Class PCLRendererContext

public class PCLRendererContext extends RendererContext.RendererContextWrapper
Wrapper on the RendererContext to access the information structure for drawing the XML document.
  • Constructor Details

    • PCLRendererContext

      public PCLRendererContext(RendererContext context)
      Main constructor
      context - the RendererContent instance
  • Method Details

    • wrapRendererContext

      public static PCLRendererContext wrapRendererContext(RendererContext context)
      Wrap the render context to allow easier access to its values.
      context - the renderer context
      the PCL-specific renderer context wrapper
    • paintAsBitmap

      public boolean paintAsBitmap()
      true if the SVG image should be rendered as a bitmap
    • isClippingDisabled

      public boolean isClippingDisabled()
      true if clipping is disabled inside the PCLGraphics2D.
    • isSourceTransparency

      public boolean isSourceTransparency()
      Indicates whether the background should not be erased prior to painting.
      true if the background shouldn't be erased
    • isColorCanvas

      public boolean isColorCanvas()
      Indicates whether an RGB canvas should be used rather than one with grayscales. This can be used to work around limitations of Apache Batik if you get error while processing SVG graphics. Note, however, that RGB mode will use more memory.
      true if an EGB canvas should be used