Interface Memory

All Known Subinterfaces:
AllocatedDirectMemory, DirectMemory
All Known Implementing Classes:
HeapMemory, InvalidMemory, NullMemory

public interface Memory
Abstracted memory operations.

This abstracts read/write operations to either a native memory area, or a java ByteBuffer.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    get(long offset, byte[] dst, int off, int len)
    Reads an array of bytes from the memory area at the specified offset.
    get(long offset, double[] dst, int off, int len)
    Reads an array of doubles from the memory area at the specified offset.
    get(long offset, float[] dst, int off, int len)
    Reads an array of floats from the memory area at the specified offset.
    get(long offset, int[] dst, int off, int len)
    Reads an array of ints from the memory area at the specified offset.
    get(long offset, long[] dst, int off, int len)
    Reads an array of longs from the memory area at the specified offset.
    get(long offset, short[] dst, int off, int len)
    Reads an array of shorts from the memory area at the specified offset.
    getAddress(long offset)
    Reads a pointer value at the specified offset within the memory area.
    getByte(long offset)
    Reads an 8 bit integer value from the memory area.
    getDouble(long offset)
    Reads a double value from the memory area.
    getFloat(long offset)
    Reads a float value from the memory area.
    getInt(long offset)
    Reads a 32 bit integer value from the memory area.
    getLong(long offset)
    Reads a 64 bit integer value from the memory area.
    getMemory(long offset)
    Reads a pointer value at the specified offset within the memory area, and wraps it in an abstract memory accessor.
    getNativeLong(long offset)
    Reads a native long integer value from the memory area.
    getShort(long offset)
    Reads a 16 bit integer value from the memory area.
    Reads a zero terminated byte array (e.g. an ascii or utf-8 string)
    indexOf(long offset, byte value)
    Gets the first index within the memory area of a particular 8 bit value.
    indexOf(long offset, byte value, int maxlen)
    Gets the first index within the memory area of a particular 8 bit value.
    Checks if the memory area is a native memory pointer.
    Checks if the memory area is NULL.
    put(long offset, byte[] src, int off, int len)
    Writes an array of bytes to the memory area at the specified offset.
    put(long offset, double[] src, int off, int len)
    Writes an array of doubles to the memory area at the specified offset.
    put(long offset, float[] src, int off, int len)
    Writes an array of floats to the memory area at the specified offset.
    put(long offset, int[] src, int off, int len)
    Writes an array of ints to the memory area at the specified offset.
    put(long offset, long[] src, int off, int len)
    Writes an array of longs to the memory area at the specified offset.
    put(long offset, short[] src, int off, int len)
    Writes an array of shorts to the memory area at the specified offset.
    putAddress(long offset, long value)
    Writes a pointer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
    putAddress(long offset, Memory value)
    Writes a pointer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
    putByte(long offset, byte value)
    Writes an 8 bit integer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
    putDouble(long offset, double value)
    Writes a 64 bit float value to the memory area at the specified offset.
    putFloat(long offset, float value)
    Writes a 32 bit float value to the memory area at the specified offset.
    putInt(long offset, int value)
    Writes a 32 bit integer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
    putLong(long offset, long value)
    Writes a 64 bit integer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
    putNativeLong(long offset, long value)
    Writes a native long integer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
    putShort(long offset, short value)
    Writes a 16 bit integer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
    putZeroTerminatedByteArray(long offset, byte[] bytes, int off, int len)
    Writes a byte array to memory, and appends a zero terminator
    setMemory(long offset, long size, byte value)
    Sets the contents of the memory area to the value.
    slice(long offset)
    Creates a new MemoryIO pointing to a subset of the memory area of this MemoryIO.
  • Method Details

    • isNull

      boolean isNull()
      Checks if the memory area is NULL.
      true if the memory area is invalid.
    • isDirect

      boolean isDirect()
      Checks if the memory area is a native memory pointer.
      true if the memory area is a native pointer.
    • slice

      Memory slice(long offset)
      Creates a new MemoryIO pointing to a subset of the memory area of this MemoryIO.
      offset - The offset within the existing memory area to start the new MemoryIO at.
      A MemoryIO instance.
    • getByte

      byte getByte(long offset)
      Reads an 8 bit integer value from the memory area.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the value.
      The 8 bit integer value read from offset
    • getShort

      short getShort(long offset)
      Reads a 16 bit integer value from the memory area.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the value.
      The 16 bit integer value read from offset
    • getInt

      int getInt(long offset)
      Reads a 32 bit integer value from the memory area.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the value.
      The 32 bit integer value read from offset
    • getLong

      long getLong(long offset)
      Reads a 64 bit integer value from the memory area.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the value.
      The 64 bit integer value read from offset
    • getNativeLong

      long getNativeLong(long offset)
      Reads a native long integer value from the memory area.

      A native long is 32bits on either ILP32 or LLP64 architectures, and 64 bits on an LP64 architecture.

      This means that it will always read a 32bit value on Windows, but on Unix systems such as MacOS or Linux, it will read a 32bit value on 32bit systems, and a 64bit value on 64bit systems.

      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the value.
      The native long value read from offset
    • getFloat

      float getFloat(long offset)
      Reads a float value from the memory area.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the value.
      The float value read from offset
    • getDouble

      double getDouble(long offset)
      Reads a double value from the memory area.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the value.
      The double value read from offset
    • getAddress

      long getAddress(long offset)
      Reads a pointer value at the specified offset within the memory area.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the value.
      A long value that represents the address.
    • getMemory

      DirectMemory getMemory(long offset)
      Reads a pointer value at the specified offset within the memory area, and wraps it in an abstract memory accessor.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the value.
      A DirectMemory accessor that can be used to access the memory pointed to by the address.
    • getZeroTerminatedByteArray

      byte[] getZeroTerminatedByteArray(long offset)
      Reads a zero terminated byte array (e.g. an ascii or utf-8 string)
      offset - The offset within the memory area of the start of the string.
      A byte array containing a copy of the data.
    • putByte

      void putByte(long offset, byte value)
      Writes an 8 bit integer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to write the value.
      value - The 8 bit integer value to write to the memory location.
    • putShort

      void putShort(long offset, short value)
      Writes a 16 bit integer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to write the value.
      value - The 16 bit integer value to write to the memory location.
    • putInt

      void putInt(long offset, int value)
      Writes a 32 bit integer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to write the value.
      value - The 32 bit integer value to write to the memory location.
    • putLong

      void putLong(long offset, long value)
      Writes a 64 bit integer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to write the value.
      value - The 64 bit integer value to write to the memory location.
    • putNativeLong

      void putNativeLong(long offset, long value)
      Writes a native long integer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to write the value.
      value - The native long integer value to write to the memory location.
    • putFloat

      void putFloat(long offset, float value)
      Writes a 32 bit float value to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to write the value.
      value - The 32 bit float value to write to the memory location.
    • putDouble

      void putDouble(long offset, double value)
      Writes a 64 bit float value to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to write the value.
      value - The 64 bit float value to write to the memory location.
    • putAddress

      void putAddress(long offset, Memory value)
      Writes a pointer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to write the value.
      value - The pointer value to write to the memory location.
    • putAddress

      void putAddress(long offset, long value)
      Writes a pointer value to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to write the value.
      value - The pointer value to write to the memory location.
    • putZeroTerminatedByteArray

      void putZeroTerminatedByteArray(long offset, byte[] bytes, int off, int len)
      Writes a byte array to memory, and appends a zero terminator
      offset - The offset within the memory area of the start of the string.
      bytes - The byte array to write to the memory.
      off - The offset with the byte array to start copying.
      len - The number of bytes of the byte array to write to the memory area. (not including zero byte)
    • get

      void get(long offset, byte[] dst, int off, int len)
      Reads an array of bytes from the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the bytes.
      dst - The output byte array to place the data.
      off - The offset within the byte array to start copying.
      len - The length of data to read.
    • put

      void put(long offset, byte[] src, int off, int len)
      Writes an array of bytes to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to start writing the bytes.
      src - The byte array to write to the memory area.
      off - The offset within the byte array to start copying.
      len - The length of data to write.
    • get

      void get(long offset, short[] dst, int off, int len)
      Reads an array of shorts from the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the shorts.
      dst - The output array to place the data in.
      off - The offset within the array to start copying.
      len - The number of shorts to read.
    • put

      void put(long offset, short[] src, int off, int len)
      Writes an array of shorts to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to start writing the shorts.
      src - The array to write to the memory area.
      off - The offset within the array to start copying.
      len - The number of shorts to write.
    • get

      void get(long offset, int[] dst, int off, int len)
      Reads an array of ints from the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the ints.
      dst - The output array to place the data in.
      off - The offset within the array to start copying.
      len - The number of ints to read.
    • put

      void put(long offset, int[] src, int off, int len)
      Writes an array of ints to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to start writing the ints.
      src - The array to write to the memory area.
      off - The offset within the array to start copying.
      len - The number of ints to write.
    • get

      void get(long offset, long[] dst, int off, int len)
      Reads an array of longs from the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the longs.
      dst - The output array to place the data in.
      off - The offset within the array to start copying.
      len - The number of longs to read.
    • put

      void put(long offset, long[] src, int off, int len)
      Writes an array of longs to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to start writing the longs.
      src - The array to write to the memory area.
      off - The offset within the array to start copying.
      len - The number of longs to write.
    • get

      void get(long offset, float[] dst, int off, int len)
      Reads an array of floats from the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the floats.
      dst - The output array to place the data in.
      off - The offset within the array to start copying.
      len - The number of floats to read.
    • put

      void put(long offset, float[] src, int off, int len)
      Writes an array of floats to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to start writing the floats.
      src - The array to write to the memory area.
      off - The offset within the array to start copying.
      len - The number of floats to write.
    • get

      void get(long offset, double[] dst, int off, int len)
      Reads an array of doubles from the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to read the doubles.
      dst - The output array to place the data in.
      off - The offset within the array to start copying.
      len - The number of doubles to read.
    • put

      void put(long offset, double[] src, int off, int len)
      Writes an array of doubles to the memory area at the specified offset.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to start writing the doubles.
      src - The array to write to the memory area.
      off - The offset within the array to start copying.
      len - The number of doubles to write.
    • indexOf

      int indexOf(long offset, byte value)
      Gets the first index within the memory area of a particular 8 bit value.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to start searching.
      value - The value to search for.
      The index of the value, relative to offset.
    • indexOf

      int indexOf(long offset, byte value, int maxlen)
      Gets the first index within the memory area of a particular 8 bit value.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to start searching.
      value - The value to search for.
      The index of the value, relative to offset.
    • setMemory

      void setMemory(long offset, long size, byte value)
      Sets the contents of the memory area to the value.
      offset - The offset within the memory area to start writing.
      size - The number of bytes to set to the value.
      value - The value to set each byte to.