Class AbstractBitmapDocumentHandler

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
PNGDocumentHandler, TIFFDocumentHandler

public abstract class AbstractBitmapDocumentHandler extends AbstractBinaryWritingIFDocumentHandler
Abstract IFDocumentHandler implementation for producing bitmap images.
  • Field Details


      public static final String TARGET_BITMAP_SIZE
      Rendering Options key for the controlling the required bitmap size to create. This is used to create thumbnails, for example. If used, the target resolution is ignored. Value type: java.awt.Dimension (size in pixels)
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractBitmapDocumentHandler

      public AbstractBitmapDocumentHandler(IFContext context)
      Default constructor.
  • Method Details

    • supportsPagesOutOfOrder

      public boolean supportsPagesOutOfOrder()
      Indicates whether the painter supports to handle the pages in mixed order rather than ascending order.
      true if out-of-order handling is supported
    • getMimeType

      public abstract String getMimeType()
      Returns the MIME type of the output format that is generated by this implementation.
      the MIME type
    • getDefaultExtension

      public abstract String getDefaultExtension()
      Returns the default file extension for the supported image type.
      the default file extension (ex. "png")
    • getConfigurator

      public abstract IFDocumentHandlerConfigurator getConfigurator()
      Returns the configurator for this document handler, if any.
      the configurator or null if there's no configurator
    • getSettings

      public BitmapRenderingSettings getSettings()
      Returns the settings for bitmap rendering.
      the settings object
    • setDefaultFontInfo

      public void setDefaultFontInfo(FontInfo fontInfo)
      Sets the default font set (with no custom configuration).
      Specified by:
      setDefaultFontInfo in interface IFDocumentHandler
      setDefaultFontInfo in class AbstractBinaryWritingIFDocumentHandler
      fontInfo - the font info object to populate
    • setTargetBitmapSize

      public void setTargetBitmapSize(Dimension size)
      Sets the target bitmap size (in pixels) of the bitmap that should be produced. Normally, the bitmap size is calculated automatically based on the page size and the target resolution. But for example, if you want to create thumbnails or small preview bitmaps from pages it is more practical (and efficient) to set the required bitmap size.
      size - the target bitmap size (in pixels)
    • startDocument

      public void startDocument() throws IFException
      Indicates the start of a document. This method may only be called once before any other event method.
      Specified by:
      startDocument in interface IFDocumentHandler
      startDocument in class AbstractBinaryWritingIFDocumentHandler
      IFException - if an error occurs while handling this event
    • endDocumentHeader

      public void endDocumentHeader() throws IFException
      Indicates the end of the document header. This method is called before the first page sequence.
      Specified by:
      endDocumentHeader in interface IFDocumentHandler
      endDocumentHeader in class AbstractIFDocumentHandler
      IFException - if an error occurs while handling this event
    • endDocument

      public void endDocument() throws IFException
      Indicates the end of a document. This method may only be called once after the whole document has been handled. Implementations can release resources (close streams). It is an error to call any event method after this method.
      Specified by:
      endDocument in interface IFDocumentHandler
      endDocument in class AbstractBinaryWritingIFDocumentHandler
      IFException - if an error occurs while handling this event
    • startPageSequence

      public void startPageSequence(String id) throws IFException
      Indicates the start of a new page sequence.
      id - the page sequence's identifier (or null if none is available)
      IFException - if an error occurs while handling this event
    • endPageSequence

      public void endPageSequence() throws IFException
      Indicates the end of a page sequence.
      IFException - if an error occurs while handling this event
    • startPage

      public void startPage(int index, String name, String pageMasterName, Dimension size) throws IFException
      Indicates the start of a new page.
      index - the index of the page (0-based)
      name - the page name (usually the formatted page number)
      pageMasterName - the name of the simple-page-master that generated this page
      size - the size of the page (equivalent to the MediaBox in PDF)
      IFException - if an error occurs while handling this event
    • startPageContent

      public IFPainter startPageContent() throws IFException
      Indicates the start of the page content. The method returns an IFPainter interface which is used to paint the page contents.
      the IFPainter for the page content
      IFException - if an error occurs while handling this event
    • createBufferedImage

      protected BufferedImage createBufferedImage(int bitmapWidth, int bitmapHeight)
      Creates a new BufferedImage.
      bitmapWidth - the desired width in pixels
      bitmapHeight - the desired height in pixels
      the new BufferedImage instance
    • endPageContent

      public void endPageContent() throws IFException
      Indicates the end of the page content. Calls to the IFPainter returned by the respective IFDocumentHandler.startPageContent() method are illegal.
      IFException - if an error occurs while handling this event
    • endPage

      public void endPage() throws IFException
      Indicates the end of a page
      IFException - if an error occurs while handling this event
    • handleExtensionObject

      public void handleExtensionObject(Object extension) throws IFException
      Handles an extension object. This can be a DOM document or any arbitrary object. If an implementation doesn't know how to handle a particular extension it is simply ignored.
      extension - the extension object
      IFException - if an error occurs while handling this event