)
virtual int get_n_actions_vfunc () const
virtual const char * get_description_vfunc (int i) const
virtual const char * get_name_vfunc (int i) const
virtual const char * get_keybinding_vfunc (int i) const
virtual bool set_description_vfunc (int i, const Glib::ustring & desc)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::EditableText
 EditableText ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...
virtual bool set_run_attributes_vfunc (AtkAttributeSet * attrib_set, int start_offset, int end_offset)
virtual void set_text_contents_vfunc (const Glib::ustring &string)
virtual void insert_text_vfunc (const Glib::ustring &string, int length, int & position)
virtual void copy_text_vfunc (int start_pos, int end_pos)
virtual void cut_text_vfunc (int start_pos, int end_pos)
virtual void delete_text_vfunc (int start_pos, int end_pos)
virtual void paste_text_vfunc (int position)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Image
 Image ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...
virtual bool set_image_description_vfunc (const Glib::ustring & description)
virtual const char * get_image_description_vfunc () const
virtual void get_image_position_vfunc (int & x, int & y, CoordType coord_type) const
virtual void get_image_size_vfunc (int & width, int & height) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Selection
 Selection ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...
virtual bool add_selection_vfunc (int i)
virtual bool clear_selection_vfunc ()
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_selection_vfunc (int i)
virtual int get_selection_count_vfunc () const
virtual bool is_child_selected_vfunc (int i) const
virtual bool remove_selection_vfunc (int i)
virtual bool select_all_selection_vfunc ()
virtual void on_selection_changed ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_selection_changed(). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Table
 Table ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_at_vfunc (int row, int column)
virtual int get_index_at_vfunc (int row, int column) const
virtual int get_column_at_index_vfunc (int index) const
virtual int get_row_at_index_vfunc (int index) const
virtual int get_n_columns_vfunc () const
virtual int get_n_rows_vfunc () const
virtual int get_column_extent_at_vfunc (int row, int column) const
virtual int get_row_extent_at_vfunc (int row, int column) const
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_caption_vfunc ()
virtual const char * get_column_description_vfunc (int column) const
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_column_header_vfunc (int column)
virtual const char * get_row_description_vfunc (int row) const
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_row_header_vfunc (int row)
virtual Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Objectget_summary_vfunc ()
virtual void set_caption_vfunc (const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > & caption)
virtual void set_column_description_vfunc (int column, const char * description)
virtual void set_column_header_vfunc (int column, const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > & header)
virtual void set_row_description_vfunc (int row, const char * description)
virtual void set_row_header_vfunc (int row, const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > & header)
virtual void set_summary_vfunc (const Glib::RefPtr< Atk::Object > & accessible)
virtual bool is_column_selected_vfunc (int column) const
virtual bool is_row_selected_vfunc (int row) const
virtual bool is_selected_vfunc (int row, int column) const
virtual bool add_row_selection_vfunc (int row)
virtual bool remove_row_selection_vfunc (int row)
virtual bool add_column_selection_vfunc (int column)
virtual bool remove_column_selection_vfunc (int column)
virtual int get_selected_columns_vfunc (int ** selected) const
virtual int get_selected_rows_vfunc (int ** selected) const
virtual void on_row_inserted (int row, int num_inserted)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_row_inserted(). More...
virtual void on_column_inserted (int column, int num_inserted)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_column_inserted(). More...
virtual void on_row_deleted (int row, int num_deleted)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_row_deleted(). More...
virtual void on_column_deleted (int column, int num_deleted)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_column_deleted(). More...
virtual void on_row_reordered ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_row_reordered(). More...
virtual void on_column_reordered ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_column_reordered(). More...
virtual void on_model_changed ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_model_changed(). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Text
 Text ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...
virtual Glib::ustring get_text_vfunc (int start_offset, int end_offset) const
virtual gunichar get_character_at_offset_vfunc (int offset) const
virtual Glib::ustring get_text_after_offset_vfunc (int offset, TextBoundary boundary_type, int & start_offset, int & end_offset) const
virtual Glib::ustring get_text_at_offset_vfunc (int offset, TextBoundary boundary_type, int & start_offset, int & end_offset) const
virtual Glib::ustring get_text_before_offset_vfunc (int offset, TextBoundary boundary_type, int & start_offset, int & end_offset) const
virtual int get_caret_offset_vfunc () const
virtual void get_character_extents_vfunc (int offset, int & x, int & y, int & width, int & height, CoordType coords) const
virtual AtkAttributeSet * get_run_attributes_vfunc (int offset, int & start_offset, int & end_offset) const
virtual AtkAttributeSet * get_default_attributes_vfunc () const
virtual int get_character_count_vfunc () const
virtual int get_offset_at_point_vfunc (int x, int y, CoordType coords) const
virtual int get_n_selections_vfunc () const
virtual Glib::ustring get_selection_vfunc (int selection_num, int & start_offset, int & end_offset) const
virtual bool add_selection_vfunc (int start_offset, int end_offset)
virtual bool remove_selection_vfunc (int selection_num)
virtual bool set_selection_vfunc (int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)
virtual bool set_caret_offset_vfunc (int offset)
virtual void on_text_changed (int position, int length)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_text_changed(). More...
virtual void on_text_caret_moved (int location)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_text_caret_moved(). More...
virtual void on_text_selection_changed ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_text_selection_changed(). More...
virtual void on_text_attributes_changed ()
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_text_attributes_changed(). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Hypertext
 Hypertext ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...
virtual void on_link_selected (int link_index)
 This is a default handler for the signal signal_link_selected(). More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Atk::Value
 Value ()
 You should derive from this class to use it. More...
virtual void get_current_value_vfunc (Glib::ValueBase & value) const
virtual void get_maximum_value_vfunc (Glib::ValueBase & value) const
virtual void get_minimum_value_vfunc (Glib::ValueBase & value) const
virtual bool set_current_value_vfunc (const Glib::ValueBase & value)

Detailed Description

An Atk::NoOpObject is an Atk::Object which purports to implement all ATK interfaces.

It is the type of Atk::Object which is created if an accessible object is requested for an object type for which no factory type is specified.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NoOpObject()

Atk::NoOpObject::NoOpObject ( NoOpObject &&  src)

◆ ~NoOpObject()

Atk::NoOpObject::~NoOpObject ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ get_type()

static GType Atk::NoOpObject::get_type ( )

Get the GType for this class, for use with the underlying GObject type system.

◆ gobj() [1/2]

AtkNoOpObject * Atk::NoOpObject::gobj ( )

Provides access to the underlying C GObject.

◆ gobj() [2/2]

const AtkNoOpObject * Atk::NoOpObject::gobj ( ) const

Provides access to the underlying C GObject.

◆ gobj_copy()

AtkNoOpObject * Atk::NoOpObject::gobj_copy ( )

Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs.

◆ operator=()

NoOpObject & Atk::NoOpObject::operator= ( NoOpObject &&  src)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ wrap()

Glib::RefPtr< Atk::NoOpObject > wrap ( AtkNoOpObject *  object,
bool  take_copy = false 

A Glib::wrap() method for this object.

objectThe C instance.
take_copyFalse if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.