Class TextFormatter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TextFormatter extends InternalFormat.Formatter
A class that provides the implementation of str and unicode formatting. In a limited way, it acts like a StringBuilder to which text, formatted according to the format specifier supplied at construction. These are ephemeral objects that are not, on their own, thread safe.
  • Constructor Details

    • TextFormatter

      public TextFormatter(StringBuilder result, InternalFormat.Spec spec)
      Construct the formatter from a client-supplied buffer, to which the result will be appended, and a specification. Sets InternalFormat.Formatter.mark to the end of the buffer.
      result - destination buffer
      spec - parsed conversion specification
    • TextFormatter

      public TextFormatter(InternalFormat.Spec spec)
      Construct the formatter from a specification, allocating a buffer internally for the result.
      spec - parsed conversion specification
  • Method Details

    • append

      public TextFormatter append(char c)
      Specified by:
      append in interface Appendable
      append in class InternalFormat.Formatter
    • append

      public TextFormatter append(CharSequence csq)
      Specified by:
      append in interface Appendable
      append in class InternalFormat.Formatter
    • append

      public TextFormatter append(CharSequence csq, int start, int end) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Specified by:
      append in interface Appendable
      append in class InternalFormat.Formatter
    • format

      public TextFormatter format(String value)
      Format the given String into the result buffer. Largely, this is a matter of copying the value of the argument, but a subtlety arises when the string contains supplementary (non-BMP) Unicode characters, which are represented as surrogate pairs. The precision specified in the format relates to a count of Unicode characters (code points), not Java chars. The method deals with this correctly, essentially by not counting the high-surrogates in the allowance. The final value of InternalFormat.Formatter.lenWhole counts the UTF-16 units added.
      value - to format
      this TextFormatter object
    • pad

      public TextFormatter pad()
      Description copied from class: InternalFormat.Formatter
      Pad the result so far (defined as the contents of InternalFormat.Formatter.result from InternalFormat.Formatter.mark to the end) using the alignment, target width and fill character defined in InternalFormat.Formatter.spec. The action of padding will increase the length of this segment to the target width, if that is greater than the current length.

      When the padding method has decided that that it needs to add n padding characters, it will affect InternalFormat.Formatter.start or InternalFormat.Formatter.lenWhole as follows.

      Effect of padding on InternalFormat.Formatter.start or InternalFormat.Formatter.lenWhole
      align meaning start lenWhole result.length()
      < left-aligned +0 +0 +n
      > right-aligned +n +0 +n
      ^ centred +(n/2) +0 +n
      = pad after sign +0 +n +n
      Note that in the "pad after sign" mode, only the last number into the buffer receives the padding. This padding gets incorporated into the whole part of the number. (In other modes, the padding is around result[mark:].) When this would not be appropriate, it is up to the client to disallow this (which complex does).
      pad in class InternalFormat.Formatter
      this Formatter object